Ability To See Stats In Groups

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Arcaver, Aug 17, 2014.

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  1. Luckyme92781 Well-Known Player

    Actually I believe Odyssey did this already a very long time ago. There is a video somewhere.
  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    you mean the group that 4 manned it? yea i saw the video there was a healer there
  3. Xang New Player

    lmao, double standards FTW?
  4. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    i like the idea of being able to see group players stats BUT i am also aware that this would destroy the game
  5. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    I dont agree with the second half of that statement. I'm not sure about WoW but in EQ you could inspect people and look at the stats. EQ had a nice healthy run.
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  6. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    The problem I see with this statement is trolls discuss this at the beginning of a raid. So if someone asked you "hey what's your vit" and it 2999, what are you going to say? You should(and probably would) tell the truth. So your stats are out there anyways. What are you gonna do lie and say 3200?

    And I see people say its a privacy issue. That's where the psn comes in.
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  7. Quanflux New Player

  8. Quanflux New Player

    This won't destroy the game, MOST MMO's have these features, it will destroy people's abilities to lie, that's what it will destroy, dishonesty !!!
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  9. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    What's your point?

    Player skill is player skill. I've seen plenty of "beastly-sp" DPS crash and burn on brand new released content.

    Also... why would I care about the time it takes so long as we finish the content? It's not a freaking race. I just don't get you guys so obsessed with time. Whenever you fellas complain about time on PVE content, I want to paint you red cause you remind me of the Orky mentality of "Red wunz go fasta!"
  10. Quanflux New Player

    Thats the only thing that is fun about the game though these days..... seeing how fast you can beat an instance, what else are we going to do for fun ? How else will we feed the machine more and more replay badges, I mean that's what we are to this game now, Replay badge buying machines ? Go into challenging 8 man content, progress and learn the instance, wipe 100 times without killing a boss and going in the next day cause your a REAL MMO player ? No no no no no.... mostly all those players are gone....

    This game is about buying as many replays as possible, rerunning content, over and over and over again, while in the process trying to figure out every single way to abuse/exploit the instance to make the instance SHORTER, so you can gear up ASAP, and then argue in lfg about how to make the game better. That is the game now, thank you.
  11. CCBatson Dedicated Player

    Are you mentally deficient or just a loutish vulgarian?

    She's a healer. Looking at her resto, she's fine for any content at T5 level. She's certainly far MORE contributive than a sidekick or back-up, and I'd wager she did more to help the group along than the third-place DPS.

    And again, who the @#$% cares if you did your instance in an hour, or if takes 1 hour and 15 minutes? I certainly don't. As a healer I care more about how many wipes we had, how many deaths we had from stupid DPS rushers, and overall lame behavior from players that treat every instance like a godamned Indy 500.

    Get your priorities straight and shut your pie-hole; listen, learn, and be professional.
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  12. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Skill is skill. Skill is also enhanced by stats. But time is time too. I for one will always try to get in and out as quick as possible. Very few things are difficult in this game so completion shouldn't even be an issue these days. Time , on the other hand, is a different story. Why do a alert with a proper group set up that takes 45 min when you can do it just as easily with an improper setup in half the time? People got lives!
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  13. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    I love your vocabulary, I dont agree with the content but I love the vocabulary, colorful, intelligent and accurate.

    Personally I try to keep the wipes to zero. My point was that if cr/main stats were visible then you'd be more aware of just what your getting yourself into when you join the pug. I'm not saying I'd leave, but I'd be more aware.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    and most people would leave off that alone
  15. Lady Thren New Player

    Honestly, too many people lie in game about their stats before hand. Which in turn, causes bad runs and disserter penalties (cuz ppl can be jerks and not excuse you), etc. I want to know what I am dealing with when I make raids/groups.

    I agree that stats aren't everything but when I happen to be filling a spot cuz my friends happen to be offline atm, then I wanna know if the player I am bringing in at least has the proper gear & stats that can handle the content. Remember, someone with full 94 gear and only 90SPs isn't gonna put out the same DMG, PoT, & Heals as someone with full 92 gear and 150+SPs & same as Tanks being squishy or not; i.e. gear/stats is merely half of what people look for & skill is not determined by these factors alone.

