For 48 please consider..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sin Cattvo, Apr 12, 2015.

  1. Sin Cattvo New Player

    For GU 48 please consider this optiom

    -All RnD tabs are closed upon opening a RnD machine-

    Thank you many many of us

    Edit: Its not just a i dont wanna scroll alll the way down to 7(i really dont want to lol) ..but when making bytes it laggs you on the client end

    If i scrolll and close alll tabs i can make 4 yellow exobytes faster.. then when i leave alll tabs on the client side were seeing lagg for alll tabs to be open
    • Like x 21
  2. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    In addition... undoing skill point allocations.... When is that coming?

    It is totally ridiculous, that if I spec Skill point #199 of 200 into a slot and realize I forgot the movement mode skills....I gotta start at #1.

    It is even more ridiculous with number of major game changing updates that this simple UI oversight has not been addressed.
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  3. Sin Cattvo New Player

    I agree each weapon should be able to reset on there own not all at once
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  4. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    At the very least
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  5. Sin Cattvo New Player

    i under stand the putting the whole ui on hold..butthrow us a bone if you closed alll RnD tabs people would be much more open to a 6 monh yr hold lol
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    ^^^All of this...PLEASE!!!!!^^^
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  7. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    Or simply invert the list so the high tier plans are on top
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  8. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Speaking only for myself, and I am unanimous in this, here's what I'd like to see in Game Update 48...

    I have one very simple request for a change to the gameplay: Give players that are in Players Vs. Enemies Mode the option to make all of their quests PRIVATE, excluding ALL other players except for those that are in their League! Because if there's one thing that drives me up the wall, it's when I'm trying to run a mission solo, and other players are running it at the same time, stealing MY objectives and making it take 5 times longer than it should for me to complete it! :mad:

    So, that should be a new option added to the game Settings, something we can toggle. Those like myself can turn Private Quests in PVE ON, and those that are fine with the way things are can leave it turned OFF. Just my 2¢, For What It's Worth. :)
  9. Rewhx Well-Known Player

    This is a life saving update...PLEASE :)
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  10. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I asked for this on Test, 5 updates ago.
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  11. ErnieB Loyal Player

    honestly with the numbers VII mods give, making them it's not worth it, just buy them from the vendors, even if they are still VI, and if you need to then make the mix mods.
  12. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    Fantastic Idea! Why didn't they think about it?

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  13. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

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  14. Alekimsior New Player

    Got a friend that is always respeccing, and very often you see her go... "Oh noes, I messed up". It's so funny, because she has like 190 SP and mess up multiple times in a row (guess people talking to her while respeccing may have something to do with it lol). Then again, I shouldn't be making fun.... you perfectly described what tends to happen to me: I forget to unlock super sonic.... :(
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  15. ChuckLess New Player

    How often does this happen? I can't think of any quests where more than one player DON'T share the objective count.
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  16. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    This gif makes me laugh so hard that I had to include it in my signature! XD
  17. Radium Devoted Player

    I'd be just as happy for this.

    The further in the game you get, the more you're scrolling or closing. Inverting the list eliminates that completely.
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  18. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

  19. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    Just for the fact that it is supernatural, is the best!
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  20. ErnieB Loyal Player

    I don't know which one was it, I believe it was Tunso, but he said it had to be done in a way it wouldn't break the game, I believe I replied by saying it could have a limit as to how many SP could be returned or something like that, as I said it was a long time ago, but I know it was when HL got the AM.
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