Gadgets DPS -- not worth it?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by WeaselWockets, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. WeaselWockets New Player

    Am I the only person who thinks the Gadgets DPS revamp isn't viable?

    I've done some testing and it seems like it seems about the same amount of damage as I did with WM -- except using more power. Yes, I could use Battle Awareness and use less power. But why bother making my rotation even more complicated when WM still seems to be the easiest and highest DPS build for gadgets...
  2. Solutha New Player

    I haven't fully tested but the trick seems to be rotating between WM and AM. I'm working on the timing of doing it. The times that I have been getting it right the damage is huge. If I miss the timing its a big difference in damage.
  3. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I don't think it's the highest. And as for your question if it is in some way on par to WM? Sure is, that's what the Devs intended to do with the Advanced Mechanic.

    Apart from that AM has way more potential and way more viable ways than WM will ever have for gadgets. Thats why people not always call them "Advanced Mechanics" but "Awesome Mechanics" ;)

    Thats why they're really called Advanced Mechanics.
  4. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    so.... I'm not the only one?
    ... I'm still messing with it, but with the Max Damage 'God Mod' + WM.... I'm also wondering if I need to learn a new AM load out and rotation.
  5. Silly Goose New Player

    It's apparently awesome enough that someone posted a thread that he and his league are quitting the game because of how op it is.
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  6. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    The whole point of Advanced Mechanics is to offer an alternative, not a better alternative, to Weapon Mastery for people who don't like using it or finding it boring.

    Battle Display is important if you want the Advanced Mechanic to work for you although I'm sure there are people who can do just as well without it.

    It offers me an opportunity to play my old WM combo > Burst damage way or the new AM way and do basically identical damage but not at the expense of one or the other.

    I guess what it boils down to is personal preference.

    But to answer your question, it's definitely viable.
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  7. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Yup - that's pretty much the point, I think. WM is the easy way to DPS with any power and is supposed to be - on the average - equally viable as the "awesome mechanics". You can complicate your loadout, use power interactions, DOTs, clips and such - or you can just get 1 WM combo, a PI power, a burst power, a buff or 3 and Max Damage mod - and you're equally as effective - especially if you mod Precision. It's kind of dumb, but what can you do? The game is constantly going towards simple mechanics to cater to as many casual gamers as possible.
  8. Solutha New Player

    Yeah but that guy was Quantum. I don't think I have every been out damaged by them even before the update. Its usually HL, Rage, Ice and Sorcery that do more damage and even then its not a huge amount.
  9. WeaselWockets New Player


    So if I have a choice between doing X damage for no power or doing X damage for a billion power. I'm going to go with no power....
  10. Solutha New Player

    or combine them and do X plus damage.
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  11. WeaselWockets New Player

    well i speak of damage as in damage per second. you can't really "add" more without increasing time, which will maintain the average.

    i'd like to see a rotation that is actually more damage than just using WM alone....
  12. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    With a controller on your team and Battle Awareness PI enabled, you basically use no power. Certainly not more than you would doing a WM Combo and clipping it with a Burst attack. Definitely not a billion power and it makes putting spare Skill points in Vitalization viable, if you wish to boost your returns.
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  13. WeaselWockets New Player

    ... why would i lower my damage out by putting SP into vit instead of precision or might?
  14. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I use less power with AM than others with WM. Well I use more but you just need to substract your Power Out from your Power In if I got this right.

    As others have mentioned here as well: Feel free to use your WM - we all are fine with that. I will however use the AM combined with WM and Phantom Triangles and Clipping because its just fun to me to use. Weapon Mastery made people lazy and dps'ing boring in my eyes - that is not neccessarely true for all players out there; it's just what I have experienced and seen in the past few months.

    This game update just gave encouraged dps players the things back they might have loved gadgets before and that were lost with the advent of WM.
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  15. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    "Spare" is the keyword.
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  16. John Brawler Committed Player

    yea, i'm not really gonna complain since without some of those "casual gamers" this game wouldn't have enough subs to keep running. so let's see... would i prefer a game with an "easy mode" that keeps the game alive and going, or a game that only has high end mechanics that drive people away and will last three more months tops... hmmm, i'll go with the one that includes the "easy mode"
  17. Schimaera Devoted Player

    It's more "instead of defens/health or power" really if you do it the right way.
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  18. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    Using Battle Display makes it more complicated? If you use Stealth you can Battle Display -> (clip) Return to Normal -> EMP Pulse. You add zero complication if you use Stealth already.. lol

    It is supposed to be an alternative not a replacement.
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  19. IntraShadow New Player

    Just a correction It's not a advance mechanic its advance interaction mechanic. There is a difference.
  20. WeaselWockets New Player

    Also, what is a good straight up interaction rotation?

    I'm using Foam to Stasis to GG to PD. And, tbh, it's weak. That PD just doesn't hit as hard as I would expect it to if it's supposed to compete with WM.