Current State of the Playstation 3

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scarlet Rise, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Spend $60 on an SSD or $400 on a PS4... Either option will make the game like new for a PS3 user... The SSD'd PS3 will be as fast as a stock PS4 (actually slightly faster) just won't have the nice graphics update.
  2. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    If money is tight and buying a hard drive is going to slow down your PS4 purchase, You're better off just paying the $400, because at some point you're going to have no option but to get a PS4. So don't burden yourself and keep delaying the inevitable :)

    If you're rich, get both. Especially if the hard drive you choose fits into the PS4.
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  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Its funny, people expect the PS4 price to drop in the next year. Look at the PS3 for example, look how long it took for its price to drop, 4 almost 5 years. But then again 2017 is the estimate for PS3 servers to get shutdown, so I guess people can really just wait it out.
  4. just an honest dps New Player

    as far as stability i think this is the best PS3 has ever been. I never crash or freeze anymore, not like it used to be back in the days where it was like 10 times a day.
  5. just an honest dps New Player

    you're wrong on that one. the ps3 had a $100 price drop within a year.
  6. HazeTA New Player

    Maybe you need a better group who can either kill adds quick or know how to prevent more adds spawning. I have zero problems in there on PS3 in any of the four roles.
  7. Proto1118 Committed Player

    PS3 version is barely playable. A SSD helps somewhat but it's still slower in every way than the PS4 from my experience. ~15-20 fps is no way to play the game.
    Time to cut it loose Daybreak.
  8. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    What about PC and PS3 players. I have friends on both servers.
  9. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Don't have to tell me twice, I slapped a 500gb SSD into my PS4 right away. Just saying some people find it easier to justify $60 and worry about a PS4 later...
  10. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    I saw that, too. I always have issues in Gotham Under Siege. General Ptolome sometimes won't render for me until I leave and come back, even though I'm on the PS4.
  11. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    I had been looking into upgrading for a few months now, especially when I started playing DCUO. I am very surprised that I put up with the issues I had been experiencing for as long as I did. I guess the issues were less severe in the beginning since I played solo most of the time. Yet as I got into the higher tier content where most of the gameplay is group content, the performance of the game took a nose dive and has been horrible. I am sure that on a PS4 there are lag issues here and there, perhaps a disconnect on occasion. That's fine. I can deal with that. My issues on the PS3 were daily, where out of an hour's worth of play Icould actually play 15 minutes without something crapping out. Things as basic as moving inventory items around were not even working for me. Picking up collection or investigation nodes took over a minute at times to register if not ther player was around. My character would just stay in the same spot looking from side to side while others in the area would come by and snipe the node - lol. Meanwhile I'd stay swinging away.
    Thanks for the advise on the PS3 :) I'll keep it around anyway for my son to play other games on and for music, since I do use it quite oftenly for that. Here's to a better gaming experience.
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  12. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    With the statements in the FNL 2 weeks ago by Spytle, I doubt ps3 will have much more from DCUO in the future. Ps4 is going to be getting upgrades, such as base item limits, to be more comparable to the PC version. Spytle stated "Ps3 users are just going to have to find a way with dealing with rendering with the extra items." He then went on to state that though they love the support from the ps3 players, "hurry up, get a ps4".

    I am not saying that this means the end of ps3, but I do believe we're approaching the point in which ps3 will have more and more limitations placed on them. Also, I believe we will begin seeing content released for Ps4/PC, some of which will not be available on Ps3. Whether this will happen in months, or possibly next year, either way upgrading is soon going to be necessary.
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  13. MrBeefCakes New Player

    people are forgetting that DCUO has gotten bought out and the company could drop the PS3 whenever they want. Only time will tell.
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  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    True, but do you honestly think the PS4 is going to drop in price in the next year with the success its had? I dont think so.
  15. MrBeefCakes New Player

    It won't and at it current price($400) it has already sold over 20 million.

    Let the people keep dreaming of the $300 price tag.
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  16. just an honest dps New Player

    yes, i do.
  17. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    From my perspective, I don't think players disappearing is just a hardware related issue. I think the PS3 is only half the problem there. On my main, PVP is almost unplayable as opponents basically pop in and out. However, that doesn't happen on any of my alts. On my alts, not a single npc or player vanishes ever, even in PVP. If it was strictly a hardware issue, all my alts would have the same issue but they don't. Only my main does. 2 or 3 members in my league who also still play on the PS3 have described the player vanishing issue only affecting their main but leaving their alts perfectly fine too. Also, 1 who plays on PS3 says he has never seen players ever vanish on him. I think that issue is just more complex than people realize, but it should definitely be looked into more.
  18. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    They can't drop the PS3 until PSN lets them, because PSN gets a cut of all purchases by PS users. Yes, many hope that they cut the PS3 in the next year or so, but until Sony lets them drop the PS3 we're stuck with it.
  19. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Really, especially with project morpheus launching next year too, I think price reduction will be with project morpheus bundle, but not a actual price reduction on the system itself.
  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Sony announced in a press conference that they will keep the PS3 servers running through 2016. So come 2017 if the PS3 is still doing good we may see PS3 still on DCUO.