Are you an Alpha?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by WockaFlockaPhil, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Minnion Devoted Player

    Probably not, you really think the Alpha's are gonna pug? :p

    In all seriousness though:
    1. We don't yet know if it will discourage the player community at all...(or give them something other than the scoreboard to chase for that matter.)
    2. It can't affect the level of animosity between Alpha's and Non-alphas if it doesn't work.(Which right now it does not seem to function. at least for me at any-rate.)
  2. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    All I know is that as an alpha, I refuse to play with non alpha scum, so if you want to hang with a super cool rad alpha such as myself, you better be alpha.
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  3. Bobburt Committed Player

    7.5k might? WEEEAK haha. A celestial dps with a nature friend can hit 12k might no problem. Figure 5500 might with full 94 gear + neck mod + soder + 94 raid trinket + Dark Pact + Hive Mind (assuming they stack?) is more than 12k might. And even if Hive Mind doesn't stack with Dark Pact, Dark Pact will still push those stats above 10-11k might.
  4. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Well, once this updates, I'll be on there with 3 toons. Pretty sure I'm the only person with a hero and villain with max sp :) Kind of proud of that :cool:
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  5. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    One word fits. WORKAHOLIC!

    srry couldnt help it.

    All jking aside. Patience is the key to everything. Did ur villain earn them all or did u buy some?
  6. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    I bought some, not a lot though. I've had my villain almost as long as my hero. I know for sure, I purchased some of the Last Laugh feats that my hero had and vice versa. Most everything else, such as the grindy 500 feats, I did on my villain as well as the 25k gather feat :D I was very happy to buy the Salvage feat. No way was I doing that again -_-
  7. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    I dont blame u for buying those. I still dont have them. Great job tho
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  8. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    In your opinion what are the top 10 most painful feats?
  9. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    If I'm going to strive for greek letter .... I like epsilon, omicron or omega - alpha sounds Canine to me.
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  10. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    500 Challenge feat (I hate challenges -_-)
    Anything that relies on luck, ie Accidental Perfection >.<
    250 XXX Win feats - PvP, Australia, I'm looking at you.... And this was before the changed the scoring
    Epic Odyssey - Pre Nerf. Difficult, yet so satisfying when we got it :D

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head atm. Most of the feats weren't that terrible, it was more a time sink than anything :)
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  11. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Canine's have an Alpha-Beta-Omega hierarchy. And I have no problem admitting I'd be at the omega end :D
  12. GDS Assassin Active Player

    yea right... 4k-6k precision :)) dont make me laugh
    lol 109 CR dude this is broken :)) i wana see a screen/video with this
    Proof me with video gameplay this stats are real, without any buff ( flex, trinket, skill ), and ill quit the game.
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  13. kawe Loyal Player

    Grats Volk. (once you see it that is)

    And yay I saw a league member (who can't have buffed his stats as he is lost to Destiny for days. xD)
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  14. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    So to increase your CR, you can buff yourself... Lame!
  15. Halahiiro Well-Known Player

    Its lame that u can get to the Alpha list with buffs
  16. winter13 New Player

    Gotta love those trinkets and buff sodas...the stats are meaningless
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  17. winter13 New Player

    I'm the alpha...and the omega
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  18. GregDawe New Player

    May not be on the list, but I am pretty sure I am many of the real "Alpha's" last I checked my 2 mains and 2 of my other new toons :p
  19. the swoosh New Player

    lol, i know a few low profile players that will wipe the grins of these ''alpha'' players and make em rage quit in like 60 seconds.... as always numbers shmumbers, ppl that need em to prove they are good are actually not so good....
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  20. DCUController New Player

    this ^

    Im not a alpha by any means, but doesn't mean Im not a damn good player, I have no trouble with the 138sp I do have keep ppl 50% to full power in alerts rather its crime wave, or TD or lower content.

    So why put this up? sure its nice to see who's on top, but thats why ppl have signatures no?
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