
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Avoid The Noid, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. Avoid The Noid New Player

    I really hope you guys aren't issuing a rollback cause i finally got on the character select but then world was down..and all my characters that i made progress on were back to where they were before...gear levels..characters i wiped etc...ugh
  2. ChuckLess New Player

  3. Armaggedion Well-Known Player

    they are working on an issue with logins right now so nothing is accurate when you login since nothing is fixed yet
    it might be just some glitch when world is down for your characters
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  4. Avoid The Noid New Player

    This was meant for another section not sure how it got placed here =/
  5. 5parcks Active Player

  6. Avoid The Noid New Player

    Yeah but if they had to rollback to fixed the login that would suck
  7. Avoid The Noid New Player

    um ok
  8. ChuckLess New Player

    In 4+ years, I don't recall one "roll back" in this game.
  9. Avoid The Noid New Player

    Yeah i know me either but looking at my list that's what had happened until they "fix" i guess
  10. Trial 1 New Player

    Rollback = server restart... so actually, they roll back every time... don't they?
  11. Avoid The Noid New Player

    guess are definitions are different roll back for me usually means they have to "rollback" to an earlier log reducing everything you done up until a restore
  12. Avoid The Noid New Player

  13. Avoid The Noid New Player

    Won't let me edit for some reason sooo
  14. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Rollback=before changes, server restarts don't put the game back before any updates.
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  15. thirty six Loyal Player

    I've been rolled back, but usually it's not when there are sudden log in issues. I've seen it when the world shuts down randomly for restart. Also, I've never seen it be a dramatic rollback. More like you'd just completed something and you no longer have your marks/drops from whatever it was. This was a long time ago. Haven't seen it happen in quite some time. Which makes me kinda think that whenever things start getting wonky and you can't queue for things, etc., maybe this is something that they put in to avoid these "rollbacks" of people losing their progress.
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  16. Davis New Player

  17. Avoid The Noid New Player

    :| i guess you obviously don't know when someone is really mad...
  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Have you been able to get back in? Anything different about your characters?

    I ask because my characters were in a different order than how I left them, and one character was in his base even though he was at Ace Chemicals for the dailies in Gotham when the login issues occurred.
  19. ChuckLess New Player

    "Roll Back" means resetting the game to a previous state. So, anything that happened in between that time is erased.
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  20. Little Sister New Player

    I remember them. I lost some T4 boots that way :(
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