can you raise the escro cap?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Leveilleur, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Ever since the soder cola change, premiums should be fine. If you dont like being premium go legendary, and if you dont like going legendary then perhaps just deal with the cap. As you can see earlier there have been over 30 threads on this topic. Devs have helped you by changing soders, but that is about it.

    You get nothing else, good day sir.
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  2. Minnion Devoted Player

    Oh hey guys, thanks for bumping the thread... Got anything meaningful to add or reiterate in this discussion?

    My own two cents: The progression of repair costs through the tiers of content is flawed, and can only add so much friction before it causes progress to grind to a halt. Retaining premium players without making us burn out from the friction placed on us is important for one simple reason: We have shown our willingness to buy your line of products, and probably will continue to do so as long as we aren't driven away by overbearing attempts to sell us a subscription.(Heck some of us are former subscribers who might someday subscribe again if we don't burn out from the games "intended friction" and quit before then...)

    In short, the games friction needs to be balanced. Too much and players will burn out from it. Too little and players have no incentive to seek relief from it in the form of micro-transactions and subscriptions.(That said the purchase of a subscription should not be the only appealing way to get long term relief to cash cap friction.)

    So please just put a maximum cap on repair costs. Increasing that friction any further isn't going to make me want to subscribe, it's just going to make that content less appealing to those who don't have unlimited escrow.(Which isn't going to help sales of said content at all)

    Now onto the other related issue people have with the cash cap: Crafting... Now yes I know that some relief was brought to us in the form of synthetic mods. In fact it seems almost like the Devs are slowly phaseing out our dependance on crafting anything, which raises the questions; Why is this restricted again? No I mean really, if devs want us to spend real money to gain access to crafting interfaces why not just sell them on the MP outright or for replay badges or some such nonsense...?

    Finally there is money trading: Premiums can't use this at all... I think that they should. Now before you jump on me and start hammering me with "But money trading is a perk of legendary! Why would we want to sub if we could trade money!" Well because of the following reasons:
    1. Even with the ability to trade money us premiums would still have the cash cap.(Thus the most we could give to another player while being limited to a 2k cash cap would be 2k)
    2. Even with the ability to trade money us premiums would still have the cash cap.(Thus any cash we receive from other players that exceeds the 2k cash cap ends up added to our escrow. So if lets say I sold a captain cold hood for 2 million by trading with someone with unlimited escrow like a subscriber, most of that two million would end up stuck in escrow until I paid for a sub or escrow token to access it. Do I really need to point out that the value gained from unlocking escrow is directly proportional to how much you have consolidated in escrow?)
    3. Us premiums would still not be able to send/trade/or otherwise touch the cash that's locked in escrow at all.
    4. Allows legendary/subscribers/anyone to give their premium buddy money for repairs directly(Thus being more convenient for the legendary player too as we don't need to muck about with rolling cash over into soders/interfaces to give to those who need more cash for repairs.)
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  3. Leveilleur Well-Known Player

    I just said I was legendary
  4. nogimmick New Player

    here's the TL:DR version....
    blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah (fart)

    they're not changing it, plain and simple. i don't care what you say, what kind of overly wordy write-ups you's not changing.
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  5. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    That's all that fits in one post... I have links to 2 years worth:D
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  6. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Perhaps the Mods should just make a sticky that is locked stating that they will not raise the Cash Cap and close all of the Cash Cap threads or prevent new ones from popping up. That would make your life easier. Lol
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  7. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    @OP you are an active member and have never, not even once seen one of the weekly increase cap threads?
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  8. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    Then my statement isn't directed at you.
  9. GreenGod New Player

    I dissagree somewhat. Free2play cap should stay at 1500(quit being greedy and pay for the game devs work hard to create) and Mabe Premium should get a 5k cap(u dont have to have legendary at any point to be premium, just spend 5 dollars on ANYTHING) Game cost alot of money to create and maintance. Let alone Bandwith and server cost.
    Free 2 play is there way of giving u a demo. Wasnt Intened for people to play the whole game as free2play account. Talk about sony being greedy well ur right. But the People who complain about limtis on free2play are also greedy. wanting something for nothing.
    This is Show Bussiness, Not show Friends. These guys in it for the money(its there jobs.)
  10. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    That's exactly the problem. In case you didn't notice: The costs currently increase with the item level of the gear...

