Reality Check

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Think Logically, Feb 16, 2015.

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  1. Think Logically New Player

    Is Call of Duty F2P? Is VW a F2P game? No, now please take your associate's level economics perspective back to school. BUSINESS MODEL FOR FREE TO PLAY. I would say it again, but you still won't get it. Like I said to a couple of other people in this thread I am done explaining myself.
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  2. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    How many users......
    are video game journalists and or affiliated with video game industry.....
    and have deadlines... willing to exploit after they got the feel of a game mode and thought it took too long....
    Can write off expense of video gaming due to work related activities.
    Are game journalists that exploit games with exploits released for use to blame?

    (I'm considerate. i think of angles that others might not think to consider.)
    Meanwhile, i see the issue as being endless Tier content to sell DLCs, whereas not every dlc is necessary to remain with users at the latest content users. (i'll be skipping this dlc. Been feeling that the CR advancement is trivial of the past few dlcs at moments, from one to the next. I'm leaning towards simply finding out what the next dlc minimum requirement cr is. Hey, is the story fun? If I can get through content without is bugging out, sure. Trigon alert 50% issue, how long was that there? I forget. I warned users about it during use, but they did not always read. A) should not have been released as it was. B) should have been hotfixed within a day. The whole PSN approval process is insane due to the presence of bugs in released version. Just stop that entirely! open the gates for new versions. It no longer matters if you might make credit card information vulnerable, because you already did with the system in place.)
  3. FiveByFive New Player

    if they were really worried about where their revenue was coming from they would have monetized cosmetic items a long time ago. your assumption that they're strategically targeting whales for revenue is giving too much credit since most of their financial model doesn't reflect that level of premeditation.

    these players need to be banned for a short period of time. they need to have their gear rolled back and replaced specifically with 98gear (bwah hahahaha) and their replays should not be refunded to them. that is sufficient punishment.

    furthermore the devs SHOULD release a statement once punishment has been handed out and state how they were punished so that everyone knows what happened. the devs don't have to talk about the specific people involved and they can remain anonymous for privacy reasons but there should be a clear stand made that is openly addressed.
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  4. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    OMG, beach erosion happens due to beached whales being exploded! (beside other more regular reasons for erosion)
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  5. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Just merely Devils Advocate here:
    If Daybreak does not pursue any kind of ramifications to ban, strip, whatever, players who glitched their way in AF2 (and in the past) because they dare not want to alienate the whales because of big piles of profits and their current/potential future revenue stream by banning them, or any glitcher/exploiter...

    How well do you think this will set with WB/DC knowing they have an IP getting sh** on by letting, encouraging, and doing nothing to glitchers/exploiters/cheaters in its particular game community?

    Daybreak/Columbus Nova wont be too happy when they have an entire license not renewed/dropped and a large revenue dropped out of their portfolio over something like this. They might value its IP integrity much more than Daybreak... who knows.

    I just hope Orcas, Narwhals and dolphins are innocent and didnt participate in the ToD glitch. Go after those herrings and mackerels. They cant be trusted.
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  6. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    musical interlude. carry on.
  7. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I hope the Dev team takes up your challenge.... I love arrogant taunts like this thread, they help to show the Devs that they need to show players who is in charge. (*edited phrasing)
    As an 'Honest Whale' I hope that the Devs protect the integrity of the game. Honest players can just as easily find another ocean, if they don't like the way cheating is handled...

    Roll cheater toons back to Feb 4th
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  8. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    Mmmmmm..... No. That's not even close to a little accurate.
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  9. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    Im kind of ashamed that nobody posted the Dr Evil "Riiiiiiiiiiight...." image...
  10. iSmashly New Player

    Why would these supposed people spend 15k on a game they don't want to play? Do you spend $60 on a game just to input an unlocked everything cheat code and declare you've finished and want somthing new? Personally I'm not asking for bans or gear rollbacks because there's really no way to tell who got the gear by gitching and who got it legitimately as far as I know, but trying to defend the behavior is ridiculous.
  11. EPHEMERAL titan New Player

    Ive subbed since the game started on PS3 and have bought things with real money besides...i think my sub amount is a little more now that i play pc...the first time i subbed they had a sale that locked in a low price..but when i switched to PC i paid full price...thousands...probably...over years of playing and buying silly things like the star skin and auras. i do not cheat...i do not see how having money gives you the right to cheat...but then im not republican...
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  12. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

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  13. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Sorry, devs themselves seem not to realize what keeps DCUO running. Reality check: in this very moment people cannot access the game via PS3 if their last login was before the current EULA was released; the permanent "checking for update data" screen showing up since last update/fix prevents people from accepting the EULA. As a result, casual gamers coming back are stuck in an endless loop of "checking update", "error occurred", "you have to accept the EULA" - well, until they quit the game that is. So with this bug crew themselves is blocking additional casual revenue.

    So wasting/blocking potential income from casuals of course makes it easy for some "whales" to look "large" on the revenue percentage. However, people spending 15k dollars (I assume US?) on a game like this in this very state should see a mental institute from the inside, long term - they are out of reality anyway :D
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  14. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    My favorite part of this thread is the sense of entitlement.
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  15. Biester New Player

    Why spend that much money? In less than three months time, the gear gained from the money spent isn't even viable anymore.
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  16. Nirvana 93 Well-Known Player

    If those are the kind of people who keep the game alive, I say let it die then.
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  17. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    We don't really know, but to be quite honest, neither do you. Just as you can find examples of industries thriving on casual/low budget consumers, there are just as many examples of industries that prey on rich people and addicts.
    Here's a study of the alcohol industry that does rely on "whales" to make it's money. How do you know this game doesn't do the same? I would put my money on them taking advantage of obsessive-compulsive people and addicts, just like the alcohol industry does. It makes sense to me, but i don't know and truth is neither do you.

    the top 2.5% of drinkers by volume account for 27% and 25% of the nation's total self-reported alcohol consumption in the telephone and in-person surveys, respectively; the top 5% account for 42% and 39%; and the top 20% of drinkers account for 89% and 87%
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  18. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    None of that matters in the long run... the amount someone spends on the game does not buy away the products integrity.
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  19. JReel New Player

    The principles are the same. Economics consists of one main concept as a business structure which is, try to make the most revenue possible. YOU WILL NOT HAVE A BUSINESS THAT RELIES STRICTLY ON BIG SPENDERS. Get a grip on reality and realize you have no clue what you are talking about.

    I still have yet to see those statistics bro. Provide some links and documents please. Can't do it? Figures, every person is makes up a bunch of nonsense typically can't prove their arguments except the same old "Oh I said it is this way and I won't argue no more because I would dig a bigger hole for myself. So let me pretend as if I do not care anymore, yet I will keep replying to that same person with regurgitated, repeated statements."

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  20. JReel New Player

    AGAIN, no one is denying that big spenders can help a business boom. No one said they don't matter. But to sit and say a gaming business would CATER to big spenders is absurd. Makes no sense at all. Show me one publisher that created a game that is built around people who would spend thousands on it and does away with the average consumer. Don't worry I'll wait.

    The only companies that can pick and chose who they want to appeal to and still be successful are clearly monopolies.
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