Premium and Cash Cap - please read before you judge

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Flavian, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    That has been fixed TKO! its unbelievable I know but it has been fixed! it just costs $15 a month and you get access to all your cash, all dlc's, increased bank space! and even a monthly amount of sc too! aint that wonderful???
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  2. TKO New Player

    This is the problem with western Free to play models, there so greedy as the point of being insulting, I bet if this game consisted of original characters and content and was not fueled by fan boys it would have failed long ago, Also premium players you are allowing this to happen, If subs were enough to keep the game afloat they would have NEVER went free to play. The company and community have an elitist mentality and treat premium players like illegal immigrants at a southern old money ball. If you stopped giving them your money (which apparently is not as good as legendary money) This game would have to change or die. Plus as long as people allow this to take place we will always suffer as a whole..example CA releases Rome 2 total war which is unfinished buggy crap..A few weeks later there offering DLC on said broken unfinished game and......the idiot fan-boy masses throw more money at them:confused:? So as long as the people are dumb enough to except unfair, greedy and overall bad business, There is no incentive for greedy western companies to change there model
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  3. TKO New Player

    15 dollars a month is not fixed KEY word was permanent...TRY again..The correct answer is play another game with out a b^%l s%$^t cash cap on spending money you ALREADY EARNED!!!!!!....huff puff wooo sorry gotta calm down The stupidity of that is mind boggaling, And people accepting which is equally mind boggaling of the 11 or 12 F2p mmos i play this is the only one ive seen that instead of limiting how much you can earn in a day, but limit how much of your ALREADY EARND as in its ALREADY mine, money you can spend...:confused:...WHAT? so i can't spend MY money.....WHAT?. I dont understand why people are fighting so hard to keep this utter stupidly in clue unless there secretly working for SOE.
  4. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Yep, they would have failed. If everyone had just given them $5 or less EVER they would have failed. They need money just like everyone else. I agree with the FTP model. I agree with the model that Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 did. You pay once and never again.

    Paying nothing and continue to pay nothing and then complain because of cap that could easily be fixed? How are they supposed to stay functioning? Paying payroll, Isp, Lights, Heat, Taxes?
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  5. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    i don't see the need for it. and, btw, why should some premiums get things that others don't?
    if anything, the cap-increase should be calculated by money spent on the marketplace...
  6. TKO New Player

    Hey guess what theirs a thing call make subbing worth it, Make people want to give you money not have too, And OMG star trek online witch is WAAAAAAY more successful than DCUO offers Free dlc 10 MILLION dollar cash cap on money you can hold not spend, And there SWIMMING in soo much money that they constantly give away free stuff to the players. this weekend there giving away free stuff every day. 2 months ago they gave away 20 dollars of bank slots to EVERY one free and sub people. 2 months before that 20$ in extra ship slots. I subbed them because they make me feel like they care about ALL there players which compels me to give them money as not only supporting the company, but saying thank you for such a great system

    STO also allow players to sell and trade real money for in game currancy, Basicly someone who dosent want to grind for stuff can "purchase" grindable materials form other players. STO get the real money and the Grinder receives store credit for there troubles. Also Champions online does this to, Pretty much any Perfect World/Cryptic game has this awsome system. In a way they pay you to grind
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  7. TKO New Player

    There are better ways
  8. senselocke New Player

    It's simultaneously depressing and insulting that this issue has not been fixed, and the same types of people are giving the same smug, dismissive answers.

    Make subs worth it, offer more to Legendary players to make it worth it, but don't squeeze players who already don't have money. Because here's the big secret: There are other games.

    Squeezing people who don't have money to pay money or not enjoy their free time won't make people magically create more money, they'll just go elsewhere. With population dropping and more, better, prettier games coming out, maybe giving people who've been asking the same thing for years what they ask is a better answer.

    The game is unplayable with $2000 cash. It has been since DLC3. But, oh, you can still BUY the DLC you can't play. Offering cash limit increase commensurate with contribution level is not at all a bad thing for Legendary players. And it only rewards those heavily invested in the game, hence no loss of revenue.

    Oh, you'd drop sub "in a minute" if you had $10k or $25k cash cap? Right. And you're going to drop $120 for all the DLC too? That doesn't make any sense.

    PS--"Escrow" is not an answer, never has been.
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  9. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

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  10. Tanner Wade Active Player

    A cash cap requires you to reach out to other players IMO. I made it all the way to t5 as premium. Keep items in your inventory that you can sell.