    That's what I've been asking for too.

    The repair costs could cause the end of DCUO - and I am usually not someone who says such things, but in this case, it is merely the logic conclusion of something that WILL HAPPEN, if nothing changes.
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  11. Falco Committed Player

    Here's another bump for this silly thread: Never gonna happen. And just to be clear, nothing about the cash cap is "flawed" as so many keep saying. It is working exactly as intended. If you want more in game cash than you need to go legendary or buy unlimited escrow. Complaining in the forums has never and will never change the cash cap.

    You're all more than welcome to keep making these threads though. I think the rest of us enjoy them for a good laugh from time to time. :D
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  12. stl4now Well-Known Player

    The search isn't that great???? Dear lord, there are cash cap threads almost EVERY week.
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  13. kawe Loyal Player

    You get what you get for playing FOR FREE. (yes, I saw you have a leg account too, I'm generally speaking to all those cash cap QQer.)
    Free players should be happy they can get on the servers without paying a monthly fee. lol The devs and servers aren't payed by nothing. They are not greedy for simply wanting to be payed for their work and keep the game up.

    Free accounts complaining that they don't get more is kinda greedy in my eyes.
    It's the company's goal to get us to sub up. I mean... nothing wrong with that goal imho. As long as they deliver quality content.
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  14. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I am Premium and I will not buy any T7 DLC and those who will won't play for long. Good luck you AA members finding players for T7 content :p.
    Why? Because it won't be playable with the current way repair costs are (What exactly is the devs intention by ignoring this problem? It can only be one thing: Back to the subscription model...).
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  15. ZEUSofGODS Dedicated Player

    This is a great idea... Let me kno if they implement this.. I have a sub that I need to cancel...
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  16. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player



    Please stop using this word
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  17. Leveilleur Well-Known Player

    Okay even I had a good laugh
  18. Minnion Devoted Player

    Truly you bring a new and insightful perspective to this thread with your mature and very well thought out counterargument to my post.:rolleyes:

    You want me to deal with it? That's fine, discussing what I don't like about the game and proposing solutions to fix the perceived flaws is how I "deal with it."

    You don't think they are going to change "it"(by "it" I'm assuming that you're referring to the cash cap.) Okay cool... That only tells me that you don't support, or are against the idea proposed by the first post in this thread, which I admit I'm not opposed to.

    That said, sounds like you didn't really read my post at all... Otherwise you would understand that I was pointing out the underlying problems that people think would be fixed with a higher cash cap, as well as my ideal solutions to said problems(Which basically boil down to: Put a cap on repair costs so they don't become unmanageable for Premiums, Lower the prices on crafting materials so that Premium players have greater access to crafting than they do now, and probably my most controversial suggestion which you did not address at all: Let premium players trade money(without touching the cash cap at all) along with an explanation for how I figure having a cash cap would impact the ability to trade money)
  19. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I dont think ppl will drop there memership for that. I know I wouldn't
  20. Epiclurker Well-Known Player

    If the company wants us to subscribe then they should offer us proper perks. As things stand right now legendary is not worth the money. As an example lets take two players under the current model.

    Player 1 subs today and stays subbed for 10 years.
    Player 2 only buys the DLCs for 10 years.
    Both stop playing for 6 months and start back on the same day.
    Player 1 who subbed for 10 years will have access to much less content then player 2 despite having spent a much greater amount of money.
    As has been said before in other threads, maybe it's time subscribers started campaigning for better perks for their money.
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