Total Recovery Kits

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by EconoKnight, Apr 20, 2015.

  1. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    So were these not selling well?

    Judging by reports, GU 47 will change the mod system so that they no longer affect CR. Also, the new T7 plans reportedly increase stats by only single digits. As many have noted, there isn't going to be much point to farming bits to make mods; they'll instead opt to use marks to buy synthetic mods.

    It seems like this would be a big blow to Total Recovery Kit sales - unless they were already selling poorly anyway.
  2. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    Farming exobits lost its sense long time ago...
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  3. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    I'm pretty sure the mod system was changed because people could mod their gear and artificially inflate their CR being able to skip progression by even entire Tiers.
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  4. Kzinti Committed Player

    I was thinking the opposite, Since marks will be harder to come by, It may be better to craft them all again instead of using marks on synthetics
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  5. Kzinti Committed Player

    I think you will still be able to skip content, you just will not have to mod to do it
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  6. Xolag Well-Known Player

    I can make millions just farming exos :)
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  7. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    I dont have time for that. Besides i dont know you make millions, bits arent profitable nowadays.
  8. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    On USPS bits sell for pretty much the same amount they always have, and near-instantly (sometimes I'll have to wait 10 minutes, if it's early in the AM). Players that think bits don't sell are probably why I'm rich ;)
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  9. ChuckLess New Player

    What server are you on? Bit prices haven't changed much on USPC. Anyone worth their weight doesn't use Synths at end game.
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  10. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    I have 10m and im happy with that, i dont know if im "rich" as you but i dont need more than that
  11. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    I was just pointing out that bits are still profitable :cool:
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  12. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    USPS, they are selling bit stacks for 80k... No way im farming for that
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  13. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I think I had 150 Total Recovery Kits in my inventory after the Winter Sale.
    I have used them to power level 2 alts, with a 3rd & 4th waiting for the free time.
    With 6E Mods in 78 rings iconic 64 gear as soon as the toon is level 30, you can jump start your progress pretty quick.

    I don't know why the Devs are changing modding, but I'm not happy with it being any less significant that Synthetics have already made it. :(
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  14. MeloMan New Player

    I think u are misinformed. I made 3 million yesterday off selling bits alone.
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  15. MeloMan New Player

    Syn mods are the future of the game. Ive run all the content on test wearing IL 108 vendor gear and using regular VI mods which would be syn VI mods on live and had no issues completing any of the content. Crafted mods just wont be worth it anymore. Of course some will opt or having the best stats but with the CR scaling going forward it means stats dont matter as much as they do on live atm.
  16. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    I'm over 100 mil.
  17. Sbel Devoted Player

    After you spent $300+ on Booster Bundles? I'm not surprised. ;)
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  18. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    Would of spent more of the auras looked cooler :)
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  19. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I just can't understand that.... I'll go $50-$60 on bundles - If Really want a aura I buy it from the broker.

    Total Recovery kits are by far the item, that I don't think twice about buying. I think changing the value of farming bits and modding for CR is a mistake. Over the course of the past DLC and announcement about future content the devs are putting more and more value on Elite content and players. Removing modding as an avenue for other players to increase CR is a mistake - it reduces 'options' for progress.
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  20. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    Ehhh $300 isn't a lot and if I knew about the changes happening I would of held off on my purchase. As I hate these changes and don't support them. The devs pulled a fast one now.
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