Is SM going to turn into...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PrestigeExpert, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. PrestigeExpert New Player

    whoever replays the content the most to get the best gear first, wins?

    I know that you have to have a great group to get to the last couple rounds, but for those leagues that do it consistently, is the SM outcome going to come down to a DLC11 spam for 94 raid gear to push them over that final hurdle?

    There's already quite a bit of bickering between the PS players over the runs now. I like the server first idea as it gives props to successful leagues, but it also encourages the behavior described above.

    Is this good? Is this bad? Should anyone bother to care what these people do with their replays/time?
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  2. chubbychase New Player

    No. No. No. :)
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  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The current Survival Mode event is a limited time thing, and will turn off when the DLC launches. Getting to a new round in SM also requires no replay badges. Let's not over react to a very few egos bringing back the tired hero vs. villain arguments.
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  4. PrestigeExpert New Player

    Figures that it would go away once when I'm finally about to put a static group for it together... ;)

    That's actually a really smart fix for it. I'm surprised I didn't think of it myself. :p
  5. Derio 15000 Post Club

    SM is devs trumph card when a DLC goes stale. My guess 1 month or 2 before the next DLC launches they will launch a new survival mode.
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  6. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Question: for sm will it be on a rotation once the mode is finalized? What i mean by that is, as you add more locations and ect, will we have say, monthly cycles( i know someone is going to take that wrong) for each occuring map? Oan for 1 month , nexus next month for example. Like pvp rotations?
  7. Pew New Player

    Hey now Mepps, we are playing DC. Hero vs Villain animosity is part of this great game!
    It's only when people take it on a personal level and forget we are talking about comic book adversaries here that things turn sour.
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  8. Newsflash New Player

    With it being an event the power of replay badges is magnified since you only have that limited time frame to farm the instance.

    Thing about DCUO is that everything gets obsoleted very quickly. When Trigons came out some people spent an enormous amount of money on RB's farming Raven. Look how long that 85 gear lasted for...
  9. Hraesvelg Always Right

    You're right, that argument is tired. We villains proved our superiority long ago.

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  10. Gunny New Player

    Bickering over PS players.... as if this doesn't exsit on the noble PC side of things.

    I promise, were PC guys in the running with the PS standings, they would be just as much in the mix of things as PS players are now. Trying to convey a message that PS players and PC players are different in mentality and mindset is ignorant and downright unnecessary.
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  12. Gunny New Player

    Exactly what they're planning.

    I'm pretty sure they'll remove Oan's SM with DLC11 release. A few weeks into it, they'll introduce a new SM location.

    As they make more, they'll begin cycling them in so one is active at all times. It will work EXACTLY like PvP rotations.
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  13. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Ok thanks for clearin that up. I was trying to do Sm to get that green glow a while ago, and i finally got it on my first successful run yesterday, i'll probably do it for fun, before i really wanted the green shirt. But now that i know that, i know that i'll have a limited time to run something before the rotation occurs
  14. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    I don't think there's been a lot of "bickering". There's been two, I'd say "fights" or disagreements between two leagues. One, that I'm actually aware of the details of the issue, is in regards to the difficulty between the hero and villain side.

    Mepps already confirmed the difficulty is the same between both sides, so that argument is invalid to the league claiming the hero side is "easy mode".

    Is this good? Is this bad? Should anyone bother to care what these people do with their replays/time?

    To address this, no, no one should care what people do with their replays and time. It's their money and their time. They can do with it as they please. However, as Mepps said, SM will be turned off when DCL11 hits so you don't have to worry about what people are replaying.
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  15. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    I was going to post a thread to ask this exact question earlier. Thanks for preemptively reading my mind again, Mepps!

    (Interestingly enough, it sounds like we will have at least a few days of League Proficiencies if Survival Mode goes away when Halls of Power I launches... will that put some groups over the top?)
  16. PrestigeExpert New Player

    I never said that PC players *wouldn't* bicker, I'm saying that it's only the PS players right now. Way too much skill has left PC side, which is probably why there are very few groups getting to the high rounds.
  17. Gunny New Player

    I wouldn't say that. Plenty of PC has exhausted their interest in SM in its testing phase.

    Certainly not a problem in terms of testing other new content, but SM definitely can lose its luster and amusement after a few weeks playing it - and the fact it offers nothing at all for your time also plays against its longevity.

    Im not saying everyone is tired of SM mode, but it is very much fair to say PC players have played it an extra few weeks, which certainly can contribute to developing a noticeable lack of interest for it in comparison to the PS crowd after it went live.

    There's no way i'll be stating that things such as factions, servers, or platforms dictate how well you will play - because its just not true. I am sure there are PC players more than capable of the performances PS players have put on, they simply haven't really mustered the interest and/or motivation to do so.
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  18. Waterfall Well-Known Player

    Mepps said SM is going away before the DLC goes live. Posting from my phone so I can't link it, sorry.
  19. denverweise Well-Known Player

    Yeah I think I heard something about that in FNL...possibly different arenas and more rounds added. SM is quite possibly the smartest money maker they put in the game, as now people on mass are rushing to the marketplace for repair bots and replay badges. I know replay badges sounds crazy, but you know how insane people get about new and unique styles
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  20. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    This is why we can't have nice things.
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