If The Next DLC Lacks Small-Group Content.......

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TrueGODofMarvel, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    I Just might have to take a break. This is not a threat but more of a reflection piece. I don't see why the Devs feel the need to specialize the content. To exclude content from DLCs because it is labeled a large group DLC. WoTL 2 is probably my favorite DLC in a long while. It has variety, and options. It allows me to gear up at my own pace.

    I haven;t even shouted or a raid yet and only recently started doing the alerts. I have six T6 and I can get every single one of them through the Duo/solo in a good time. Not because I dislike raids but because I recently came back from a Halls of Power induced break and feel a little bit to rusty to contribute to a competent raid group.

    But the prospect of going through ANOTHER Halls of Power type of DLC completely drains me. And their is also a clear favortism towards large group content. Every DLC slanted to come out has at least one raid. But for some reason it is unreasonable to have one duo or solo?

    Why are players having their options reduced? Why is convenience taking a back seat? How come the Devs even feel the need to have DLC types? There is a difference imo to making a DLC with the intention of having it large group focused vs making a DLC and it just happens to be large group focused. I don't like the Intentional effort to take away small content. Just like I don't like the intentional effort to take away large content.
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  2. King Felsa New Player

    It's going to be 2 alerts and 3 raids, get used to it.
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  3. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I agree a bit...

    Small Content should include: 1-2 solo, 1-2 duo, 2 alerts, and 1 raid
    Large Content should include 1 solo, 1 duo, or both; 2 alerts, 2-3 raids

    This provides a balance for all players but focuses on the smaller or large content for the group...
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  4. tukuan Devoted Player

    I suspect that AF pt2 will have the same couple of alerts and raids that HoP had. I do agree with the OP that this sort of approach loses it's luster early on, at least for me.

    That said given the existing outside area, I would think that the devs would open that up a bit and give a few more exterior missions at the very least for a solo option. I would love one or more additional solo or duo instance(s) but won't be the farm on it.

    Hopefully we'll get a bit of a teaser for AF2 before the devs go on holiday.
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  5. Inpent New Player

    It personal choice, i happen to love raids so usually thats all ill run.
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  6. ChuckLess New Player

    Don't even get me started on this friggin topic...


    I have been all over this issue already, but I'll add to it some more.

    It's rather interesting how well received this last DLC was/is and yet the Devs still think a group only DLC is a good idea.

    Even the die hard "raiders" were happier with this DLC than the last.

    Forced grouping is just another idea that PROOVES the Devs of this game are sooo out of touch with the players.

    With all the praise WoL2 got, due to it's set up, I would think they would strive to replicate it.

    If they decide to go through with it, I will be dropping my sub for the 1st time in over 3 years. HoP1 was the worst time I experienced I this game.

    Think about it... If you log on, and no one else you generally play with is on at that time, what do you do? If the only thing worth doing requires a group, the answer is PUG or log out. Guess which option most people take?

    End game content is generally a disaster for PUGing. So, unless you are in a huge League that will always have people on, "group only" DLC's are a terrible idea <-- FACT
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  7. TrueGODofMarvel New Player

    awesome advice. thanks for contributing constructively to the conversation .
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  8. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    It's way easier to group for an alert than raid, and for the most part the alerts are run 1111. If they continue alerts like this then they will always be more popular than the raids with stacked dps.
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  9. Random Redshirt Well-Known Player

    I'd really like to see them create a DLC or GU which adds some content along the path up to the current top level content.

    - Add 2-3 Tier 1 Solos & Duos
    - Add 2-3 Tier 2 Solos & Duos
    - Add 4-5 Tier 3 Solos & Duos (You spend so much time in Tier 3 trying to break through to Tier 4. Having only 4 choices is painful)
    - Create Tier 4 Solos & Duos (This one we need very much)
    - Add some Tier 5 solos which use your character, instead of a simulation.

    Adding a bit of content to these tiers would make it less grindy to bring a character up to the top, and would be a nice change of pace. Perhaps, with the addition of some content, they could institute a rotation, similar to PvP maps.
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  10. SSeid Committed Player

    Even though i dont mind some solos or duos here and there, you do realise you are playing an mmo ( im sure one of the "M"s stands for multiplayer ) , if you want to play alone dont you think you are playing the wrong type of game.
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  11. Random Redshirt Well-Known Player

    I don't play alone. I play with my girlfriend. Therefore, Duos are the best possible content for us, and the solos act as fantastic gap fillers when one of us isn't on.

    We pretty much avoid the 4-man and 8-man content, because neither of us are the "best" players, and so we don't want to burden anyone else, or suffer the shame of being kicked for not having 590 CR and 28,944 SP.
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  12. John Brawler Committed Player

    yes, however most mmos have content that's better with groups, and some that require it, however they also understand that some people like to play in smaller groups as well as solo because they find small groups they're comfortable with that aren't always there. as such while majority content is set for groups, many missions and so on can be completed alone, dcuo started out pretty well with this having a good mix of missions for solo, small groups, and large groups. however as of recently small group content dlcs have shrunk how much small group content in favor of adding a raid (strictly large group) to each small content dlc, as well as continuing to have a large amount of large group content (with next to no small group or solo content) in the large content dlcs. making people feel robbed as with the set symbols required for gear they are now unable to access the content unless they get in a large group.
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  13. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    I think with the new marks structure..small group / large group needs to be tossed out. There has to be small group in every dlc if we have to play each DLC to progress.

    Agree..current dlc way more fun than anything else t6 so far.
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  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Two comments:

    One, we do see based on response and player actions that the cadence we have now satisfies the most players as often as possible. That's not to say there isn't room for improvement here or there, but generally we're happy with where we're at. Also, we do consider 4-player content to be small group, as it is accessible to even the most others-averse players.

    Two, note that changes this fundamental can't be made instantly, even if we did want to make them. A raid can't become a duo overnight. Even if we do decide to adjust the structure of DLCs in some way in the future, realize that changes like that would be well into the future, on DLCs that have little or no work already underway.
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  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You do not have to play each DLC to progress. We can't make that any clearer.
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  16. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Not even a little tiny itsy bit of not-as-difficult-to-make-as-an-instance open world stuff ? you guys already have gotham under siege ready, pretty please? :oops:
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  17. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I'm an avid raid player. I sign on nightly and run raids with my league, usually 4-5 times a week. I love them and I hope they keep pumping them out.

    However, I'm a firm believer in giving everybody something. I would have no issues seeing them sacrifice a raid or an alert (preferably an alert) to add in a duo, making the DLC structure 3 raids, 1 alert, 1 duo. As much as I really hate small content focused DLCs because there isn't much to do, I do enjoy spending a few minutes a night when nothing is going on running some quick stuff and feeling like I did something. Alerts aren't quick, particularly not the ones in HoP and can sometimes be a pain to PUG, making them feel like a chore, particularly with how easy and quick raids have been lately.

    I want to see at least a duo, a raid and an alert in every DLC. Add in whatever content from there.
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  18. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Really...the raid QQers cried and cried and the devs finally caved in and gave a raid in every DLC yet we can't have solo or duo in every DLC? Oh give me a break. You are going to be seeing these threads until you put a solo in every DLC!
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  19. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I'd expect no less. That's what the forums are for. :)
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  20. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    ive been playing the latest dlc daily...almost quit the game during halls of power even with icw and breach...I run at least 20 alerts to every single raid..but daily solos keep me on
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