Throne Elite Clown Box Strategy

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I found a video of the exploit.

    Now I know why I'm seeing allot more 115 DPS. Pretty ridiculous and bad how this raid continuously gets bugged...

  2. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    On the bright side, 102 gear is dropping in the next DLC, so sucks to be them cheaters :p
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  3. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    Devs have already stated that it is not a bug/glitch/cheat. They said that it was a valid in game power being used to overcome a npc mechanic. Kinda cheesy imo, but whatever to use the box or not use the box is up to the individual. You can't hop around on one foot and and complain about everyone else using two. I'll try to find the post where it's discussed.
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  4. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Not a glitch
  5. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    Found it:
    To use the Clown Box or not is up to the individual. If you think it's a cheap tactic just don't use it :)
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  6. Vyltran Loyal Player

    It's legit.
  7. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Oh thankyou. :)

    I think this is ridiculous and wrong. If your going to put hard mechanics ingame for the hardcore players, then make it! Not make this easy cheap BS.
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  8. Itazuki New Player

    It just shows you that people don't REALLY want things that are hard.

    Though it is a pretty intuitive way to use a power, and it definitely isn't glitching. Not something to complain about, it's a valid tactic.
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  9. BigDaddyDru New Player

    NOONE cares what you think. If or when you decide to pay for other player's Membership, then MAYBE, just MAYBE they will start to fathom what you "think".

    New DLC is around the corner with better gear. Obviously any sensible and efficient player is going to find the smoothest and easiest method to beat Elite Hades and of course the Clown Box method is that.

    Trying to "protect" your "pride" by spending over 3hrs in a Raid doing it the normal way, when you can spend 25 minutes using Clown Box and get the SAME LOOT, is just down flat and simply put > Stupid & Insane.

    The Elite & Competent are all about efficiency > "What is the fastest, easiest and most consistent way to get this Raid done?". That is the question all Elite & Competent players want answered when they do any PVE Content.

    Again, If or when you decide to start paying other player's Membership, then we can talk. Otherwise, let people decide how they want to play.
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  10. Snix Dedicated Player

    Takes 6 mins to beat Hades without Clown Box for my league so we don't use it.

    I've been in plenty pugs attempting to use CB for the win and failing miserably over and over and over.

    So I prefer the intended way over the CB way.
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  11. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

    Np, you're right it's completely ridiculous! Just like tanks using those stupid shields, trolls using those darn debuffs, and healers with their heals, and sodas omg don't get me started on sodas...ugh it's just terrible! Lol, all kidding aside I personally have never tried clown boxing it, but come on, b*tchin' about it is like yelling at people for driving cars just because you're "hardcore" and choose to walk everywhere. I agree 100% with what Locke said it's cheesy as hell, but it is a tactical usage of a valid power. It is not a glitch or exploit like that BS quantum fiasco earlier this year. Just like any other weapon or power in the game to use it or not is completely up to you. If you want to strip off all of your equipment and go throw down in fisticuffs with Hades feel free. You "hardcore/elite" players need to worry about yourselves a little more and not so much about how others play their subs. Heck idk on a positive note maybe if you add that you beat ToTD Elite without Clown Boxing it in your sig someone will send you a "hardcore" cookie.
  12. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    Using Clownbox doesn't make you Elite or Competent, it's actually quite the opposite. Using four tanks on Ares because you can't find someone good enough to take adds by themselves and using the clownbox cheese method to beat Hades just means you aren't good enough to beat that raid. The actual quality players in the game don't use those methods. You can stop thinking of yourself as being among them if you cheese the content.
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  13. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    Where did you find that quote?
  14. KlausKilowatt Committed Player

  15. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    I can see Loche's point of view, and it is indeed valid.
    It is a tactical maneuver.
    You are, in essence: using a defense superpower to counter an offensive superpower being used against you by an enemy.

    HOWEVER... if this is the case, why was Kraze's pattern changed, and the room modified to prevent anyone from standing on the ledge?
    That was not an exploit, nor was it cheating. It was using features of the environment to help pre-empt an opponent's moves, to create a tactical advantage.
    Come on, Devs... It's gotta be one way or the other, here.

    Can we have a clearly stated definition of terms for what constitutes "glitch/exploit", as opposed to "Tactical Advantage/Maneuver"?
    It would help things a lot if we were allowed to consult a reference to help us distinguish the two, especially in cases (like this particular Clown Box application) where it could go either way at a glance.
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  16. King Smoker Well-Known Player

    people always complain about things that dont effect their gameplay for some reason. running elite is pointless besides getting feats at the moment since next dlc is around the corner.
  17. metalfenix Committed Player

    Very, very cheesy...but seems legit. I wouldn't use it anyway unless I have the 7 persons of the raid group aganist me.
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  18. MeloMan New Player

    Guessing these are ps players? I know they are. Funny how ps players keep saying pc players are trash and ps is superior but ps players do stuff like this. I even saw a ps player say a few days ago that pc players are trash and we beg to play with ps people. Yea i dont beg to play with anyone much less garbage players who resort to using exploits to beat content. Thanks for posting the vid so i can ignore every name in the group in case cross play happens.
    Like someone else said u are not "elite" doing stuff like this. The fact that u agree that doing this is ok and then use the word elite is baffling and shows me i wont ever run with u. Also the fact that keep insulting other players by saying they arent competent or elite but then support this kinda stuff.......well i wont say what i really think as i dont want a forum vacation atm. "Elite" players beat the content the way it was intended to be beaten. Not with cheap gimmicks or exploits.

    Btw i have beaten the raid without using clownbox and im neither stupid or insane. But thanks for the insult. U can also just look at loches comment and see what he says. Its cheesy. Its a gimmick.
  19. Skeptikraze Well-Known Player

    Who in their right mind would use a tactical maneuver (willingly granted by the devs) to significantly speed up the rate at which a raid that is now considered ancient in significance-comparison to its successor (DLC XIV) is completed/farmed, as opposed to the alternative (inconsistent and buggy) yummy goodness!? Really, it's a no-brainer, go with the less cheesy method, that way you're the hero, not the villain!

    Damn you Clownbox, damn you!
  20. KDICHU Well-Known Player

    I understand using the "exploit" i do not but that's me and hey notice that the players that use "exploits" are not as good as the players that don't and enjoy the challenge my personal opinion

    = KD