I can't believe there are people out there who treat low levels like this

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. spack2k Steadfast Player

    and to which group belong those who QQ about everything in a forum?:p
  2. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Why not go do some missions you level 10 bum?
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  3. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    I'm sure your being sarcastic here, the sad part is its accurate.

    I'm currently making my first "hero". I've decided to try a Quantum Troller. He's up to level 15 I think. I've not grouped with anyone, I've not cared to. I've been blindly invited to 3 leagues which I've refused each time. I'm taking my time, learning Quantum Dps and enjoying observing the differences and similarities between Hero / Villain story lines. To be honest? At level 10 you should be doing more soloing and doing the same thing Circe.
  4. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    I guess people tend to forget that they started from scratch at one point, and we tend to forget at times that this game is overpopulated with dbags. This shouldn't such a surprise
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  5. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Well you got everyone's attention once again Circe

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  6. Miggly Committed Player

    Other than being cruel I see no reason to talk to a low level like this. Especially when you are not involved with them.
  7. Minrath Well-Known Player

    and thats why villain side is dead...kaput..not so funny now is it..
  8. lukelucky Devoted Player

    when your able to act without consaquences you see one true character. guess we get a good look at the dude you are. random actions like that is simply sad on any level and i would hope better from people in any situation
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    you havent noticed Circe is a poster who get some of the highest responses/view count in the general forum section?
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  10. ChuckLess New Player

    Then that would mean you have irresponsible parents. This game (and the internet in general) is not meant for children.
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  11. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I can't believe people are still taking what he says at face value. This story is as credible as...something that isn't very credible.
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  12. Cold Fuzion New Player

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  13. Dogico Loyal Player

    Did one instance of running into a rude player warrant a thread? I swear to god our society in general has become insanely soft. Snuggles soft.
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  14. NightBandit New Player

    Made me cry...I hate villains...
  15. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I wonder how many Circe inspired alts you have.

    New player or child, people need to learn the ropes sooner or later. People are going to say and do horrible things to other people in this world, especially on the internet.
  16. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    4 years in, and you're still complaining about this.
    I really dont see it changing unless human emotions and compassion evolve hardcore as a speciecs over night.

    Im sorry this is still suprising to you.
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  17. Omega Boy Committed Player

    Were you just standing there silently? Or were you doing something to gain their attention? It doesn't excuse them. I'm just curious.
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  18. Green Lantern New Player

    The villain side was always bad, man. I haven't played the game in a few months but I see that hasn't changed. This is to be expected when you have kids running around with zero moderation. Trade chat alone is usually filled with pigs.
  19. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    I can't believe you keep bringing up your homophobic/sexist issues in every single thread you feel like complaining in. This is a game forum, not a personal blog.
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  20. Blue Hound New Player

    Luckily for children & soft-skinned people, chat censor is on by default.
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