    Complaining about 5 deaths before you are wiped, if you are dying 5 times and running out of money you need to make he adjustments and step your game up you should not view as SOE needs make a change. 5 deaths is to many for a raid or alert.

    I know you are not asking for the moon but neither is SOE when asking for $ in exchange for memberships.
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  11. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    if it takes ur league mate a days wages for 1 dlc, then after 2 days they could sub. there are 30 days in every mounth except one. sry but wrong example to use to justify non subbing.
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  12. Ivar New Player

    Subs ALWAYS force you to ONLY play this one game otherwise the money subconsciously feels wasted.

    That´s why I´m done with subs, for good.

    Last time I subbed was "Skyrim"-Online and after the botched launch and suffering the even more botched inventory system (that the DEVs actually defended) I was still subscribed for 2 months after I stopped playing (GTC shenanigans). :mad:

    The only thing this stupidly low cash ceiling is keeping me from is buying the T1&2 mod-recipes I need right now, during this tiny window of my gear progression.
    It forces me to use beta crap and actually makes me feel bad about the game.
    What it surely doesn´t is making me want to sub.

    As nobody rereads these threads I´ll repeat myself..

    You can only force a player out of the game not into it!
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  13. TKO New Player

    Yea i agree the way this game is now it will not get a penny more from me, i only spent the 5 bucks for premium so i guess ill continue spending my money elseware
  14. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    When the average premium player has the mindset and the experience to believe they have "5 shots"or less at beating a raid, this is when change may happen. When legendary members witness regular occurrences when a raid group falls apart after the first wipe-out, again, this is when change may happen. When the developers see unacceptable loss in customers and cash flow, well, are you starting to see my point. Either the developers are going to be proactive about this or the "shoe is going to have to drop" before the change to the cash cap is made.

    It is rather disappointing that people are willing to wait until what you said and what I have stated happens. Hopefully the game can pick itself up if our predictions (or some derivative of them) happens.

    Note: As long as a enough people on the forums often remove themselves from the situation of PUG's they may not even notice when the "shoe drops" or even care. This condition may be supplemented when they team up with premium players and do not help with repairing their broken gear.
  15. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    I recommend making a thread about this and posting this information. Make it as long lasting and unburied as some other threads (e.g. the costume contest thread).
  16. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    I dont mean this in a malicious way at all. But if you cant afford $10 or $15 a month? Maybe there would be something more productive you could be doing with your time that makes money?

    The game is not unplayable with a 2k cash cap. People do it all the time, there's many premium players.

    If you pay the monthly you dont pay for the dlc's. Lol you rent them.
  17. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    im sry but its not a legendary player's responsibility to "help w repair cost" . when my sub runs out i usaually have to play as premium for a week or two, depending on pay period, and if im gonna do a raid i run solos and duos for sellable items to repair w. its ur responsibility as a f2p or premium player to come prepaired for a raid. asking for colas and stuff to sell is rediculous. u can get colas for bits at the hq's.
  18. Roland Deschain New Player

    The only thing that this thread will get is: vote with your wallet

    I won't but any more DLC blindly

    I won't buy anything from the MP unless i really think it's not only worth it but is priced fairly: so ok for unlock feat, no for legends and lair stuff

    Never ever buy something you don't feel is worth it's price, you'll regret it and they won't even say thank you

    So thanks dev for amazingly worthless DLC like last laugh, Every time you make one your playerbase dwindles a little and my wallet is slightly fatter

    And for your own sake don't give money to them out of good will, they won't understand, reduced incomes are the only way to get a working message to them, in this fight i eventually lose a game i like and have to find another one, they lose their job, so guess who has more interest in keeping a big and happy playerbase?
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  19. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    People don't search... they just make new threads.
    Most of the Cash-cap threads are started by people who are new(ish) to the forums.
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  20. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    I understand where you are coming from as a premium member; I was in your shoes for about 6 months. I support the idea of modifying or raising cash cap either by a permanent increase through a market place purchase or based on the number of DLCs purchased, etc… The thing is though, the cash cap is designed to encourage premium players to go legendary, it is one of the primary ways DCUO increase its revenue stream for servers, game development and fixes to the game. The cost of various project teams that make the game or manage the server, are high and to ensure the longevity of DCUO requires consistent revenue stream such as legendary membership. It is your decision if you wish to stay premium and suffer the cash minimums. Being able to understand both sides of the coin, player vs. company, has helped me realize the best way for me to enjoy this game long term is purchasing the legendary membership and at a reduced rate thanks to the recent promotion.