Call off the precision buff nerf!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Techvolt, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. Techvolt Well-Known Player

    Instead just take away the power bonus crit for the powers that have this buff OR at the very least only lower to 30%. I didn't agree with the posts about how gimped nature became after weapon mastery. Nature can be top dps, but only as a precision build. However, if this nerf goes through I do think nature will be at a disadvantage.

    Our dots aren't strong enough and our pet doesn't even compare to fury. We already don't get the power bonus crits. Messing with our precision is just to much.
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  2. light FX Steadfast Player

    i actually agree with the prec buff nerf. I hate saying i agree with any nerf but this will get rid of the bad dps who only carry buffs and do all WM attacks. This is a supehero game where we have powers and we should be using them.
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  3. Gunny New Player

    The precision buffs are way too effective.

    I have a celestial toon I made as a villain. All he does is DPS.... in which I stack precision on him as high as I can get it, give him sacrificial idol + both buffs, robot sidekick, a 1H-DW weapon master combo, and just DPS spamming that WM combo over and over and over again, only replenishing the buffs, and dropping an idol on large masses.

    The 80-some CR DPS could outdo 100+ guys easy. It required zero skill on my part. I spammed it over and over and over again.

    To make matters worse? I didn't need a troll - my damage/power in ratio was usually over 90. Weapon combos recovered all of my power usage. I could go without a PoT or a recharge.

    On top of all that? 3 other people got my buffs when using them too, which raised THEIR damage as well. These buffs were INCREDIBLY effective and dramatically hastened content. My 100CR celestial toon was able to get through T6A faster than my 106 Hero could - and I only had 4 abilities on my ability tray.

    THATS why this is getting fixed. It was very much out of hand. Powers getting buffs that give FOUR people a 45% precision boost was definitely not something that would ever be balanced. They shouldn't have made the boosts that high to begin with.
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  4. XxRudgerxX Well-Known Player

    Wait, these things are actually being nerfed?

    If these things are way too effective, then we need to do away with Rage's Berserk supercharge, or at least nerf it, because that's also way too effective. The problem isn't really the buffs, it's the mastery's insanely high damage output. It didn't need nerfing before they came out, and sure as hell wasn't wanted nerfing. Anoint's the crown jewel of buffs, and rightly so. It allows the "Battle Shaman" power to actually become a battle shaman. Celestial only has two buffs, and the other one only raises the crit chance a little.

    If it has to be nerfed, don't hit the stats directly. Either increase the power cost a little (It doesn't even leave a dent) or make it only affect yourself in dps role.
  5. Proxystar #Perception

    It's about time the Prec Buffs got nerfed, I think this is good progress, BloodLust and Ferocity have been too over-powered.

    You can do nature DPS without Carnage..
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  6. Kristyana New Player

    The precision buffs were way out of line, especially with the advent of weapon mastery and compared to might based powers. Precision and WM is still king.

    You'll still be able to do awesome damage, you'll just need to actually use a rotation now.
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  7. ForumJunky New Player

    First of all you can out dps 100+cr toon that dont know what there doing and or are bad.
    Second, everyone that want certon power to be nerfed and or balanced are SCOREBOARD hungry, in my opinion why wouldn't you want the 45% prec persion buff? i mean it not only helps the group get prec, but it also help with getting content done fast. Thats the entire point of the game is to achive completion quickly and all this ["nerf this nerf that"] is just annoying and i think player should just think about whole instead of them self getting beat in DMG
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  8. ForumJunky New Player

    Is point is so invaled no affence, i understand its your opinion but good dps use rotaions and power, i rather think going more might than prec is better since WM 360% crit for the powers are better, Also since WM prec crits and hits are so inconistant, i see no change from 2200 prec to 2600 prec. But the more might i have the better the Damage is as a whole, if you spec full PREC and just use WM your Damage will be terrible and i see alot of DPS doing that and it just annoying because they dont understand the concept of DPS(damage per second) not DPH(Damage per Hit)
  9. Ogat New Player

    Doesn't bother me much... well kinda funny that before hl got it's prec buff it got nerfed already, but the precision lvl you can reach on life currently is ginormous, it willstill be ginormous after the nerf. Sid note- this changes nothing no tray ability is able to hit as hard as a wm finisher still.
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  10. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

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  11. Kristyana New Player

    The point is balancing damage from powers with the damage from precision based attacks. If you don't see the problem with the current system, there's nothing I can say that will help you.
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  12. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    I'll have to look on test tomorrow but I think hive mind is getting the 15% might bonus! you have carnage to.

    If you went with a pure might build in your mods with hive mind you could be around 6000 might fairly easily dropping three refresh able dots and one of the best finishers in the game at around 6k might I'm not crying for nature just yet.

    HL on the other hand that's a different story
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  13. Kristyana New Player

    The main issue with the game as it stands now is that things die too quickly to the burst damage of WM and other powers to get the full use out of a DoT based might loadout. This will definitely change in survival mode or on bosses, but on general trash, most nature DPS I've seen feel it's a waste.
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  14. DoIAmuseYou New Player

    I actually switched from celestial because of this, i didnt want to do nothing but throw wm combos with annoint, and to be top dps this was what i Had to do. The power itself got "fixed" over however many updates/hotfixes to its demise.
    The actual process of doing Nothing but WM is pretty ridiculous and incredibly boring, as well as takes all skill out of the game. Learn one weapon combo and your a bada** dps...i mean, c'mon.
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  15. XxRudgerxX Well-Known Player

    But they're going to revamp might anyway, making the might powers hit as hard, if not harder because they actually use power. In the meantime they could replace a little of the buff with a might buff aswell to even it out, but full on nerfing things because they're useful isn't really the way to go. We'll end up with two hour long boss fights while dealing very little damage (In the next dlc). I predict in the next dlc we'll need every buff we can get.

    Just out of interest, how much of a damage boost to your masteries would 1000 precision give you? I can't imagine it being that high.
  16. ForumJunky New Player

    i uderstand that, but why balance a prec based attack when every power can hit harder that construct combo if they just us WM, construct combos attacks are ment for those powers becasue there might based damage and DOT dont compete with power that have no construct combos. This also help the group as a whole! The only power that doesnt is earth , and the way earth is desighed it needs the 45% buff. Nature has a 45% buff aswell but the thing about nature is has so many DOT that take long to cast it needs a lisst buff, every power has a reason for it being there and i think it should stay. All there doing is making it harder for us to do content.

    But what most player that want the nerf are thinking about is themselves and how they get beat by these dps's. The devs go off what individuals want when it come to DAMAGE not the whole, there are so many threads on this topic and 90% of them are "why nerf prec buffs"
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  17. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    TD, SM, new raids

    I sense a change in the winds.
  18. light FX Steadfast Player

    yea well u play this game right? U havent noticed that over 50% of players only care about their dmg and the scorecard? I dont have #s to back up the 50% claim, just a guess as i see soooo many people that play that way. I honestly dont care about some1s dmg at all, unless its really low and the job is not getting done, otherwise i say who cares, do your job dps and finish the run.
  19. light FX Steadfast Player

    funny im using a DoT nature loadout and have no issues. I run the t6 alert in about 15-20mins everytime and usually 2 dps 1 troll 1 tank and in pugs im always top dps and with my league im pretty much even with the other dps. And thats against almost every other powerset too.
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  20. ForumJunky New Player

    then why do you agree with the nerf if you dont care about damage? if help the entire group!
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