Downtime US PC Server Downtime - March 25, 2015

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 25, 2015.

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  1. Bryan Rolon New Player

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  2. Morcra Committed Player

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  3. DC Loli New Player

    Appreciate the update and since we has new hardware I forgive you guys for being down all my time off work today. Fail Loli again and I shall Destroy you tho.o_O
  4. CorruptErtai New Player

    Not HOW LONG. It's more of a HOW FAR can F2P progress before hitting the sub-wall in content. If you focus skill points and collections you will get through easily 100-150+ hours before that happens.
  5. Isa Othala New Player

    Sounds like someone made a run to walmart for cheap replacements and duct tape to hold it together until tomorrow XD
  6. bubba52760 New Player

    How long is the down time this time?
  7. aelgifu New Player

    Its not unfair for legends players to ask for compensation. If I go to a restaurant and they mess up my order, they will replace it. Adding a day to your subscription is the same thing. If that's not feasible from a technical standpoint then station cash (same as a coupon) would be fine. Customer service is more than platitudes. I understand things go wrong, but when they do customer service demands you make it right. It amazes me how gamers are willing to take poor customer service, or attack those that expect to be treated fairly.
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  8. Original_Walker New Player

    Sorry the "f2p players will get more time" confused me
  9. Morcra Committed Player

    or they had spares.
  10. Godzilla313 Level 30

    All this is almost enough to make me start playing Villains, except I've tried playing villains, and I just can't bring myself to do it. Always feel icky.
  11. Lizardrus New Player

    DCUO down only gives me a chance to read some more Lanterns comics and get hyped for the game when it comes back.
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  12. Lando Level 30

    Wow there really are some losers out there I.e person talking people should lose their jobs over a little extra downtime.... WOW get a life. Why would you wish anyone to lose their job over a little mistake dumbfounded me.
    I'd really hate to see the spoilt results if someone was silly enough to procreate with you....
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  13. Morcra Committed Player

    how much wud u like to be compensated for about 1-2$ of lost gane time
  14. Meta Care Level 30

  15. The Archon New Player

    I have to agree with Lycanthropus24. It is a little disconcerting to have this kind of thing happen, but when you deal with computers and hardware there are always going to be issues. I just paid for a full year of all access on the 17th and this happens. Personally, I'm glad to see the DCUO staff are doing their best to get this going again, and I'm sure it can't be that easy of a job to do. Thank you DCUO staff for keeping us posted on all of this. You are all heroes in my book :)
  16. Bryan Rolon New Player

    Guys it's just a normal restart for USPC getting it ready for a quick hotfix will not take more than 2 hours.:rolleyes:[IMG]
  17. Darkconcepts New Player

    these problems are normal for any mmo.
    anyone who plays mmos knows sometimes these things happen.
    it will be fixed and there will be new bugs also.
    once again normal for any mmo.
    yeah it sucks that its been down all day but such is life. not everything goes
    the way its planned.
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  18. Original_Walker New Player

    I think that they should give everyone some certain, kinda powerful armor chest or something for the downtime. Nothing world destroying, but something that is good enough to balance the downtime
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  19. onenotnamed New Player

    50 cents of play time
  20. Lethal Night New Player

    I cant possibly fathom the patience Mepps and other developers must need to deal with the people who whine and down the hard work these people do just so others can have fun. I wish the devs can find where these people work so they can do the same.
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