Granny goodness didnt make PC explode!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Punkpirate, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. Punkpirate Well-Known Player

    So after watching the stream when i got to this part i wanted to cry 4 years!

    screen shot windows

    And Orion and so many other but seeing Granny have it made me : sigh

    Granny goodenss gets 4 colors and we have waited 4 years for extra color on our characters.

    Then at the start of the steam

    Why cant we have hairstyles like Lightray even joker, or sups anything that is allready ingame.( players cant use copywrited hairstyles or something? but can equip copywrited emblems (lantenrs example).

    image upload no limit

    What do you know DC doesnt consist of 3 colors only :)

    just to be annyoing again i say it one more time : 4 YEARS! :)

    I think devs should allready know this after 4 years Styles and cosmetics sell more than DLC :D
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  2. ChuckLess New Player

    This, sadly, went right over their heads a looong time ago :(

    Cosmetics would sell more than Replay Badges, yet they continue to build the game based on RP use.
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  3. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Are people really spending more on styles/look than stats and obtaining gear? This baffles me. I hated spending money and when I did I only did it for replays because that got me gear faster (and unlocking PVP matches). So strange, why don't people get all the collections and briefings if they want styles? The internet tells you how to do it, it just takes a little time.
  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Look at booster bundles. They make more off booster bundles per year than legendary subs.
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  5. X-zero Loyal Player

    Well the Booster Bundle contains replays and a style. But the style is the reason most people buy them.
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  6. Sore Steadfast Player

    I didn't think the issue was ever performance. I thought the colors was simply a matter of cracking open the engineering of the game and that didn't look as quick, easy, or profitable as other changes. I thought the hair was because they're always battling with how hair styles penetrate with shoulders, back, chest, or head pieces and every hair style added needs to be checked against every piece of gear in-game. Similarly, every new piece of gear is checked against every hair style which is a smaller evaluation than the other way around.
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  7. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    No. they are not. Their statements are pure conjecture.
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  8. Dezaras Loyal Player

    One more thing: in the screenshot Granny is telling us to sit.

    BUT WE CAN'T /SIT!!!
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  9. Sore Steadfast Player

    /rest gets me so close but no cigar.
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  10. SkullGang Devoted Player

    We will get 4TH colour option.
  11. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    You really don't think that people are buying buying booster bundles for the bundles, do you?

    Just cause the other styles available to us are uninteresting and uninspiring, please don't assume people don't buy styles.
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  12. Sore Steadfast Player

    The original claim was that people spend more on cosmetics. Another claim was that booster bundle sales were more than an entire year's worth of replay badges (and total recovery kits?). Then the claim turned into people buying booster bundles for auras and not the other rewards.

    I that last one is probably true because it's pretty obvious but I think Spytle was saying that players have absolutely no evidence to make those claims (especially the first two) and suggests without confirming that they might not be true. He also suggests that these claims are made without evidence solely to inflate an argument. He's saying that every now and then, players like to make up their own "facts". And, that's clearly happening in this thread.
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  13. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Which makes it not be a cost effective thing to focus on cosmetics then, i understand :(

    One thing that corroborates your statement is the, shall we say lukewarm reception the Batman skins got. I honestly though those would be huge sellers. I'm sure you know that other superhero game that bases it's whole business model on costumes and cosmetics. I campaigned for our Legends characters to have new looks, both because I think it would be awesome and because I thought it would be a nice source of income for you guys.

    However all we saw was "why is this the same batman with no new powers? " "what do i want 5k batmen in my roster for?" and other hyperbolic or hateful comments like that.

    I hope this didn't discourage you guys from ever doing othe skins, even if just occasionaly for Special events (like the upcoming WW and Flash anniversaries, hint hint ;) ) but i'm sure you guys don't plan to spend much time on building a regular flow of new marketplace looks for legends.

    Another example is base lair themes, I always thought they were awesome, but you recently mentioned how disappointing sales were.

    As a fan of virtual cosmetic items, I am really saddened, but I understand business is business and there's no point in investing on somethiing that has proven to not provide a good return.

    ps. How cool would it be to get a Superman or WW movie costume or an Arrow reskin for our legends, though?! :eek:
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  14. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    I haven't tracked the market place religiously but nothing cosmetic (style wise) has been added to the marketplace outside of auras and maybe those inner tubes during summer a while ago.

    I think hades cloth back piece shows players will work around clipping styles to have new ones.

    The tiaras haven't worked for pretty mcuh any hairstyles outside of 3 on females but that hasn't stopped it from being tier gear for both factions.

    We'll have to see what happens.

    Just tossing it out there, people wouldn't make up as many false facts if given more info.
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  15. Sore Steadfast Player

    I think booster bundles show that cosmetics can be a focus. It's just a matter of when and how. It just might not necessarily be the single imperative more important than anything else ever done in-game.
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  16. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    Put an animated fiery aura on the Market Place, by itself with no other incentive, for say $5 and offer it for only a two week period of time.

    I bet that sells as well or better than the Booster Bundles.
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  17. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I know what you mean, but it's not exactly what i meant. When I said focus i meant that they would consistently make cosmetic items that would come out on a regular basis. Booster bundles are special occasions, just 2x a year and the resources spent on auras is not that much as creating other items like styles, pets, legends skins or toys.

    I would have loved to see cosmetic stuff come out regularly instead of occasionally, but there's plenty of examples of that not being a viable route for them.
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  18. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    It isn't a question of players liking styles versus not liking styles. It is a question of what you can offer players and how. Having the Hades back in game for players to earn offers more to existing paying customers than a micro transaction does to potential paying customers. In short, how many would buy it outright versus play to earn it? It's not as cut and dry as some would have you to believe.
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  19. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    I bet you are wrong. very very wrong.
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  20. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    That's because the styles you did decide to create for sale are god awful. I mean sequined suits and fisherman outfits? Come On. Also people don't buy those booster bundles for the bundled items and you and I both know that.
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