Villians can go now...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kryptorules, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. ChuckLess New Player

    Oh yeah. Cause that's EVER a pleasant discussion. Lol, that's the absolute worst chat in game ;)
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  2. darth_paul Dedicated Player

    I actually just met some great people on the villain side with my first villain because of the lower number of people playing villains and the need to join leagues to get content done. So much so that I was able to join up with them on the hero side as well. I also found it interesting to see the mirrored versions of the missions on the villain side. As a premium player with just six character slots and two more left, I intend to fill those with two more villains since my hero slots are all used up so that I can see how the rest of the missions play out. To me the game is fun on both sides, you just need to know how to make the best of it with what you have presented to you.
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  3. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    Not all missions are the same, unless hero side added a leveling mission. I'm leveling a villain now, and working with, soon to betray Mr. Freeze. So villains do have -some- exclusive content. And for what it's worth, I play both sides, because sometimes it's fun to play the villain.
  4. Dcon34DCUO Loyal Player

    I disagree on the phasing out of Villains. Skip to 1:30. It sums up my thoughts on the need of us villains.
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  5. Sore Steadfast Player

    I think the writing could be stronger to make villains feel more villainous even if we are sharing scenes/instances with heroes. I want to feel like I'm getting a greater insight into the actions, motives and personality of the iconic villains by my proximity to them. I want deeper insights into their character that isn't presented to heroes. I want a barstool moment with Sinestro.
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  6. Lionxoft Committed Player

    Out of all the villains in the DCU you selected Sinestro. Does he even drink?

    SOE needs to pump some life back into USPC villain faction. It's withered quite a bit within the last year and more.
  7. Cirocband New Player

    Well I must say, as much as I love the villain side you are correct as far as stories are concerned. It's completely obvious the devs are a little bias when it comes to villains. The hero community is much bigger and is catered to more. Only good thing about being a villain is that there is more adults and mature players over there and the styles. As for the story lines, fail. How long it takes to que an instance by (which probably comes from the community size). How long it takes to que for pvp EPIC FAIL. Bugs that still haven't been fixed on villian side fail. But yes you are definitely correct about the stories. As for us going somewhere, not gonna happen. Good without evil is just boring. But I don't think I'd ever go back to the hero side after switching to villain. I enjoy being evil. :)

  8. Sore Steadfast Player

    "Your fear, I drink it up!"
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  9. Deranya Dedicated Player

    You know what they should take out? Heroes. Partypoopers the lot of them. Always destroying the fun we Villains have. And man what a waste of time by the Devs, really, having to come up with lame excuses for Heroes to look important and all glowy. Most of them don't even know how to wear their underwear. Just look at Superman!

    The game would be soooooo much better without them, villains could go and continue putting police men on fire, push civilians off roofs or even just sleep in traffic to hold the cars back for hours! If only it wasn't for those damn heroes
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  10. Ghostof91 New Player

    I'm a villainy hero because for one I just love the missions that's involved with being a hero, I also love that Gotham Background music, it feels more action oriented, were the Villain seems more dark and lay back, I fell asleep a couple of times on Villain Gotham soundtrack.:oops:
  11. Kryptonian Being Committed Player

    Are you a hero? You sound like a defeated politician. Lol seriously though, villains aren't holding the game. It's also not a waste of time. Maybe for you but you don't speak for everyone. I'm pretty sure this is a troll thread but I still replied because it's hysterical.
  12. Campor Well-Known Player

    You know what I'd love? A mission creator. If DC canon won't/can't allow us a true level of villainy, take a page out of City of Heroes' book with the Mission Architect.

    City of Villains had a similar problem- Almost all the missions were hired thug sort of things. Half of them even had you just fighting other villains for the betterment of your bosses, and it was disappointing. Mayhem Missions were a step in the right direction (look 'em up if you don't know about them, they were essentially instanced open world bank robberies), but my favourite villainous mission was a playermade one in the Mission Architect. It took you through a story arc where you were collecting pieces for a doomsday weapon (which you selected), and you had to take on various heroic factions (depending on your choice of weapon) to get your job done. Then in the final mission, you had to take on their version of the Justice League (the Freedom Phalanx) in an all out brawl to fulfill your objective.

