Water power coming

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by same Johnny, May 29, 2015.

  1. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player

    And Nature.. probably Sorcery too.. and Electric
  2. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    This is just mean if he isn't serious.......
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  3. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    This makes me sad, very sad. I was looking forward to serums so much. I guess it makes sense though, Aquaman in the new raid has some nice looking powers, they're probably ahead visually in water than anything else. Also makes sense considering how popular it perplexingly is.
  4. Try Hard Well-Known Player

    I really wanted to see serums as a power so I hope not (if this means serums wont happen a a result)
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  5. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    I'm all for this, for two reasons. 1, we get water, and 2, Atomic would be next.:)
  6. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    Last year, at SOE Live, Spytle announced new powers and asked what was the most requested power. As half the audience yellwed Water, it would be a pretty dumb move to make this a joke.

    On the other hand, it's a pretty smart move (business wise) to give the fans the most requested powers.



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  7. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    i cannot make a decision on either as i have no idea how either plays or how they look.

    So i'll just say no to both and yes to a healing lantern.
  8. spack2k Steadfast Player

    what ? i want serum as a tank power and not atomic wtf !!!
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  9. ChibiMechaX78 New Player



    Don't be joking spytle!!!!!!

    Also... What happened to serums?
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  10. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    It's not clear. Considering their stated lack of ps3 memory to include more powers beyond these 3 (until they can do the new UI) if they do water, Serums is likely completely cancelled or delayed a couple of years. Not a good prospect .
  11. VintageWine Dedicated Player

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  12. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    Spytle said Serums would be pushed back, not cancelled.
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  13. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Where? On FNL? I don't see it in the Twitter conversation so I'm assuming FNL.
  14. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    that gives a bit of hope :) Where did he say that though? I couldn't find it on his twitter. Although who knows how long the delay might be.
  15. mightybugthe1st New Player

    They must be further behind than I could have imagined if they are able to just swap a whole power set out for a new one. Personally I'd rather see Atomic released first and then Serums. Water can evaporate away for all I care. :cool:
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  16. Owl Devoted Player

    Water could have a Sharknado as a Supercharge.
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  17. spack2k Steadfast Player

    spytle also said earth getting an multi range pull with gu47
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  18. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    On FNL, yes. As he was tweeting (he actually started the poll live), he explained the intention behind it, push Serums back, make Atomic the next tank and Water the next healer.
  19. HymnOfMercy Dedicated Player


    Im literally at a loss for words
  20. same Johnny Dedicated Player

    Take it up to him, then.