    To me, these are all important when getting players for a group/raid. Im not trying to be an elitist. Im simply trying to get the best out of the runs without having any set backs.

    I mean come on, why lie? Why not be proud of your acomplishments thus far? You got 90SPs? In full 90 gear? Flaunt that shizz. You busted your butts as much as the rest of us so yall got the right to flaunt it too. However, know your limits too. Its all I ask.
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  16. SupermanPrime New Player

    I understand the frustration but honestly all you need to do is before the raid starts in group ask other troller's vit and if he doesn't say anything...kick him and get a different troller. Yeah I know it can be a pain in the a$$ if you have to shout in LFG for one again but it's better than que'n, starting the raid and everything going to hell, then the entire group breaking apart, or if it's an all pug group you can just leave and look for another group.
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  17. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    On USPC Villain side we dont shout for a new troll....we set BEAR TRAPS and hopefully one of those suckers step in it on the way by. You wouldnt believe how many of em avoid it....sneaky little buggers.
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  18. Multiverse Creator League

    Yes.... if VIT is all that important to you.... you do ask at the beginning of the raid.

    But if you are a seasoned Troll..... you realise that.... you don't need to ask.

    All you need is to check when the other guy throws PoT and check his numbers.

    If his numbers are higher then yours.... you let him PoT. If his numbers are lower then yours.... then you decide if you let him PoT or not.

    If the difference is minimal.... you may decide to let him PoT even if your PoT is a bit higher. If you decide to take control of the PoT.... you just overwrite his PoT. After a couple of times.... he shoud take the hint that your PoT is higher then his. If not... just keep on overwriting his PoT.

    But I am an old warhorse now... so I can tell if I should PoT or not. But when I was a young Troll.... I did not know as much as I know now.

    There are times when people do not ask for VIT at the start of the raid...... but they start asking when things go wrong and the blame game starts.

    When the group wipes... once... twice...... then the blame game will start and people will start asking stuff like what is your VIT or they will inspect to see your gear.

    So if the group wipes and all of a sudden someone starts to think that some Troll has low VIT... the kicking may start.

    That was such a time.

    The raid started... and no one really cared about the VIT.

    All goes fine until we hit a bad spot and wipe twice.
    Then people start inspecting and start asking for VIT.

    The "low VIT" Troll gets the boot.... and supposedly "High VIT" Friend joins in.

    Only to realise that "High VIT" Friend barely had more VIT then the "Low VIT" Troll.

    And that "High VIT" Friend was a really bad player.

    And that people kicked "Low VIT" Troll for no goddamm good reason. He was not the reason why we wiped.

    But then we kicked "High VIT" friend and his friend.... got two new people.....and finished the mission.

    As for telling the truth..... some are just clueless. They will lie about their VIT and are too mcuh of an idiot to know that as soon as they throw PoT... we will know that they lied.

    They may bank on the idea that once they are in and we see what great players they are.... we will not kick them for lying.

    As for the privacy issue.... it need to remain private because it is something that people will use to kick players out.
    NOT just to remain private in itself.
    The issue is not the privacy itself..... it is that it would lead to kicking people for no good reason.

    Again... no one will kick you if they find out that your PSN is "JackINtheBOX".

    But they will kick you if you have 2700 VIT and they think that you NEED 5000 VIT for some reaon.

    That is the issue.

    It needs to remain private..... but the issue is NOT privacy by itself.
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  19. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Sorry to much to quote lol.
    But see that's where confusion starts. Trolls start overriding pot, wasting power. Assuming everyone is seasoned is a bad mistake, like assuming everyone is skilled. So while the trolls are afraid to throw pot, the healers and DPS run out of power. Then finger pointing starts and the rest is history.

    Or we could just figure it out from the start and let the skill do the talking. I'll take #2.
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  20. Juxes Committed Player

    Do you know why some players lie ?


    Because, they have already experience exclusion in the past, whether it was SP, CR, and have trust issues. The average person isn't gonna lie just for the sake of lying.

    The viewing of stats would on promote exclusion and discrimination against players. Its already bad enough with inspect.
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