Give Sp a meaning !

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by spack2k, Jun 5, 2015.

  1. spack2k Steadfast Player

    i guess we all know SP above 100 have almost no meaning since GU47 ( CR adjustments) so i thought what about i make a simple suggestion :

    - increase dmg crit by 1% for each 100 sp in Damage role.
    - increase power crit by 1% for each 100 sp in Controller role.
    - increase heal crit by 1% for each 100 sp in Heal role.
    - increase defence & health by 1% for each 100 sp in Tank role.

    that way SP mean something again.

    if u support it like it if not lets leave the sp the way they are atm...
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  2. OP BUNNY AHHAHA New Player

    This will be great big + for this great idea :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
  3. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    Did I understand you right? For every 100 sp, in whatever role, you get these?

    But there's only 200+ SP? I'm sorry but a 2% heal crit added onto my other crits is too minuscule to care about considering the grind.

    I'm sure I misunderstood because that's just too small to me. Plus it'd be nice if you included crit mags for both dps and heal. Or Dom for tanks.
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  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I agree 100%, something needs to be done to balance gear & SP now that CR seems to be the "and all be all", so the norm thinking is "why even bother with the time sink which is SP'?" specially if its not rewarding. This would make it worth the time investment at least more then it is now.
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  5. Minnion Devoted Player

    What? You mean weapon tree innates stop adding up after you get 100 SP?
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  6. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I'd even go for this ^ from this thread here

    which is sort of like you're idea but mainly describing it for DPS side only.
  7. ChuckLess New Player

    1% per 100?........................................................................LOL

    Maybe 1% per 25.
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  8. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    so many people in this community just keep parrot-ting the same statement as true even tho its wrong . I just have to ask
  9. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    Agreed, more explanation needed.

    If the suggestions is that every node gives 1% per SP spent per 100sp banked. Then... no. I like where you're going but setting arbitrary points at 100 and 200 sp where the rewards double... just doesn't sit right with me.

    By all means have it scale. but with 200 sp you already have access to twice as many nodes as someone with 100sp, so even if everything just gets converted to giving % increases you're already significantly better off.

    SP rewards need to scale.

    24hp at level 1 is great.

    24 hp at cr 126 is...

    There should be a greater incentive, I'm currently at 124 or... something... w/e my sig says and my motivation to grind out the extreme tedium to get the other 100 available is... low, although considering what's needed and how far I have to go still, I'm not sure even making SP super rewarding and important would make me want to grind them out...

    They could still do with scaling better anyway, and I'll not hijack your thread to moan about anything else :p
  10. spack2k Steadfast Player

    for example u play as nature with 200 sp, if u play heal role ur heal crit & magnitude crit would increase by 2% if u now switch to dps u would lose those 2% extra healcrits and you would instead get the 2% crit for dmg etc ...

    i want to give sp some meaning again and not overpower them , thats why only 1% for each 100sp earned.
  11. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    think the OP was more or less a rough idea / a starting point, it could even be like:

    a row after the 3 75 prec/might that are 1% and has 3/3 and on the last upgrade it takes 2 full SP' to unlock but nets a total of 2.5-.3.5% boost or something for DPS or w/e it is you're unlocking for.

    so makes more SP' = higher dmg / PoT / healing out ect by default, and not a little higher a s*** load higher lol
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  12. spack2k Steadfast Player

    1% per 25 sp would be to much ... meaning a dps with 250sp would get an extra 10% crit ... op
  13. Curse Bringer Most Wanted

    I wholeheartedly disagree. I actually had a conversation with another quantum DPS last night who had a higher base might then I, both 126 but I had more skill points spec'd into my Crit attack and crit chance. I believe he was somewhere in the 150-160 range, and myself now at 212. Skill points do matter, even at end tier.
  14. spack2k Steadfast Player

    yes its a starting idea nothing else, but i dont want to put sp and gear 1:1
  15. ChuckLess New Player

    How on Earth (or maybe why?) would you have more Crits specced than him? Does he simply have no clue?
  16. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    why not? I think they should be equal like it use to be, hell if someone had more SP' but lesser gear they were still able to out DPS ppl in higher gear due to having 50+ SP more.

    and thats how it should always be. ALWAYS. Our efforts should always pay off in the end but it isn't. They (the devs) seem to always make SP useless with every GU more and more which each 1 that changes stuff.
  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    alot of ppl go for those 75 prec/mights, alot dont realize that the crits actually help far more then the base stats. Sure base stats help but if you have almost no crits then stats mean nothing in the end.
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  18. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    I am behind this except I would make the tank bonuses apply to dom and resto.

    (Can you tell I'm a fire tank?)
  19. bartngaue Well-Known Player

    There's already a sp QQ thread. Did we really need another?

    *eats op salty tears"

    *evil laugh*

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  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    sad part there's alooot of ppl on USPS villain side like this still. I bumped into a CR123 person with 97sp, then a CR125 with 77sp. Its like how in the hell lmao

    and with such little SP' alot of ppl automatically go for the WM stats (the 75 prec/might or w/e it is for their roles)
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