Best Power For DPS?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Bolt z, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    Rage will be pretty weak in the t6 raids due to lack of range options... Sorcery is clearly the best all around dps. Even in alerts
  2. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    That proves nothing... I beat people all the time in better gear and mods with my quantum DPS.

    Only thing it shows:

    -Weapon Mastery is OP and can mask bad powers to a certain extent


    -Many people playing this game are just plain bad

    Quantum is still undeniably the weakest power... Celestial and HL are not too far behind
  3. Alpha vermelho Committed Player

    ISnt a power WM is better quick and do massive damage,
    Quantum is good, deserve a massive update like celestial, who can create a black hole cant be weak. But the quality of quantum isnt in put damage but he holds well the enemy because of this people say that this power is best tank of game and he have a good synergism with wm.
  4. JRsoFLY_123 Committed Player

    I have done plenty of how I would call "test" with my league. You don't know how bad you failed with this response considering the results.
  5. Ultimate BioHazard Well-Known Player

    I have Tested all powersets Sole days ago and rage is only superior with beserk. At full range its just on par with all others.

    There were two powersets unbeaten on top:

    ICE with pure cryogenic loadout and sorcery!!!

    If u look at all different situations in a life of a dps ICE is by far the strongest dps power atm!
    Faster and harder hitting then any other... (10-15%) more effective dps.

    Thats the truth...
  6. ApolloMystique New Player

    What makes ice the best? What loadout is this exactly?
  7. Xibo Loyal Player

    Sadly, the best is Rage for melee and also range combos.

    This order is:

    1) Rage
    2) Celestial
    3) Ice
  8. the solowing Unwavering Player

    this is why i love my sig
    • Like x 1
  9. rival exe New Player

    You know rage has range powers right?
  10. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    Hopefully you can read my post next time, it was only one simple sentence. Never did I say Rage has no range powers.

    LACK of range =/= no range options

    that "=/=" sign means "does not equal". So when I say "LACK OF RANGE OPTIONS", it does not mean "no range options". Are we caught up to pace now?
  11. rival exe New Player

    The phrase "lack of" literally means without or not enough of so it's not my fault you chose ambiguous wording.
    By the way, != means not equal to. :p
  12. Mei Ritsuko Well-Known Player

    This Best Power, Best troll, Tank, and Healer threads are getting a little old, instead of asking for best power why do you try to learn how to be good with the power you have already?

    P.S: Love your sig the solowing it made my day :p
    • Like x 2
  13. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    lack of options does not mean having no options though.

    A lack of sleep does not mean having absolutely no sleep at all.

    Definition for Lack/Lacking:

    and this is the "not equal" symbol I was referring to: "≠" "!=" also works
  14. rival exe New Player

    Your interpretation is not the only interpretation though, which is my point.

    Even in the link you provided the definition proves my point.
    the state of being without or not having enough of something.

    I'm just saying your post can be interpreted differently than you meant since the phrase "lack of" has two meanings.
    • Like x 1
  15. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Melee range rage earth ice is the best, but range I would say sorcery nature electric ice. This is just my experince a lot of people think mental is good, you might have to see what's best for you. If your on the pc server iwould just go to the test server and try every power
  16. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    The best DPS powers (there are more than 1) are those that can combine burst damage attacks with weapon mastery, have a power interaction effect that stacks on more damage (hopefully to more than one target), and also have decent dot damage abilities or a heavy weapon buff that adds might ticks with a nice crit range, and the power type allows the player to utilize these all at once. That's one of the reasons sorcery works really well for raid target-rich environs because of it's AOE potential, but it's not going to do you too much good against a single target without switching loadouts by armory to adjust to a single target spectrum. (Anti mob/ant boss).

    Regardless, there are some very easy combinations that can put anybody in acceptable DPS standards thanks to WM. Looking at sorcery, you can use shard to inflict bad karma on several targets and then spam transmutation, which gets a minor damage boost from the PI effect. Ice can do something similar by casting its large AOE, wintry tempest, for damage over time as well as the added frostbite PI, and then spamming resonating gale, a multi target AOE that works like chain lightning (just like sorcs transmutation and HL's chompers/spike quake) to do pretty nice AOE damage, gets a bonus off the PI, and a second dot is added with the PI. Hard light, for some ungodly reason, cannot stack spike quake with chompers, but your best bet here is to use WM and spam chompers, as chompers has the higher modifier and will hit harder as a result, and still applies the PI for the damage boost (though it's not listed in the description yet - that needs an update). The upside is that you only have to spam WM>chompers to do damage, cast the PI, and keep a decent dmg modifier up, but your damage potential is decreased as the dot from chompers is pathetic, and though it still hits several targets, the lack of an accompanying ability, like being able to stack spike quake on top, will do less damage against large swarms of enemies. Nature's AM mixed in with WM is actually really powerful, but only against very durable enemies. If the enemy dies too quckly, setting up poison was mostly a waste of power. Otherwise, it's very efficient if you have a boss enemy you can apply poison to as a base and spread it from them. The crit range on poison dots is the highest for any dot in the game and can stack for as high as 600 on a single tick, with two more poison ticks adding to that.
  17. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    But I said, lack of range options. If I said just "lack of range" without saying options, then I can see how you can interpret it as the first definition.

    But whatever
  18. rival exe New Player

    It's not about the word options though it's about the word lack. If you have 0 options at all then that means you have no options. If you say "I lack options" because you have 0 options then that is still correct to say because the word lack can mean to have nothing or not have enough.
  19. TheThud New Player

    This EXACTLY
  20. Rich Homie Quan New Player

    Options, not option... Plural = more than one

    Rage really just has dreadful blast for it's main source of damage for range