Why does everyone care so much about nonsense?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RlVER, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. RlVER Well-Known Player

    Plain and simple:
    You dont like DPS heavy raids - Then dont do them
    You dont like skipping content - Then dont skip content
    You dont like PVP - Then dont PVP
    You dont like elitists - Then dont play with elitists
    You dont like my post - Then dont read it
    You dont like Max damage mod - Then dont use it
    You dont like Escrow - Then sub/use workarounds
    You dont like low CR requirements - then set your own (most do lol )
    You dont like role-less buff - Then dont use it


    All of these problems people complain about are solved by one simple solution. Form your own group of like minded people. As the game said on the cover "your game your way" So stop trying to change how me and mine do our content simply because you think it should be done a different way. The fact is no one takes the initiative to form their own groups, they wait around for a hand out or to have their hands held and their groups put together for them in a nice neat little package. But here is the thing, if its not your group then you are playing by someone elses "rules" so who are you to complain?

    Everyone is so hung up on what is "fair" or "PC" and I just dont understand it. How about you do you, and I will do me.
    • Like x 22
  2. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    this thread is nonsense
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  3. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    But....how do I know if I like River's post before I read it?
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  4. RlVER Well-Known Player

    Agreed, but as I said.

    "You dont like my post - Then dont read it"
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  5. Remander Steadfast Player

    You can't tell me what to do!!! :mad:
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  6. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    But i like all of those things...what do i do now?
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  7. xNohellz Committed Player

    I dont like how you enumerate your list :p
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  8. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    While I agree that there are some overdramatic posts on here, you're logic is flawed. People complain when it effects their ability to progress, enjoy the game, or even play.
    Don't like PvP, then don't play but don't get sp either
    Don't like raids u feel are DPS raids, don't run them. Don't progress either
    Don't like "elitism"(I still find thus funny), then don't run with them. But when none of your so called peeps are on then don't run anything.

    I could go on and on but sometimes there is a legit reason to voice concerns. If people don't like it then read #5 lol
    • Like x 11
  9. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Why do people speak as if forming a group of strangers is like flipping on and off a light switch. I couldn't get into artifact this morning via the duty tab or LFG. No one was available on matchmaking and there was not anyone willing to invite me. I even tried to start my own group and was denied. The events that involve other people cannot be controlled by the player. The other stuff that only involves the player is another story however.

    Please stop with these threads that suggest a person has complete control over whom they join and whom they want to join them.
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    if you need another healer ill be happy to help USPS hero: Roll Eiko
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  11. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Seems like you would be just standing still after rejecting all that content. I agree, a lot of people voice there concerns because they believe they can't fix the issue themselves.

    The thing about ignoring is it can stack up over time until you are left with nothing at all............
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  12. CowHideEmpire New Player

    Me and my buddies have a heck of a time finding a fourth since every troll we pick up insists on exploiting roleless buffs or skipping content. Yes we formed our own group, we have the majority and that one person still tries to force our group to play the exploitative way instead of as intended. Forming your own group isn't the answer since someone always tries to prevent the group from doing what you formed it to do.
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  13. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Lol funny thread is funny
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  14. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Thanks, my name is on my banner.
  15. the solowing Unwavering Player

    is DCUO down or something? i cant log in
  16. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    lol I still haven't read it
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  17. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    psn maintenance.
    it works on PS3 still i think
  18. Robogost Well-Known Player

    If you don't want people to complain about the high health bosses...buy their dlcs
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  19. Radiohead New Player

    If you want to run content a certain way then form your own group. It is that simple. people who say it isn't aren't trying hard enough
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  20. Captain Domino Committed Player

    I've never really had a big problem with anything in this game to be honest....I wonder if it has anything to do with me being easily amused. Hmm...*thinks deep in thought*
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