Update: Marks of Power

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Jul 27, 2014.

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  1. Sbel Devoted Player

    Are we going to be able to buy all of the rare styles using MoF or just the T6 ones?
  2. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Not really when there's there's going to be 3 different marks there's just going go be a ton of confusion and why weren't the players informed about this when you guys showed the live stream for Halls of Power this very question about marks was asked and Jen's said we could use Marks of fury I seriously doubt this idea popped up in the last week or so .
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  3. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    This is what I was expecting, and it makes sense. But, you guys need to measure your words more carefully because people drive their actions towards the devs statements, I'm talking about FNL.
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  4. TrueOlympus New Player

    Well no offense but that's probably because you prefer Raids/Alerts over Duos/Solos, am I correct?
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  5. WalterlightOmega Committed Player

    yes small group dlc's skippable. in the past all dlcs in a tier were useful to farm marks for the later dlc's
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  6. Sore Steadfast Player

    Are you all caught up on the rare style vendor?
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  7. Remander Steadfast Player

    IMO, mark unification created more problems than it solved anyway. This takes us back toward the way it used to be. I'm fine with it, honestly. Can't help but wonder, though, if part of the reason for the change has to do with the problems that arose with the MoT cap.
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  8. Scar-Red Nova Dedicated Player

    In line with this, my question is will the rare style vendor take Fury anymore? Because I have every item I need from the 92 vendor, and have no use for Fury.
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  9. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Simplest decision was to make every tier 2 DLCs long. Start Tier 7 with DLC 12 instead of DLC 14.

    So for Tier 6, we'd have:
    -3 open world solos
    -2 Instanced solos
    -2 duos
    -3 alerts/4-man ops
    -3 raids/8-man ops

    That is what a tier should look like.

    Then, Tier 7 would look like:
    -Some open world stuff
    -Some instance solos
    -Some duos
    -2+ alerts/4-man ops
    -3+ raids

    Your current system has Tier 6 looking like:
    -half dozen open world stuff
    -4+ instanced solos
    -4+ duos
    -5+ alerts
    -6+ raids

    This is going to make the tiers way too beefy in my opinion. DLC10 and DLC11 provide the best amount of content for a tier. What you're basically doing is separating every dlc within a tier, effectively making them their own tier (until they get converted to MoT). The only thing that makes them "tier 6" is the cr100 requirement for entry.

    I'm not psychic, but I see this backfiring badly...
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  10. WalterlightOmega Committed Player

  11. Little Sister New Player

    As far as I can tell there are 2 Rare style vendors. One can be bought with MoF and one can be bought with MoP.

    Yeah it was very Misleading and I would not have reset content based on this information. On FNL both Spytle bad Mepps assured the community that Fury would be used. So for the three weeks after players were resetting content and building marks for new gear only to get slapped in the face with their wallet in hand.

    Congrats on the extra cash SOE
    • Like x 9
  13. Ice Lantern New Player

    I have been fine with a lot of the changes you guys have made in the past. But I think you guys have really crossed the line now. It's not so much about the change, but the fact that you guys waited this long to let us know about it and only after a backlash. I knew the moment you guys introduced Replay Badges that it was going to be a bad thing. That said, I never thought you guys would resort to something as backhanded as this. Despite some of my previous comments directed towards the devs team in the past, I always thought you guys were better than this. Needless to say I am very disappointed in you guys and am very much ashamed for you. I honestly thought you guys were better than this and I hope you guys inevitably prove me right.

    Like I said, I don't so much mind the change, it's the lack of notice. My suggestion is to do it for the following DLC now that we have notice. If you guys truly believe in this game, then do it in such a way that we the players don't feel like we've been had because as of it now, this is a Bait and Switch tactic.
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  14. Sonja Lee New Player

    So does this mean for the players that are in my league that are not full 92 can use MT?
  15. TrueOlympus New Player

    Except back then the tiers had a VARIETY of content. Going forward the Devs are being more strict/organized about the layout of there DLCs. What this idea does is essentially tell all small-scale players to buzz off because you aren't progressing past this DLC.

    Small scale players progression ENDS at this DLC(HoP). They won't be able to progress until all of this tiers DLC is converted to marks. They won't be able to play War Of The Light Part 2 because they won't have the tier gear from Halls of Power.
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  16. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Sorry to quote again, but the more I read this, the more this seems perfect. It's good for devs, good for soloist, good for small groupers and good for raiders. What's not to like?

    I hereby declare that you should run for prez and officially start your campaign :)

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  17. Ice Lantern New Player

    I certainly am. There is currently no style I need for feats.
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  18. BrainWrecker Level 30

    Well, its not just a ton of content. Its a ton of LONG content. So if I dont have time to do the alerts everyday, I'll have to deal with just do alerts in the weekend. A lot of days I was without time so I just logged and did 1, 2 or 3 missions on GUS to farm any mark. Was just one.. Yes, but helped anyway. Now I'll have to run the content everyday or wait longer to get my gear. Sore's idea is the best, and I hope they listen to it.
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  19. apocalypsegodx Loyal Player

    Ok got ya buy more replays ! Good stuff :p
  20. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I know alot of premium players who bought Amazon Fury to gear up for Halls of Power and I feel bad because silly me I believed the lead creativity director about marks of fury still being used so I told them it was a good idea to get the dlc .
    • Like x 5
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