    Now, in the story of the game itself, it didn't happen. But it felt so good to finally not only be doing something villainous, but something you essentially planned and perpetrated yourself. That's extremely difficult to do while playing by the rules of canon, but if a custom mission/storyline creator were put in? That'd be something else entirely, and I think it would be amazing.
  13. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    one of the fun things about running as a villain is you actually get to interact with a lot of characters you dont really get to see much of on the hero side. Leveling up you fight the JSA, Alan Scott, Wildcat, Dr. Fate, The Titans, all the hero bounties. on the hero side youre basically just talking to most of these guys. Its fun seeing them in actual action.

    i think a good solution would be developing a dlc where heroes and villains are forced to work together. I dont know how such a system would be implemented...maybe set up a special LFG channel that covers both factions, make a communal open world location that makes everyone interactable, dont know but given its something that does happen in dc comics. an invasion from the CSA requiring everyone to put aside differences would be awesome. we could not only fight evil versions of the jla but work with heroic versions of villains.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    wouldve been better if he did this
  15. AzraelR Committed Player

    Ahn? Why? PVP is suicide squad. Both sides queue and play together.
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  16. Zephrim New Player

    Well lets look at what would happen if they removed the villains, then we could remove brainiac, I mean cmon he has been killed now a couple million times, he's dead. And then we wouldn't need all these exobite infused heroes running around so you all would have to retire and go get real jobs. I'll take a large latte with light foam please. Hero's need Villains otherwise there isn't a need for the Hero. You should watch "Villains; a necessary evil" on Netflix. I think its on Netflix, maybe Hulu plus. Either way it explains the psychological aspect of why Hero's need Villains.
    As for the game itself, although Villains don't make up half of the playing population they are a strong percentage. Removing them or making it all one "team", ala Borderlands, would drive away those players. Then you have the PvP players that would also quickly notice the change and most likely move on. Anytime you see such a dramatic change in a game system you can be assured that game is on the dying end of its run. Secondly, I have played a hero and a villain and to be honest I won't ever play on the Hero side again. Its sad but, people on the villains side are actually nicer. Too many egocentric children playing "Hero". I've noticed more Hero's harassing low level villains trying to do simple quests, than I have villains tormenting hero's. Half the time I feel like I'm playing Injustice: Gods Among Us, a villain living under a tyrannical hero regime.
    However, with that said, I do agree with one thing; both sides need better stories. It does seem like most of the time it doesn't matter which side your on, your still fighting for the Earth. And there is no personal stories of any kind, my characters don't have a story arc or anything more than what I make up in my head. Other than that they are cardboard, they aren't trying to take over the world, or trying to steal Trigon's power for themselves, or anything, they are just doing what they are told to do so they can have new pants. Also why is everything so dedicated to group content? I don't recall every issue of Batman having him call on the JLA for help. So why is everything so dedicated to group content? Most issues of Batman, The Flash or Superman, featured Batman, The Flash or Superman, not the JLA, JLE, or Titans. Crossovers were a big thing, but they happened once in a while which is what made them special. Most of the time an issue of The Flash, was about the Flash, and not the Flash with Green Arrow, Mockingbird, Superman, and Batman. Yet I also understand that first and foremost this is an MMO, and as such it has to focus on certain things to fit that criteria. Frankly, no one is ever going to be 100% happy with any game, SOE has done a damn good job in so far, and the profit margins show that.
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  17. Dezaras Loyal Player

    Can't remember which video I watched but the devs recently addressed this issue with the villains. They chalked it up to "villains never win". And they're right. They're bound by the intellectual property, which is a shame.
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  18. Cirocband New Player

    That works for queing faster yes, but just hope you're not on a team with a bunch of dousche bags that will purposely wipe it not play if they see you're a villain. Which is completely dumb and has happened to me numerous of times as a villain, which is why I stick to my own kind...villains.