Hmmmmmm, one step closer to SP listing?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BendingBars, Jul 23, 2014.

  1. RSL New Player

    can't all you whiners who think SP don't matter just form your own league full of head-in-the-sand players who won't care if no one has any SP?
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  2. Prosser Dedicated Player

    Ya gonna sound like a broken record with this but....... if your league does that sort of stuff, you're in the wrong league.

    Hey though, anyone on USPC hero side that runs into that problem, just send me a message in game, World Nobles would be happy to have you ;)
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  3. thefrogshateme New Player

    I wonder how many people are scared about getting kicked out of their league for lying about skill points.
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  4. Marine Death Committed Player

    As a league leader I really don't care how many skill points somebody has. I can think of one person in our league that may have lied about his skill points. I would never kick him because of it.

    We do encourage feat hunting but it's not a requirement. Have fun, kick *** and most importantly teabag!
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  5. Feenicks New Player

    I no longer really care about this issue any more. What with league halls dropping today. I'll either be in one of my lairs or the league hall. So whether or not my SP and stats and the color of my socks can be inspected by strangers I won't be "around" for said stranger TO inspect.
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  6. McGhee Well-Known Player

    I hope you are correct. Since there is no cost associated with keeping a player in a league, any prestige is a profit. However, there has never been a cost for players in leagues but leagues kick people out for pointless reasons: not playing enough, not having the right body type, not logging on to the league website, etc. I am certain some leagues will kick people for not contributing enough prestige.
  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Your mentality is exactly why they wont make it viewable
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  8. Crimson Jonni New Player

    It really depends on how its perceived by your league. If you're in a fun and understanding league thats willing to assist you and aid in getting your sp up then it really isnt bad, but if you're in one of those leagues who use the knowledge of how many sp you have to prevent you from running with them and or use it to blacklist in the future cause they're much holier than thou, then yeah it could be troublesome
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  9. RSL New Player

    i don't care about some pug's SP as much as you imagine. i'm tired of hearing the anti-SP people constantly whine about... well, everything pertaining to SP.
  10. Crimson Jonni New Player

    If you've actually seen some of the rather well thought out reasons why certain people don't wish to have it viewable, you may not see it as whining. Of course the choice is yours to go about it that way.
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  11. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    In every game there will be guild/league/clan 's that want the best of the best. If you lied about your cr/sp to get in and this is going to show it? Then I wouldn't show pity for it. I'm not in a league like that mind you, but their out there and always will be.
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  12. RitzyDitzy New Player

    I really really hope they never implement sp being visible to all, with this community I think it would only lead to bad things.
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  13. RitzyDitzy New Player

    Who was whining or saying sp don't matter?
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  14. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    Umm what/who's SP?
  15. RSL New Player

    how is "omg anyone seeing my SP will ruin the game!" not a whine? if i'm wrong then help me find the right word. thanks. this mentality [whatever you want to label it] is what i'm talking about and it's pervasive among many players of the game who claim SP are useless, want to prohibit anyone else from getting more of the useless SP, etc. it's called casual gaming. free to play gaming. "i have a life [yet am posting on a video game forum about anyone getting something i choose not to]" gaming.
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  16. Tre Day New Player

    I had a feeling that a thread like this was going to come along. :p

    To answer the thread, no. It's in the league, and like most have said, if people are going to kick players just because of the amount of SP they have, that's on them. I don't think just because of this means there's going to be something like this visible player-base-wide.

    If that's the case, I'd like to point out that all those for SP visibility are whiners too with this logic as well. :p
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  17. RitzyDitzy New Player

    I think people are just concerned since this community has quite enough elitism already.
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  18. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    Me I'm scared of getting the boot what/who is an SP again?
  19. PKMN12 New Player

    This. Already in-game, you basically are required to have about twice the needed amount of CR and way more SP than actually needed for ANY tier of raid. LEtting people see what your SP amount is would just make it worse.
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  20. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Im sure that sp ruining the game isnt what people were concentrated on. The main arguement for the anti side seems to be 'Sp being visible will lead to further exclusion and even more outrageous requirements than it already does.' Which is true, people dont need another tool that keeps players from doing something, while the only constructive arguement for the pro sp side ive seen is 'it will help see whether or not the person can handle it yet and if not we can work on getting the sp up'

    Unfortunately the constructive side of the pro sp has been few and far between. Why? Because ' gtf0 120 sp is too low for this game.' Or 'find a league scrub' or 'stop pugging' or 'i got 100 sp in one day lma0, git gud' these type of arguements are the most prevelant when people want to see sp. And when they see someone put out a long thought filled post on why they wish to keep their sp private they're met with , 'LOL DIDNT READ', wall of text memes, and called crybabies/whiners/scrubs just because they dont agree
    Dont get me wrong, there are indeed anti sp viewing players who act the same way, but neither of which seems to understand what whining is- its not explaining why you dont want something, thats complaining
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