Reality Check

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Think Logically, Feb 16, 2015.

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  1. Think Logically New Player

    Some people do not realize what exactly keeps DCUO running. DCUO is F2P and derives the majority of its sales from marketplace transactions and subscriptions. The new content DCUO releases is focused completely around endgame players and do you know why? The reason is something known as “Whales”. In F2P games whales are players who spend massive or spike amounts of real money on the game. In DCUO these people are responsible for the continuation of the game, not the casual spender or subscriber.
    The reason I am explaining this is because the majority of the people who are exploiting TOTD Elite are players that fall into this category. I personally know three people who are exploiting TOTD who have spent well over $15,000 on this game and several others who spend money regularly.

    Why does this matter, you ask? This matters because these players keep the game running. All of you people wanting permanent bans and character resets do not or will not realize this. Your money is not better than their money, trust me.

    Now, time for the reality check. Guess what? Drastic measures like these won’t happen, for the same reason they haven’t happened before. DBG knows who makes them the money and they know permanently banning their “Whales” is bad for business. This becomes even more important and relevant in a time where they are facing cuts and scrutiny from their new investment capital overlords, CN.

    So………..Now that you understand you don’t matter to the game as much as these “Whales”. Sit back relax and enjoy the fact that they took TOTD down within a couple days, because they could have left it up for weeks like Paradox Wave.
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  2. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I spent some replays with T4 and maybe broke into Whale status, but then i realized/remembered the endless vertical tier progression.... and have not used replays for content since then. (used some on alt Feats)
    Having bought the game at launch in 2011, does that make me a Whale? (no freaking way someone spends/spent 15k; is that a lotto winner that does that?; i've been premium for a long while, probably since T4ish. sidenote. play your way: i've had segments of legendary and premium times.)
  3. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    What? There is no proof or even remotely logical statistic that connects spending large amounts of money and exploiting the game's glitches. That is the most asinine assumption i have heard so far in defense of the exploiters. Show some proof before making absurd claims like this...btw knowing 3 people who fit the assumption doesnt make it a fact since i know plenty of people who spend tons of money on the game and yet do not stoop to exploits
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  4. ChuckLess New Player

    Lol! NOT TRUE!

    Get outta here man.
    • Like x 12
  5. Think Logically New Player

    No, these players spend a lot and regularly. I know one of them spent at least $3000 resetting Assault and Battery to get the Rings of Omnipotence. These "Whales" I am referring to are big spenders. I have played the game since Feb. 2011 and have spent tons on it and I don't even considered myself anywhere near these players.

    The fact is if these players leave or lose their account the game dies, period.
  6. Gucciana Committed Player

    i agree with chuckless man

    Beat it
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  7. Gucciana Committed Player

    do you have facts to back up your claims that a small portion of the community keeps this game running?
  8. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    He's talking about total money over the time the game has been out though. $3750 per year isn't entirely unrealistic if you have money to blow. Subscriptions, replay badges, power tokens, movement tokens, name changes, armories, bases etc.
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  9. Think Logically New Player

    Keep denying, proof isn't needed. Providing proof only blacklists players. I clearly stated that some of the biggest spenders in DCUO are the ones doing the glitch. You can choose to believe me or not, I could care less.

    Oh and I can guarantee you don't have any friends in the monetary level I am talking, but keep telling yourself that you matter.
  10. La Shark Dedicated Player

    Lol, oh lord.

    Please, stop wolfing.
  11. Gucciana Committed Player

    this guy sounds like on of the exploiters
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  12. Remander Steadfast Player

    Lol! $15k?! I don't know what's more stupid. That you came up with that figure or that it might be true. Where's the Picard/Riker face palm meme?
    • Like x 15
  13. Krypton Dedicated Player

    I have to say 15 grand on a video game? Your either making this up, or those people are sad losers.
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  14. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    Im guess with the arrogant responses, overcompensating name, and new member status he got banned for being a lazy exploiter and now he is salty and back for "revengeance"
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  15. Think Logically New Player

    Completely true and I may be severely understating the number. As I stated before, choose to believe me or not, it's the truth.
  16. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    well, if an account gets banned for exploiting. They've got money to do rank up quickly. (don't exploit)
    or if they've payed to be privileged beyond TOS.... 0o. There may or may not be a willingness or action from devs to not ban whales upon account spending records after glitching or other TOS violations?
    Your speculation is entertaining. (which is not to say that whales do not exist, but you will get little to no support for making a case about them cheating and getting away with it. That'd end the interest of anyone else and i'll bet there are more players that are not whales. Will whales pay for a server to stay open after the game is scheduled to be shut down from lack of population?)
    • Like x 1
  17. Gucciana Committed Player

    yea most
    yea most likely

    i mean if your gonna pay for a game and then cheat the hell out of it for gear why bother with the game?
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  18. Drake Malice Dedicated Player

    So you are one of those people...well this thread shall be wiped from the face of the forum very soon as the Devs/mods really dont enjoy the presence of such lark
  19. Think Logically New Player

    No ban just don't want everyone to know who I really am. You would know I was telling the truth then and it could give away the names of people I know.
  20. Enzan Committed Player

    The game will be fine. You think permanently banning people is any different then those who quit? They aren't. People leave daily, and new players take their spots.

    Oh, and let's not forget that a good bit of those who would be permanently banned will return on a different account to start all over from scratch. Why? because this is one of the only Superhero games out there, if not the only one.

    Move along.
    • Like x 2
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