Work In Progress What's Next For DCUO: New Plans For Future Episodes.

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Apr 9, 2015.

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  1. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    Agreed and exactly. Per month was referring to per month of available gear. My meaning was to say that for every month of new vendor gear available, you have 4 raids, 2 alerts, 4 duos, and 2 solos available for you to earn marks to buy that monthly gear. I was merely demonstrating that there are many over reacting about prices, when in reality, we have much more available income vs available progression purchases than we have ever had with this new system.
  2. Norwegian ninja Well-Known Player

    If you have rent due, that is 35 MoV, 7 for 5 slots in the mainframe. That will leave you with 65 MoV left over. The most expensive piece of gear is 70 for the weapon or 60 for chest and legs. You will be very close to getting the weapon or you will have enough for the chest/legs. You can easily build and pay rent.
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  3. Charles Monroe New Player

    All very awesome news IMO.
  4. Antares Prime New Player

    This summary of the new mark program really clarified it for me. When you need 10,000 marks for a piece, what is 25 marks really doing to help you? However, as an extremely casual (yet Legendary) player, I'm not sure how the banded releases will affect me. I guess I will wait and see.
  5. Durakken New Player

    I can tell you that for me I will have less access as I prefer to solo things. That being the case a large chunks of my ability to earn Marks has just been killed.
  6. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    No, but besides solos raids give the least marks per month. 4 raids available, you can run them 4 times a month for 10 marks each, you only get 120 marks.

    Solos will net you 60 marks to run daily for the month. This is less, but alerts daily or duos daily both outclass raids by a large margin.

    You can afford every available piece of gear that comes out per month, as well as afford to upkeep your home turf, and utility belt by running only the 4 available duos everyday. You never even have to set foot into a Raid, Alert, or Solo to keep up.
  7. UMBRA Well-Known Player

    My reaction after reading about these changes was :eek:, then :mad:, then :( and finally :cool:. Shock, anger, disappointment and then acceptance.

    After getting over the initial shock, I realized that even if it isn't in the way I expected, some of my complaints about this game are actually being addressed with these new changes (non raid content being irrelevant, lower CR players being carried against their will, too many currencies, mainframe being annoying to maintain, etc...).

    So, I believe these changes are very positive. But still, there are a few things that bother me.

    1 )
    Inside our "Window of Relevant Content" there will always be:

    2 Solos
    4 Duos
    2 Alerts (+2 Elite)
    4 Raids (+2 Elite)

    More raids than alerts ? I see this as a bad move. Not because I prefer alerts over raids (which I do), but because alerts can be done daily and raids can only be done weekly. This means less runs per month, or in other words, less content for the players to play. I think 3 alerts and 3 raids is the way to go. Unless the raid lock becomes daily instead of weekly, if that was the case then everything would be OK.

    Devs have mentioned in the past that the most played content are alerts, so, I have to ask...

    Alerts are more popular, alert groups are easier to put together, alerts reset daily. I do remember a lot of requests for more raids, but also remember most of those request being from the T5 era when the amount of raids was small. During T6, there was a good amount of raids and not many complaints. Also, the complaints were "We want more raids" not "We want more raids INSTEAD of alerts". The only reason I can think for having two raids per alert is to incentivize people to buy more replay badges. But IMO, that would be a "cash grab".

    2 )
    In the current system and in terms of marks, content outside our "Window of Relevant Content" becomes less useful the further apart we get from it, but it is not completely useless. In other words, older content give us less marks. This allows each individual player to evaluate and decide for themselves whether a certain piece of content is relevant or not. As a T6 player, I find T5 content still relevant, but T4 content and below is irrelevant for me, but some people in this thread have expressed how T4 content is still relevant for them. This is OK, everybody can decide whether the decreased rewards from lower tier content is worth their time or not.

    However, under the new scheme, EVERYTHING outside our "Window of Relevant Content" will get us 0 marks, so, in terms of marks, there is no choice, it is completely irrelevant. Of course, there are other reasons to run older content (feats and styles) and in the end the choice of running certain content is up to the player. But when all marks are removed it can't be denied that there is a heavy push on the player to simply not run it.

    I suggest to have a second "Window of Relevant Content" behind the regular one. In this second window content would award half of the marks. In this way, older content that is not THAT old would still preserve some usefulness but wouldn't be nearly as rewarding as the content inside the regular window. About solos, since we cant get 0.5 marks devs could be generous and let us have a full mark (not such a big deal actually, there are only 2 solos inside the window) or be a bit stingy and let it at 0 (again, not a big deal).

