this feat is totally killing the game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by wisetoons, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    trying accidental perfection feat last 3 weeks, already lost minimum 100 hours by running artifacts raid as loot locked for SO CALLED accidental perfection feats, i have done 897 out of 898 feat but this one seems never coming, how did you give us that? really understandable, stuck at 195,80 feat points, can not go 196,05 because of this randomness, loyal players still playing dcuo like me and most of them stuck here as well, hey devs it is really not nice to make feel your customers like that, i dont know if you are laughing to us but we play this game for to get feats, not to lose our days and days for a random feat, most of us already missing back from hack feat, but at least make that feat possible or enable it to unluck from cross-factions, i am screaming now, THAT IS REALLY ENOUGH
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    That feat is easy bro. the combination is always bowl, rock shard, shield, chalice..
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  3. Dragon lord New Player

    I really think it is a little extreme to try and say that this 25 point feat is going to kill this game. And I could be wrong but if you want to be part of that club you are still missing 2 or 3 feats. This is not including the back from the hack. And yes I am one of those guys that accidentally got this feat. But I have never seen oolong legs even though I know they drop in fos 2. Just have some patience.
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  4. Ny Batteri Well-Known Player

    It is possible. Got is this last Sunday. Just keep playing.
  5. nogimmick New Player

    unless they mix it up with the winged gimmick and coffin like i had in my run earlier....

    nothing is set in stone when it comes to that one.
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  6. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I got it last week when we weren't even trying for it.
  7. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    I recorded 26 combination , this one never happened
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  8. Crackin New Player

    Figured this was a CC bounty feat thread. Lol. I been running Nexus every week for over a year and am still missing 2 stupid artifacts. im sure u will get the rite combo eventually. It may be a few Dlc from now
  9. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    No m8, my last feat is that , as i told before 195,8 atm and 897 feats done out of 898 on eups heroes
  10. Sin Cattvo New Player

    Got it last Thrusday with Chest-Bowl-Skull-Wing...Keep at it you will get it :)
  11. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    I haven't gotten this one yet either, but I think it's extremely hyperbolic to say this one feat is going to kill the game. No single feat has the power to do that. C'mon.
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  12. Dragon lord New Player

    Im on usps and with this new seasonal I believe I have maybe 901 feats available. I do not have the back from the hack feat either.
  13. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    It seem easy for you, but it comes hard when it is the last feat for you and 7 friends rerunning the raid for endless hours for your last feat in game, really hurts, now stopped playing like a hopeless guy, trying to see the sun._.
  14. HazeTA New Player

    You a villain? Villains have a few more feats than heros.
  15. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    On villain side you have possible 901 feats without BFTH feat, i can get there because already get this feat on villain side but miserably they decided to make that feat faction specific with no reason.
  16. Mint Stiletto Loyal Player

    I got it, nana nana boo boo stick ya head in doodoo :)
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  17. The Doctor Loyal Player

    You and 7 friends have run the raid for hundreds of hours, almost certainly resetting the content many many times, and you wonder why the feat is designed this way?

    BTW, got it my third time there!
  18. Infyrneaux23 Dedicated Player

    I do understand the frustration, don't get me wrong.
  19. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    Feats like that never come when you specifically aim for them.
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  20. wisetoons Well-Known Player

    u misunderstood it, nobody resetting it, nobody needs to, we are all full 94 and our marks are capped at 100 so long, i just need the feat and they all help me to get this, although they got the feat before, they are spending hours, tonight they were about to try helping me on 8th try spam until artifacts but i told them thanks guys but i gave up, no point to lose time, the way ended, hopes are gone..