Gimme The Loot: LOOT gets League Hall

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Web, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Well I'm happy for ya (even if you are hero side we cant all be perfect), I'm sure there's plenty to follow in the next seven days.
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Go right ahead, I'll wait here while you cross the finish line
  3. Web Well-Known Player

    One of us is in your league lol.
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  4. Web Well-Known Player

    It's cool, I wouldn't take that bet either.
    Slick move taking down the offensive image by the way, no one noticed.
  5. sterl320 New Player

    lol if only we were on PC. I appreciate the gesture though. Enjoy your league hall man, I'll be there on Thursday (would have had one already if DCUO aint **** USPS over)
  6. Web Well-Known Player

    My bad, I should have read your sig closer.
    It's the thought that counts lol.
  7. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    I think part of the issue is money-wise. Things like this make me go "awww", because my league is small (about 4 people), and we would like a league hall. We spent the greater part of two days grinding when we were able to be off work to do so until we finished our weeklies and monthlies both before and after the reset, and we are NOWHERE NEAR having a league hall. We'll continue to grind until we get one because we want one. But it will take us a couple to a few months to get there. For a moment I got excited that a small guild COULD get it at a higher speed, then I saw they threw (probably a large number of, since they won't say) replay badges at it.

    Yay for them that they were able to get one sooner, but I don't think the fact that they were able to pay real money to accomplish something faster than us makes them any more awesome or more dedicated than we are. Having money to spend on something like this isn't an accomplishment, nor should it be a measurement on how small guilds should/can do things unless they have the free cash to burn.

    I would be more willing to embrace this as something exciting if it was something others could easily emulate. If all small guilds could follow their methods without the real-life cash component.
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  8. Web Well-Known Player

    I appreciate your post. No real secret here, we just grinded hard to get what we wanted and used replays. Yea, it's not for everyone but we played it as smart as we could and maximized our time by focusing on T1 content with level appropriate characters to get the most out of what was gonna be a lot of content to run as fast as possible.
  9. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    That part gives the best info. Maybe using alts at T1 is going to be the best use of our time. We've been grinding out the T5-6 content, and it doesn't give very much gain in the long-run in regard to time spent staring at the wall, waiting for people to to decide who is going through the maze in AnB.

    Since you guys DID do a lot of replays, would you be willing to divulge which/what type of missions seems to give maximum prestige output?
  10. Web Well-Known Player

    They are building a wing named after me in the Mannheim Chinese theatre I ran it so much. That's like 72 prestige a minute.
    Ace chemicals is pretty quick too, 800 and something prestige for a league of 4 run

    So if you are CR appropriate of course, would you rather run TD for 800+ prestige with a league four man or Ace chemicals, and that's how you do it.
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  11. Mad009 New Player

    Fixed it for y'all: Pay2play.
  12. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Awesome, thank you. If the bonus if running t6 over t1 is negligible, it's off to make a new character and grind to t1! Maybe I'll study how long it takes to grind up several alts vs just waiting for the weekly resets!
  13. Karmapolice Well-Known Player

    Wow, you got one already? Congrats!
  14. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Well in fairness this was on USPC I believe so there hasn't been a ton of downtime like there has for USPS.
  15. Web Well-Known Player

    That's what I did, I just did it before all this came out caused I theorized that would be the best way to accomplish getting a league hall.
    I actually rolled a new character of every tier/ CR level, but T1 is the most efficient.

    I also have to credit Block with all this number crunching and devising a battle plan for actually accomplishing getting a league hall and cracking the whip lol. I really just did what I was told lol.
  16. Bast10n Committed Player

    Congrats on your League Hall. You put in the effort.. and that is commendable.

    As a League we talked long and hard about how quickly we wanted to get our League Hall. In the end we decided it wasn't worth spending a ton of replays. The new affinities aren't really going to be beneficial until the new raids come out. So we decided to save our replays.

    If we had decided to grind out the LH as fast as possible, here was our strategy.

    We would have had our Mains (106 CR) be clearing T1 Alerts up to the final boss. This is easily done with one person and the final boss is the only one that gives prestige. We would have had more than 5 people doing this simultaneously.

    We would also have had 4 people in CR Appropriate T1 Gear waiting for the Alerts to be cleared. These four would have been invited to all of the last bosses for maximum prestige. Reset, move along to the next cleared alert.

    We tested this out a few weeks or so ago to work out the logistics, were there walkins, did we have to Quo with 4 and then excuse ourselves, which final bosses were the easiest/fastest for the T1 group. In the end ,we had it down to a final boss downed and prestige earned every about every 5 minutes.

    I'm sort of disappointing that we decided not to go for it... It really would have been exciting.
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  17. Web Well-Known Player

    Very good plan, but even fresh 30 doing Tier 1 is easy with weapons mastery and 180+ SP.
    The high CR clearing and inviting adds more time, but is a viable strategy.
  18. Albatross Well-Known Player


    Especially as a smaller league I was very impressed at how you approached this challenge and came up with a plan to best maximize your time and replay badges. This is a refreshing change from those QQ threads that are popping up everywhere about how helpless all the <10 member leagues are.

    Well done guys!
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  19. Bast10n Committed Player

    Were you guys able to clear those instances instances in 5 minutes or less?
  20. Web Well-Known Player

    Yes, give or take a minute.

    Also soders don't effect CR, so Dr. Steve Brule says " just use Flex soders VI ya dingus" lol.
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