Dev Discussion DLC13: Throne of the Dead (Elite) Raid - Official Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Quixotic, Feb 3, 2015.

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  1. KobeEl Well-Known Player

    It has been fixed and tested since yesterday. Check Last Hotfix note for live server.
  2. RealGODofWar New Player

    I think making a raid designed(intended) to be beaten after the content is irrelevant is counter-intuitive.
  3. BIGBOYSEAN132 New Player

    its beatable we just beat it a second time we got the strat down pat
  4. KobeEl Well-Known Player

    Here is yours :p

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  5. ForumJunky New Player

    Congrats man! Awesome job! We beat it twice the second went so much faster.
  6. KobeEl Well-Known Player

    Yeah once you figured how to control Hade's life and got your start down, it's becoming much easier.

    Thanks Devs for all the hotfixes, I think it's what we expected from Elite. Next Step : SM#3 ! |
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  7. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    Just done elite wooooo 101 legs ;)
  8. SugarHill Well-Known Player

    Good job on the completion...

    But if you have to find a way to cheese like hiding behind bowls or pillars is it really legit?

    Im not downing you for it im just saying its no different then nexus artifact tanking cheese ya know.....
  9. BIGBOYSEAN132 New Player

    thats not a chese thats a strategy
    like is running out of range of the paradox warrior a cheese because i didnt take the hit from it? was pillar tanking in dox a cheese? no it was a strategy
  10. SugarHill Well-Known Player

    If your a tank yes it was a cheese in dox ....when you can jump right in front of em when its charging .....and yes pillar tanking was a cheese in fact its the same cheese they changed on Ares and corner tanking ...thats why he teleports to the middle of the room ....
    Or do you really think thats a strategy?
    Getting far enough away is a strategy hiding behind something isnt its.... a big difference there far as strategy and cheeseing goes...
  11. BIGBOYSEAN132 New Player

    i think you are just mad that people can beat it and you cant
  12. SugarHill Well-Known Player

    115 rage tank there bud and ya i dont cheese it....
    So please find another way to flatter me with insults ....
    Im not impressed...
  13. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    I was trying to LoS the shade stomp. It's no different than running out of range for it. If you really think that's the only reason why we beat it, think again.
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  14. BIGBOYSEAN132 New Player

    for once britteny i agree with you
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  15. SugarHill Well-Known Player

    I see .
    It looked as though you were getting out of los of the shade that acts as punisher but isn't named punisher....

    Dont get me wrong i meant no insult from it ..

    Some are responding to my post as if im bashing you and i am clearly not trying to simply asking and or trying to state my opinion...

    I did says "Grats"
  16. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    We didn't have a punisher. There weren't any special adds that spawned. The only thing I was LoS'ing was the shade stomp as it'll hit me for 20k+ per stomp. I died once to it as I got hit for 21k, 32k and then 42k :\ Pretty deadly for a tank.
  17. SugarHill Well-Known Player

    Lol yes this i know ..... I also rewatched the vid ...
    Seen ya los'ing the stomp...
    Good job .
  18. Skeptikraze Well-Known Player

    My people and I invested a good 5h+ yesterday on Elite Hades (best run was getting him to roughly 40-50%), and I can safely say the raid is indeed much cleaner than it was.

    However, wait for it...................not yet at the cleanliness level that it needs to be.

    The bottom line is that in terms of the required burn throughout the raid, not all powers will be as viable as having 1 or 2+ Quantums in there time-bomb-smashing those health bars; as a player who disagrees with the success rate of a raid based off of excluding a certain power due to insufficient DPS numbers, this is one aspect of the raid that still requires attention.

    Connecting the burn issue to the adds' spawn frequency, is where the main problem lies: a reduction in the adds' spawn frequency both pre and post-banishment OR a reduction in the adds' health is required. I mentioned this in almost every feedback I wrote on this thread, and again, though with each hotfix we're seeing improvements, this remains only partially resolved.

    Other than the adds' spawn frequency/health, everything else seems to be fine.
  19. HazeTA New Player

    Considering how many people have beat it since the latest round of 'fixes', I'd say it can't even be considered 'elite' anymore. How much easier does it need to get? It not even supposed to be doable for 99% of the community now everyone is at it.

    I can see your point about power imbalance but that's a whole other issue that needs to be addressed outside of Elite, not because of it or worse, changing Elite to compensate for it.
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  20. Skeptikraze Well-Known Player

    Indeed, 99% of the community should have an extremely difficult time beating it at this point in time, but it shouldn't be due to a direct flavor-of-the-month flaw, or luck. The power imbalance should be addressed here because it's a direct consequence of what that power can accomplish, and what it can accomplish is raid completion.

    It's not just one factor, it's a variety of factors (as specifically stated in my last reply) that cause this raid to be beatable, and as you said, the "elite" part of it has, since release, been diminishing.
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