I want to feel like a Villain, Devs!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Faust74, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. Faust74 Loyal Player

    So this week has be very interesting in PvP Phase.

    Thursday, Trigon and his minions pop in China Town along with different versions of Batman and a couple of Green Lantern Iconics. It was Everyman for himself, Trigon killed anyone in his way and that was all good. He's known for destroying EVERYTHING. So Villains were on their own. But, Heroes had their Lanterns Iconic and Batmans backing them up. When the scale got tipped in favor of the Villains, the Hero Iconic started one shotting the Villains. :rolleyes:

    Friday, Trigon's brats Jesse, James, Julius etc where literally raising hell in China Town and one shotting everyone. If you were a Villain it didn't matter how far you were from them, they came after you, even if you didn't provoke them. If you were a Hero, they left you along unless provoked.... o_O

    Saturday, I'm minding my own business inside Hall of Doom. I go to the broker, put some bytes up for sell and purchase a few things. I then go to the get my mail and the next thing I know a horde of Apes come barreling through the hall, going ape **** on anyone in their way. Gorilla Godd and a horde of his monkey minions are tearing up the magic wing! :eek:

    Now, I had fun and I greatly appreciate the change in scenery with whoever is responsible for the all of the above. wait for the But But, I am getting tired of the Villain on Villain crimes. I know Villains are known to turn on each other and like Trigon some just want to see Everything burn. But, I rather have Heroes Iconics tearing up HoD than fellow Villain Iconics

    Now I am sure it has happened where Heroes Iconics are invading HoD or Villain rallys/safe houses, but it seem too often we Villains are facing more fellow Villain Iconics than Heroes Iconics. Why not send in a Horde of Titanic Tentons in HoD along with whatever Hero Iconic. We Villains are greatly out numbered so why not have a Villlain Icons attacking only the Heroes in China Town while we Villains get to back up the Villain Iconic?

    I know the old saying that Good always triumphs over Evil, but throw us Villains a bone with a little meat on it every now and then. This is a Video Game not a comic where you have to stick with the story line. It's not going change anything if Villains have our day occasionally. Heck we pay a Sub fee too!
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  2. JReel New Player

    Heros outnumber villains by a wide margin. So it comes as no surprise heros will benefit from random activities such as chaotic random boss fights. Just the other day when us villains were taking over the Police station in Chinatown, they spawned every hero/villain iconic they could to prevent us from mass killing the heros. Lol it was fun man until the 3 Batmans came out and burned everyone.

    I would like to see a random Superman appear in the HOD and one shot everyone. Perhaps give some unknown heros a chance. Who wouldn't want to fight a Controlled Titanic Trenton? Lol
  3. Minnion Devoted Player

    I think his point was that he wants chaotic random boss fights that are themed after stuff like the Justice League A listers busting into the Hall of Doom to rescue Krypto, or cleaning up the mess made by Lex Luthors latest attempt to clone Superman(As in actually fighting a bunch of 'perfect' Superman Clones that went rogue) Or the Bat Family teaming up with the GCPD to raid the safe houses...) Stuff like that.
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  4. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    Yup those were definitely fun. Mist infused Hawkman was by the Chinatown PD last night but all the villains just stay in that bubble, can't see how that's fun. They could have joined in or even possibly try to wipe us heroes out while we were occupied but instead they talk crap in versus chat from the bubble. It's just too funny.
  5. Turtemis New Player

    I'm sorry but there have been threads like this since threads could even be made on the forums.. and the Devs neeever did it. I don't think they ever will sadly.
  6. Johnny0276 Dedicated Player

    There does seem to be a small trend of players switching over to play for villain side. Since the majority of hero players are kind of dicks. Just an observation.
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  7. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

    Meanwhile I'm on EUPC waiting for any evidence that the devs still acknowledge our existence :(
  8. JReel New Player

    Lmao don't use that one incident to class all villains. Last time I checked the day Mepps spawned Supergirl, Doomsday, Batman, etc near the Chinatown PD, villains took it over easily. Since we are an outnumbered bunch, a lot of us were not aware of that happening with Hawkgirl or whatever. Usually people shout it out and we come in drobes one shotting heros. But if no one says anything then I wouldn't expect a few villains to try and fight hundreds of heroes.
  9. Rewhx Well-Known Player

    Holy Crap..People still play on EU? :eek:
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  10. Rewhx Well-Known Player

    We might be outnumbered but we are more skilled than heros lol.. About 120 Villains destroyed 300+ Heros Friday :p
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  11. Faust74 Loyal Player

    Whine and you shall recieve! :D

    As I post there are Lantern Icons and Hawkman invading the Hall Of Doom! Along with some Hero league called Seppuka or something like that, whatever that their names is. Anyways gotta go, kill some Heroes!

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  12. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    ????? *logs on to DC to see for myself* <_<
  13. Faust74 Loyal Player

    You may be too late, they all Dead now. Muah Ha Ha Ha! Feels good to be a Villain.... Finally!
  14. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    :mad: takin all the blood for yourself
  15. Oriole New Player

    I would like to see mission say there are an 8 man pve raid but 4 are heroes and the rest are villians. And your kead by a random mentor. You both fight your way through objectives meet in the mid map and have to fight each other to met a goal. Maybe KOing the oposing group mentor first in a boss battle or something.
  16. Faust74 Loyal Player

    I got lucky a stumble apon the action. I was in China town earlier because Gorilla Grodd and his Horde of Apes were there, after he was gone I went down to the Pit area to reset my Power Points and I got one shotted out of nowhere lol.
  17. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

  18. King Smoker Well-Known Player

    That was the most fun i had in a while i was on my hero then switched to my villain to experience the death from both sides
  19. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I am enjoying these surprise attacks. I am glad this time it was in the HoD so we did not have 200 heroes plus 50 adds and bosses to try to beat down with only 50 of us villains. Lol
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  20. buddah Well-Known Player

    I love this carnage that is going on right now wish I was able to log on but sadly I am at work