    3 )
    This just a mere question.

    Are we getting more open world content ?
    I mean stuff like the 3 daily amazon missions in Gotham Under Siege or bounties like Doctor Light.

    So, I have some issues with these new changes, but I think, as a whole, this is a good thing. Also, I can see how this is the result of the devs actually listening to several of our complaints.

    Anyway, thanks and keep up the hard work Daybreak :)
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  8. RealGODofWar New Player

    The price point of this new system for premiums will make or break this game. Hope the Devs make the right choice...
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  9. Kill Shot Well-Known Player

    Ok so the boost is consolidated into one boost now. I doubled that number thinking 2 boosts per row.

    100 still seems low IMO but oh well. We will see.
  10. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Thanks, that's a bit of a deal breaker for me.
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  11. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    As well as the previous alt gears from tier vendors?
  12. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Yes, no changes there.
  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I'm not sure I follow. Once we're into the new plan, everyone will always have 4 raids relevant.
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  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    A "good samaritan" helps people to help people, not for the reward. But yes, the idea is you play content matching your power level in order to increase your power level and progress.
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  15. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    For number 1 I believe it makes sense. Compare time investment daily for a duo vs an alert. The alert generally will take about 2-4 times as long as a duo. We will have 4 duos, 2 solos, and 2 alerts available to run every single day. This is 8 pieces of content we have available for our daily grind at any given time. All of these except for the solos equal out to more marks per month than raids. If we were to add more alerts they would be too out of line for earning potential.

    Raids : 120 marks per month
    Alerts : 300 marks per month
    Duos : 240 marks per month
    Solos : 60 marks per month

    If anything, every other month should swap duos/solos so we end up with 3 of each per 6 month band.
    Duo - Solo - Duo - Solo - Duo - Solo instead of Duo - Solo - Duo - Duo - Solo - Duo
    This would result in this new mark formula:

    Duos : 180 marks per month
    Solos : 90 marks per month

    It does not close the gap, but it would make solo players happier, as well as close some of the game between the marks available to earn per choice of content.
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  16. Blight KOBRA Commander

    It is, and one particular example springs to mind. DC comics just kicked off their latest major event, "Convergence", (which yes is almost identical Marvel's 'Battleworld', but anyway), in which different DC comics realities are thrown together in one big survival of the fittest battle. For this huge conflagration, they're utilizing not only worlds and stories from comics but also TV and yes video games. One particular DC Universe however is absent from the lineup of alternate realities which will be slugging it out. Included with the Convergence comic have been fliers detailing the different worlds that are to be included and found it somewhat annoying that OUR version of DC is not among the lineup. Hopefully with this announcement and the new changes coming, maybe DCUO will be drawn a little closer into the overall fabric of DC comics. But until than I decided to just to a little fan edit of one of the fliers and put our DC Universe into the lineup.


    EDIT: One last thing, hopefully it will also mean the devs will have more material to work with in terms of expanding the game using already established DC lore (Atlantis anyone?).
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  17. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    After you complete the T6 duo you all of the other content relevant to you.
  18. RealGODofWar New Player

    The marginalization of old content is just bad.
    The unified mark system is kinda good
    The new difficulty of getting style-based SP is overall bad
    The new loot system/drops sounds good but It depends on execution.
    The new content release schedule sounds amazing but I will need to see it to believe it
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  19. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    You mean running content to get marks for old gear? No. This will require more work, that said alerts daily could net you 300 marks per month, enough to buy 5 pieces of the most expensive "style" pieces a month(no weapon). Add solos into the mix, and you could buy 6 pieces of old gear a month.

    Point being, it is a very realistic option to keep up, as well as earn extra marks, without every setting foot into a raid. Raids will only give you the equivalent of 2 pieces of the most expensive style gear(chest/legs) per month, or 3 of the cheapest(back).
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  20. Imsms08 New Player

    Find it amusing how people are crying over running old content and expecting marks like they can do so now to get end game gear. Then try and play it off as being "nice" or "helping " others. If you want to be nice or help them do so, you get little to no reward for helping others now as is mark wise. If you want to gear up then do things your level. Stop trying to make it so you can gear up with little to no effort. Beside it won't take long to buy all the gear with marks anyways. The changes will make things run smoother and normalize things. Plus you won't see as many threads complaining of high level players ruining the experience of lower end content.
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