
Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by pitbullb3, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    This kinda hurt, but I can admit when I'm wrong, Crutch is the top legends followed behind his cronies. After watching our top legends player do the range attack from above lmao I gotta admit the pc have the top legends pvp toon.

    Yes I'm a lil salty he beat my lesgue, but damn I never expected to see thst , lol but this was my first fnl I've looked at. Please tell me they are not all that esy?
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  2. Ace1 Dedicated Player

  3. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I seen a video where players were beating slob and the pc community said hb in sky was a glitch. Imo the top ps player shouldn't be doing that or anything close that look like cheese
  4. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Clutch hasn't lost a 1v1 with his best toons on over 2 years. Hopefully that answers your question.
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  5. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    So using a characters movement mode, using a characters weapon combined with powers is a glitch?
  6. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Currently right now handblasters have a longer range than almost any other weapon and you can spam ranged attacks from outside lunge range. That's the issue many have with it. It shouldn't be a free pass out of counter windows.
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  7. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I can't copy and paste on my phone on the forums for some odd reason but view my above post.
  8. Metrioned New Player

    It's not a glitch, but don't sit there and think its OK to fly to the top of the map and spam Ranged attacks repeatedly.
    People will always say ''just lunge'' like its the end all be all, but in anything past 1v1's its not as easy to try to target someone who is flying about you just out of range without getting your health melted. Especially in legends where you have limited health and someone can just rotate DoTs without using prec attacks to win
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  9. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    I wasn't out of range at all the entire matches, I easily could have been shut down if someone had focused me a little more.
  10. Metrioned New Player

    I wasn't talking about you in your match, I was speaking in a general sense about you and others who say ''just lunge''.
  11. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I'm just saying for our top legend player to be using cheese tactics seem crazy. I don' t think the top legends toon woulda did that on the pc server. It's not glitching, but I don't think snyone can deny it was kinda cheesy.

    Imo ps legends toons were better because they had to beat more players, but now I'm doubting that
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  12. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    I understand that must be annoying, I just don't want people thinking I was out of range at all.

    Is Circe OP? Yes. Can she be countered and be defeated? Yes. She has such a small power bar that if I had been focused I most likely would have died or used my power for defensive abilities.

    There were so many Circe's that if I hadn't used Circe it would have put me at a disadvantage, almost every team had a Circe... I wonder why
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  13. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Do you consider screen blocking (blocking beside another player) cheesy? Because people have been doing that on the PS and PC for a long time.
  14. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    What about roll cancelling? Cancelling your roll into a block to get your opponent to lunge, is that cheesy?
  15. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    All I'm saying is I didn't expext that from a top legends player, and I'm giving props to the pc legends player, because I don'tthink I would see them using that stragedy. Not taking nothing from your victory, but I thought ps server was the best legends players until the fnl tonite
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  16. Nestea New Player

    I actually expected better from you ace. i've seen a lot of legends newbies sit back and BB from the air for the whole match but to see it coming from you for practically half the match surprised me!:eek:

    As for your "just lunge" tip No point in lunging at a circe if she's just gonna teleport to avoid the proper punishment for being countered. i give Logo props for showing Reality and i what skill he/she posesses but you didn't seem to show the same skill as you have in past tournaments. i'm not bummed out that i lost to you, i'm just pissed that you used a cheap tactic for the win.:mad:
  17. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Circe's power bar is incredibly small, I can only teleport once every 10 seconds, leaving me open for punishment for 10 seconds. Does anyone think that it's going to take more than 10 seconds to kill Circe? I think not.
  18. Nestea New Player

    Mirror Image125 power8 sec CDUsable while controlled
    → Blinks forward and de-taunts.
    → Breakout (3 sec).
    → Absorbs 1500 damage (3 sec).
    → Summons a ranged Circe pet that lasts until killed or exploded. Circe has 346 HP.
    Aegis Of Immortality200 power40 sec CD
    → Absorbs 2500 damage or 3 hits (10 sec).
    → Minimum of 1 second between each registered hit
    (credits to shiny mackerel)
    "She can use her teleportation move to escape hard stuns, a shield for obvious uses, and two pets to help absorb and split damage." (credits to The Enquirer)
    Mhm ,yup. Definitely takes less than 10 seconds to kill a circe.:rolleyes: This also includes the fact that you're in the air BB spamming
  19. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Her pets are also an easy way to get a free immunity, I didn't see anyone doing that. I just re watched FNL and most of the matches I wasn't even right above everyone, I was off to the side well in LoS and I was asking to be lunged.
  20. Clutch_GT New Player

    That's one of my biggest issues with HB's right now in legends along with it's damage output for example fist slam vs back fist from brawlers both are tap holds but the damage difference is silly. Although legends is a bit more balanced then arenas the type of imbalances in legends just baffles me (high dot damage for example clutchmeister had a video that shows how brute it is) the power creep keeps getting crazy.
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