Vendor gear next DLC..... please

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Morsy808, Apr 17, 2015.

  1. Morsy808 Committed Player

    Mepps, Spytle, anyone who is reading, please make the max level gear in the next DLC, a vendor set.

    This RNG on Lab/HoH/ToD/Elite is making me want to spend less and less money now. My 114 CR tank is missing five level 100 pieces (2 rings, legs, chest and head) and I'm losing all hope of these damn pieces ever dropping.

    I have finished all of these raids numerous times. The full number I cannot recall, but I have been keeping tabs this week. I have finished lab and Hoh 5 times each, Tod 3 times (because the progress point kept disappearing) and Elite twice.

    You'd think I would have a shot at something decent right? Nope. All 98 gear, with the exception of two 100 trinkets and a utility belt (which I have on both my main tank and my secondary dps). Zero items I needed, and nothing but 98 gear on all the ToD runs.

    Do you guys actually believe in rewarding players for their efforts? Or do you just believe in rewarding yourselves with the money flow from replay badges?

    I give up resetting anything from now on, because I don't have confidence in the system and don't get anything for it. As of now, I shall be playing raids once a week, and once everything is loot locked, I shall go play a different game until reset.

    45 bosses, 3 100 drops. . . 2 were duplicates and all 3 already collected across two different armories. You call this fair?

    I really hope this is fixed for the next DLC. Make it vendor, make each piece expensive if you want, (you'll still sell replay badges to get the marks, but just make it attainable, without this complete and utter toilet luck system. Let us choose our armour and buy it.
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  2. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I wont replay raids ever again not til I see a big a** improvement in the loot system. Til then Im happy with the weekly resets. Or resets monthly I get from the crappy 150-400 replays I can get from being a subber
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  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    as far as the best gear being vendor its not, the best will remain raid drops as always sadly. with vendor being a notch down.

    but there's suppose to be a better loot system in place, so many bad runs you get a better / upped chance at higher loot.
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  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    from youtube videos of newer content it appears as if its 2 bad loots then 1 good. But it is still on test so who knows how it will be once it goes live it may be 3 bad before you get the 1st good loot drop lol
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  5. MeloMan New Player

    Check this out. Ran the new 8man op on test 2day as a tank. I was in all 108 vendor gear. I got a 110 neck off the 1rst boss. The highest stat increase i got from that neck was +4. The stat increase on the IL 110 raid gear and IL 110 elite gear is sooooo tiny. Buying vendor gear will let u complete any of the content and get u to the next content. I wont spend a single replay badge on this dlc. Soooo not worth it all.
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  6. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    The 110 weapons give -46 health which I thought was weird. Not gonna lie T7 is starting to look disappointing.
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  7. MeloMan New Player

    Yea i feel the same. With only 1 feat in the elite raid and the increases on stats for the gear there is really no incentive to even run the elite raid. Im just not sure why we even have elite raids. 1rst one was so broken for so long and unbeatable for quite awhile and then 98 gear dropping in there. Now the new 1 has pretty much same gear as normal drop raid gear and theres 2 less feats. Im guessing there will be 102 gear dropping in elite too. Not sure why anyone would even bother other then bragging rights and ego. Not sure why anyone would replay any of this content tbh. Just my opinion tho.

    Like i said i wont replay this dlc at all. Even if i had the money i wouldnt. Its just not worth it. And if others would speak with their wallets they would see we are not happy with some of this stuff and just maybe things would change for the better. But as usual people will blow a ton of replays and not care. Ive actually started calling some of the end game player base sheeple because some just seem to follow along with any changes that are made and think its great. Beating an elite raid over and over and over to get a full set of 110 gear so that u get an increase of +100 on your main stat for your role imo isnt worth it all. Especially since vendor gear will allow u into and beat the next content.
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  8. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    All that said. Expect vendor gear to be 2 CR below raid gear (rare/set) for the foreseeable future. This is what is planned from this point on, as they transition to monthly content releases. Gear will essentially come as followed:

    Regular Drop Gear: #
    Vendor Gear: # + 6
    Rare Gear: # + 8
    Set Gear: # + 8

    Set gear is the new elite gear. I believe the stats are essentially the same for it and rare gear, except it will have a bonus when you have 4 or more pieces. Also, keep in mind, there will be Elite Alerts and Elite Raids after the next DLC (not during I don't think), and you can get 4 pieces from each. You may not ever have to go into an Elite Raid to get 4 pieces of Set Gear, if you choose to progress that way.
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  9. theswoosh Well-Known Player

    the fact they they need us to gamble to get gear and keep us ''adicted'' isrealy sad imo...
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  10. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    Agreed man and I already cancelled my sub since a dev said GU47 is several weeks away. What am I gonna do farm some elite 98 gear? The devs should of anticipated this with T5 and the huge jump in stats/difficulty. Now they're just farming us for our $$$$ and it's starting to show big time now.

    Since I own all the dlcs, home turf will be useless to me now since I can't even upgrade the main frame without having the new dlc. All I have to say is that this game is 4 years in and we're still changing the way we play like we're in beta.

    Something has to give with these changes and how much we can actually endure.
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  11. Proto1118 Committed Player

    I knew I wasn't the only on who felt that way. It's pretty sad. The game has an "identity crisis".
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  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    IMOI think its sad that you guys will willingly feed into the system and then complain about it.. I've been here for 4 years and I've never once used replay badges,and you think they need us to gamble? No, you want the gear you're willing to part with your money to get another chance at the gear you want, so don't blame them for something you choose to do
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  13. Echo Blue Committed Player

    Hello everyone,

    I can definitely sympathize with your pain, but it is a RANDOM number generator, and you're suppose to Grind (a lot) in MMO's. Just my opinion.
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  14. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Is that consistent with the stat increases from other item levels? Is the difference between 99 and 108 +18?
  15. Giggles Loyal Player

    I been saying since DLC 7 that this RNG loot based system is garbage. If the devs really want to kill of this game and push away it's veteran players, then they should stay on the route they are on, because if the USPC villain population is any indication, they are doing a great job of driving people away.

    I've told them before, if people really wanted to gamble their money away, they would go to real casinos. All this game has turned into lately in my eyes is a glorified slot machine. Also, that new loot system does absolutely nothing to stop bad luck. Sure we get more rare pieces after a while, but that rare piece could still be your 10th back piece. The devs just need revert the gear grind to the way it was in T1-T3. That would solve this problem. :)
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    how about you treat the loot system as the RNG system it is rather than expecting something out of it every time you run something it'll disappoint you less
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  17. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Look, while I understand the sentiments of people who believe vender gear should be the best in game as was the case in the past, I want them to understand that because of the financial model of this game, this will NEVER be the case again!!!

    We, the players, or at least enough of us, have proven time and time again that we’re more than willing to gamble our way to the top gear in the game and DBG will not give up Replay Badge sells from those individuals for the sake of the rest of us.
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  18. BigAl Devoted Player

    Agreed. And, your sig is completely bad @ss my friend. :)
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  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I agree 100% the content they produce should be well enough to keep us hooked IMO
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  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    is what im saying man, if the stat difference is so small why even bother putting gear in raids? why not add new styles that drop in raids, that to me would seem more meaningful.

    yea man I haven't replayed the latest DLC hardly at all, I think I spent maybe $150 (thats 1750 replays) between 3 characters, and 1 of them it was to unlock the other 40-60sp + get him geared to 113 too lol

    I do the raids weekly and thats it. the loot system is complete and utter garbage. I refuse to spend crazy amounts on just 1 character when its this bad.

    and I knew, I KNEW they would counter the loot system their giving us by under cutting us some shape or form, I just didnt know exactly how they'd do it. But you just confirmed how. Its almost like they refuse us of happiness at every turn. "Oh you want a good loot system? Ok here" but in return the loot will be almost useless in stats boost due to having a actually good loot system.

    its sad how their thought process is.