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Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by thefrogshateme, Aug 28, 2014.

  1. Marine Death Committed Player

  2. BumblingB I got better.

    I would like them to just grant the feats, but last I heard they fixed or currently almost fixed the bug that Safehouse Rescue had. The bug had to do with the emitter. If the emitter was tossed/dropped around the person, you had to pick it up leave the area around it, and walk it back in. The issue is that if you are trying to pick it up and you get it knocked out of your hand and you had to do it again and again. Apparently the devs had to fix that. You can still experience this in the Duo version of this one. This was all confirmed that it was coming back in GU41 I believe they said at SOE Live.

    Though I agree that is frustrating and I know they probably had to push it's fixes back due to GU30/PS4 and other fixes first, being out of rotation for over a year and going through two PvP seasons is just too long. So if that GM is correct, I will accept the feats.
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  3. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Agree with most of the people, just grant the feats and move on already....

    How long did we hear about Valentine's Day content being fixed before they finally just gave us the feats? I heard about that getting redone a million times and it never happened.
  4. Little Sister New Player

    That's awesome, I hadn't heard any of that.

    Why did they ignore the problem for so long ? And why couldn't they just tell us what you just told us ? I think the entire thing was totally mishandled.

    Good news though :)
  5. BumblingB I got better.

    It was brought up at SOE Live and answered too. I agree, they should have told us right away. It took like 10 threads for them to say both it and moon were broken, then 30 to tell us that moon is coming back. Then nothing until SOE Live that Rescue was almost fixed. As for what delayed it, I bet it was the PS4 launch, which delayed a LOT of things.
  6. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I need one more on that map. ONE MORE. It haunts me.
  7. xkillarxpantex New Player

    This map will come with new pvp gear,in winter,almost 99% sure.
    About the picture before.The grammar is awfull and MOTD(message of the day) is in Castellano(Spanish) for a International game donĀ“t make sense.
    P.D. since this a headache for Devs they could give feats for free in a future,but not probable.
    Will be a good way to farm new gear and feats.
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