Much needed Quality of Life changes in DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Larfleeze, May 8, 2014.

  1. Larfleeze New Player

    • Being able to search Broker based on Styles instead of having to know the specific gear names
    We should be able to type in "Fourth World" into the broker and have all the armor pieces that have Fourth World style shown.
    • Being able to search Broker based on Collection name instead of each individual piece
    We should be able to type "The Hall of Doom" into the broker and have all the collection pieces shown as opposed to getting nothing.
    • Scaling UI should auto readjust the position of element pieces
    Currently when you scale the UI everything shrinks towards the center of the screen, leaving a lot of dead space on the edges that wasn't previously there. Since (for whatever reasons, I blame PS3 limitations) we can't customize the UI as we want, it should at least auto-readjust to putting the elements in their proper positions on the UI rather than the way it is now.
    Anything else, feel free to add.
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  2. Arcpope New Player

    I find the broker system in this game very limiting, compared to other mmo's .
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  3. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Being able to adjust the size and location of the UI would be ideal.

    I'd also like to see an option to have your home turf stuff be put on auto renew. That way if you have the marks, it is automatically taken out and you won't lose your supply drops/white mods/everything else.
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  4. tukuan Devoted Player

    Yes to these, another simple one that is once again obvious given the seasonal: let us preview furniture pieces from vendors. We can already do it in the broker so I would think it shouldn't be hard to implement for the vendors.
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  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    You have no idea how many times I've had to open up Google because I know the name of the collection but not the name of the specific thing I am looking for. Same with gear.

    I wouldn't mind being able to move parts of the UI around, such as where the health and power bars of your teammates and power bar even.

    Also searching for feats would be helpful so you can easily figure out if you have it or not. Obviously searching for key words in the feat descriptions would be the next stage.
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  6. tukuan Devoted Player

    Further to this specifically with WM, I would like to be able to scale down the icons in the weapon skills interface so I can see ideally everything at once. I understand that for lower resolutions this might not be practical so perhaps give us the option in the settings.

    The same for the inventory/bank grids would also be tres awesome.
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  7. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    being able to adjust the size of our map would be invaluable.

    fixes to our on duty menu. queuing up for something is frustrating when youre in a group.

    fixes to the r and v station: PLEASE LET US HIDE PLANS WE DONT PLAN ON USING.
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  8. Poo New Player

    All of this please!
  9. tukuan Devoted Player

    If not hide (ideal IMO) then at least add a 5 most recently used to the top.
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  10. Blue Spectrex New Player

    Hey, I made a thread about that a few months ago, but it got buried. Would love to see that feature added.
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  11. The Hornet New Player

    You know what kills me is, on Final Fantasy you can completely customize your HUD, and that game came out for PS3 this fall. There are so many things we blame on PS3 "limitations," that are really just problems with this game, because they're not problems on the PS3 on other games, one in particular.
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  12. CrazyArtBrown Dedicated Player

    There's a better way to deal with the problem of having two many plans. Right now when you open up crafting, every individual tier is expanded. If there was an option to flip that default, so that you only see tiers you explicitly open, navigation would be easy. Scroll down to Consumables - V, open tier, select Next, craft. That would be far easier than having to hide the 50+ I->V plans collectors have in the way right now. Trees that let you open/close a tier are already in the game too, and those UIs are discoverable to new players.

    The idea of a most frequently used list at the top would also solve most of the crafting headache. I would still prefer the ability to flip the tier expansion if only once change was made.
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  13. Hero of Justice New Player

    I pretty much like every idea here :) The styles on the broker, in particular, I feel are much needed.
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  14. Dock8 New Player

    stop the scoreboard auto popping up at the end of an instance or match

    move all notices to the right side of the screen above the mission objectives; this includes ringwars and diamond heist messages, bounty tallies, etc

    ability to purchase multiple items at once (shift right-click, enter quantity)

    prioritize player pickups over interactive objects, handcuffing opposing players, etc
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  15. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    with style feats bought - it would still be nice to know which pieces I do not running strykers solo after having bought department of corrections feat - might as well choose a piece I don't have.....
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  16. ErnieB Loyal Player

    They did say a new UI is in the works, but it dates back to the Halls Of Power teaser so it's been a while. As far as the rest goes it would help so much, specially with there being so many collections pieces in the game, another thing that would help if it would give you the option to only show what you don't already have, and when you use the price scale option to only show the lowest (or highest) only, I don't get if I ask to see the lowest priced of a certain item, I have to see every item of the same kind from lowest to higher.
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  17. Ice Clown New Player

    DEVs need to make this happen, im tired of searching the internet for the names of those styles/collections, then searching it again on the broker

    PS: take out all the "sell items for cash" trash for T1-T6 mission
    those trash were only good for lvl 1-30 mission since it gives cash to repair gears and buy soders,

    the highers contents ( T1-T6 ) gives alot of money from bosses and selling the gears, the trash just fills up our inventory now
  18. ErnieB Loyal Player

    that trash has 2 uses, cash and salvage, but I can't say getting rid of the sell them part is good, bosses don't give put that much cash, and when you need to make soders or mods the vendor parts aren't cheap at all.
  19. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    Wel if you have the right to blame it on us PS3 players then we have the samerights to blame it on you ps4 players.

    Also just for FYI you are on your server if you can think about it.
    If they would have made a ps4 server people would had to make there hero/villain over again.
    People who plays ps4 would say they could have just close the ps3 server, but if they did they would lose money.

    But there are ways to make the game have better quality for ps4 that would be to make it batter for ps3.

    Like redous items in the game like have.


    Make a no/off switch in setting/gameplay that would toggle PvP. If you have it on,
    it would be always will be on til you trun it off.

    They also could make all gear to have def/toughtness
    If you want to get to next set of gear you would have to complete the one you are on now.
    There more I can say
  20. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    I would enjoy the option to delete bases. Why? Why Not? If I have the option to delete gear and certain items then I want the option to delete my base(s).

    All your items go back to your base inventory and that base is gone. If you want to get it again, you have to buy another deed.

    Foreclosure I tell ya lol. Devs, consider the deletion of bases.

    P.S. Please put sparring targets in the Tech Wing of the Hall of Doom.