Hmmmmmm, one step closer to SP listing?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BendingBars, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Ok so what your saying PK, If someone wants in one of these leagues they should lie about it. Whether its a cr requirement or a sp requirement? Just simply lie?
  2. thefrogshateme New Player

    They don't have to be around you to inspect your skill points. If lied on your SP, they'll know.
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  3. GaeasRevenge New Player

    Darn PKMN12, you beat me to it.
    Thankfully I've been playing solo since 2011.
    I love flying solo.
    Thats just my personality.
    But I do play with my many friends on my list.
    Most leaders I know that runs leagues are incompetent no sir!
    I cant deal with the drama some leagues get into.
    How they publicly argue and humiliate each other on youtube and facebook.
    I 'll forgo the minor bonuses of league halls and reject that kind of nonsense.

    On another note who cares what someones doing on their time with their ideas.
    Spend your time minding your business and creating a fun play environment for yourself.
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  4. Feenicks New Player

    I'm talking about random strangers walking up and inspecting willy nilly. I'm not going to be hanging out in the Watch Tower or open world any more if that becomes a thing. And with lairs and league halls that will be easier for me. Actually, given the state of the community, I should start doing that anyways.
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  5. Pandora Demon New Player

    All I know is that I'm just going to look at everyone's SP in the league. Besides, it'll be interesting. I've out performed a lot of PUGs(anyone not a friend/ league mate: if orbit were in my group, he would count as a PUG; never ran with him though)/League mates that had more SP and higher CR than I did. And, it will be interesting what some of my league mates say about that( especially when some of my league mates think CR is everything( One of my league mates formed a group for SM, and after round two: inspected everyone, looked at the on-duty menu, kicked me, and sent me a tell saying: even though you're top DPS with 0 deaths and lowest power consumption you are under-geared for SM). My league as a whole isn't like that so I really won't care about this. If your league is like mine( only a few elitist, but the majority are experienced players, that will help) you'll be fine.
  6. PKMN12 New Player

    My point is those Leagues that focus on SP should not EXIST in the first place, as all it is an a elitist pigs den mot of the time.

    Anyway, then watch that person who has less SP do FAR better than the ones who do have all that SP. More SP does not equal more skill, you can get a lot of SP by just getting a lot of cash and buying the collections and styles off the Auction house, and doing the solo instance ones while leveling.
  7. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    i don't know about anyone else but i can't wait to log on and snoop everyones stats!
  8. RSL New Player

    likewise this community has quite enough of "omg it's so hard". there's a balance. running to either side [and calling the other side names] isn't going to help.
  9. RSL New Player

    these people you are calling elitist because they want a super high CR are NOT elitists. they are asking for this high CR to compensate for their own lacks.
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  10. RSL New Player

    yeah. i know SP matters but i couldn't care less what yours are. i just want you to play the game and try. lol
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  11. McGhee Well-Known Player

    Not wanting someone to see your SP, if you have a rationale, is a position. If there is no reasoning for your position then it may be whining. It is not whining just because you disagree with the position or rationale.

    I have never encountered a person, thread, or posting which stated SP is useless. I have seen people state that SP above a certain level is unnecessary. That is not the same thing. Also, I have never seen any posting of any kind to prohibit people from gaining SP. You are against a mentality that does not exist. This thread is about people seeing your SP. Some of us don't like that idea.
  12. the solowing Unwavering Player

    You shouldn't care at all, as long as the boss dies it should be non of your concern. I don't ask for sp or cr when I look for groups I let your performance be the judge
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  13. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    This is hurting my eyes.

    I'm not sure of the rationale that SP should be hidden, or any other part of your characters stats. If you've lied about it and your league actually cares, well thats on you. I cant think of a reason to hide it. If you've low SP then you simply have a goal. Alot of people ask "OK I reached 30. Now what?" Just 2 things right? better equipment and more sp. When those 2 things are done? Make another character lol.

    SP is part of your level. In EQ it was called "alternate advancement" and it directly effects what your character could and could not do. Are there better players with less SP? Hell yes there is. Do those better players have just 20 sp? I kinda doubt it.
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  14. Tre Day New Player


    I got the impression that you were for SP visibility.

    I'm lost now.

    (scratches head)
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  15. RSL New Player

    so only things you see exist? welcome to solipsism 101. ;)
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  16. RSL New Player

    i don't care either way. i know my leaguemates. they know me. seeing their sp and them seeing mine will have zero effect. if someone who hates SP though is in a league where people care about them and would judge them [which i'd think... this would have already been a problem]... just be in a league full of low-SP players who don't care. why is this a problem? i don't get it either direction.
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  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    players are asking for cr100 for wave a raid that players asked for 96 cr at launch pre nerf... why is the requirement 100+ now? I've shouts for 60+ for khandaq the community cant handle being able to see personal stats and not to use it againt the player
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  18. light FX Steadfast Player

    Imo the only reason some1 dosent want any1, whether its league m8s or not, to see their sp is because its a low #. And if its low that u means u rushed through content and skipped stuff. Most leagues have requirements to join and this just stops people from lying and im 100% happy its in the game. I was never carried through anything in this game and dont want to ever carry any1 else. Put in the work and get your sp up is what id say to any1 that doesnt like this feature.
  19. Piqued Pixie Active Player

    Hating people being able to scope stats does not equal people hating the points themselves. I would love more points! I recently discovered feats for skill points, and it was awesome! I want more of these.
    I also play my roles well (not ridiculously hard to figure out), and can perform awesomely enough that we got accidental skill points for feats! Yay for us!
    I'm a newish player, and I've managed to advance 3 toons to T5, figuring stuff out as I go along.
    If I was suddenly unable to advance because someone looked at my SP and excluded me based on numbers, I'd be pissed.
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  20. light FX Steadfast Player

    But thats on the community, not the devs. If we choose to hold that against players then its OUR fault. I personally dont care about a person sp unless they are asking to join my league as we have requirements. But in a raid or alert? Nah idc as long as they do their job. Idky any1 wants to run with those people that shout for ridiculous #s for runs. Most of the time its because they are bad players and want someone to carry them and usually those runs are epic fails. U see someone shouting for crazy cr #s for a run? Do what i do.....ignore them asap.