In Case You Missed It: Combat Rating Differential Adjustment

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mepps, Apr 14, 2015.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I kinda agree with this. I think a very good player should be able to solo 2 tiers above, but the average should need to be 3 or 4 above. What was on test was actually perfect minus the Defense not reducing damage as our gear got higher. We'll have to see if we're too strong in lower content after the hotfix. It could be that Mepps meant only the good players can solo 2 tiers up and others will need to wait longer.

    With the higher health on enemies throughout tiers, at least this will hopefully mean lower content (tier 1-3) will no longer be trivial for a tier 7 player.
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  2. 478874 Dedicated Player

    extremely disappointing. this game is all about handouts, evidently it has become very difficult to impossible to wean folks off of that mentality now.
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  3. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

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  4. Xibo Loyal Player

    Don't exaggerate, you can let to learn your AM when you do T7 alerts and raids. If you are a T7 player, the T5 content is basiclly feats and styles or help any league mate.
  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Many MMOs allow players to go back and solo group content once they have much stronger gear. I'd prefer if that was only possible through walk-ins personally, but at least the recent changes will make it less trivial to do so. The stat flattening should make it so we are not one-shotting enemies in lower tiers.
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  6. kravonik New Player

    no its not.

    its a superhero / supervillain game. We has supers shoul beable to faceroll the lower teir stuff. Its the fact we are stronger and have advanced and worked on our toons to beable to do so. If they had kept the "scale" to where the lower teir was equal to the higher cr toon, then 1: its no longer lower teir 2: we would no longer be "super".

    the fact that they listened to the masses and not a few shows that they want this game to succeed.
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  7. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    It is neither obvious nor easy. Because the Problem isn't something that can be turned off. This is NOT a clamp like you see in the seasonals currently. It is the result of how gear and stats are set up going forward.

    The stats which used to become overbloated as you moved through the tiers, no longer there. The difference in stats from a t1-t6 person is not what it currently is on live. The result is that a T6 person isn't going to effect the same NPCs in the same way as they do on live. But they still have the same stats in T6 as the do in T1.

    What you have now is a reverse or extension (depending on how you want to look at it) of what you have on Test for higher CR NPCs.

    Basically before you had were if your CR was lower then an NPC the NPC would hit harder and take less damage then if you were the same CR as them. Now that is extended the other way. As you get Stronger then the NPC your attacks do more relative damage and you take LESS relative damage then you would at level.

    It is not an automatic win, and as far as where or where you aren't able to solo content. I am sure they have it based on how much they assume the community will be skilled at the content. Like now, some will still need to be higher to get the same results, but now. Getting higher CR matters as you will see a marked increase in what you can or can't do, that you potentially couldn't do when the stas where just left alone.
  8. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    3 or 4....I think if it were 4 though people would once again riot...I would be happy with 4 though for sure.
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  9. Xibo Loyal Player

    2 tiers of difference is well-appreciated. All T1-T5 feats are guaranteed!
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  10. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    I just hope that people are not bulldozing raids in 10 min again, if they are we will continue to have the same problems we do now with high cr players carrying low cr player through stuff. Leveling up will still be a flash because of it and we will still have a huge influx of players that do not know what they are doing when they get to the endgame and then quit because they got through the entire game in 1 month.
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  11. 478874 Dedicated Player

    being able to handily beat content is much different than wrecking the integrity of the game. prior to the update the integrity of the game was at stake. it's not just about the gear but all the newer mechanics that have been introduced since the inception of that content. the content would have never been developed the way it was developed if these newer mechanics had come first.

    as for the "superhero/supervillian" comment. let's just be honest about that, the goal of every game is to progress your player character to super levels. just because the branding is literally such that it is does not in any way validate the complete and utter destruction of content whereas literally no teamwork or even teammates are required. that's the stripping of the integrity of the game and functions to further exacerbate problems elsewhere in the game, e.g. malicious player interactions, poor teamwork and communication, a general lack of respect for one another, no patience or tolerance for players intending to try to learn the game, no tolerance for content difficulty, ect.
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  12. LanternLove Well-Known Player

    This makes us stronger than we are now :):D
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  13. xXS0EXx Committed Player

    Indeed it is! Oh btw T6 feats are save too but we will have to be patient for those :)
  14. Sionn Committed Player

    2 tiers is about how it works right now. Obviously, some powers could do it sooner than others. I was able to solo Ace Chem at tier 5, but not tier 4 on my light character, but I was able to do it a little sooner on my fire guy in tank role several pieces short of full T5. Even then it was a lot of work. I sure couldn't solo the Bat Caves, or any of the FOS' on either until well into tier 6.

    I think what he's described keeps it close to what we have right now.
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  15. Here2Help Devoted Player

    Much better.... I guess they do actually listen to us.... when forced to :p
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  16. Remander Steadfast Player

    Yeah, the two tiers will only apply to the more skilled players, like Deathmike. Mere mortals will require more than that.
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  17. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    Deathmike solos at-level content ;)
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  18. xXS0EXx Committed Player

    In a marketing way of speak what u just describe is better for the devs because sense they are going to release alot more content new people are going to be able to get there with the help of their friends or leaguemates. Still they will be able to learn the mechanics of the game thanks to this new system plus that high end players are going to be doing more high end content than lower stuff because is more relevant to us. If u are my leaguemate or a friend I will make sure u learn the mechanics anyway because I wont allways going to be there for u.

    It all depends on the players and how they respond to the game.
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  19. Electrizzaro Loyal Player

    I hope you are wrong
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  20. Serv New Player

    I have never posted on these forums before and never felt the need.

    But I wanted to Thank you Guys for listening to your player base, Well done.:)
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