When skill gets mistaken as pay-to-win...

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Octantis, May 1, 2014.

  1. Octantis New Player

    I had an interesting thing happen. Normally, in an isolated incident I just blow it off, but this happened twice within 20 minutes of each occurrence.

    Now, I'm not a great PvPer, but I'm by no stretch of the definition mediocre. I've spent a lot of time at it, persevered, and honestly tried to get better despite my internet connection. I can't compete with any of the big PvP leagues out there, but I can go toe-to-toe with their new recruits just fine.

    That said, I spend most of my time as Harley Quinn or Nightwing, and I dare say I'm nearly "beast" with both. But just recently (as in "today") I purchased DLC 9 and finally picked up my man Saint Walker. Here's where things got strange.

    Now I've beat people into pulp 5200+ times (my kill count on just my main, though I've probably reached the 10,000 mark if you combine all my characters, lol), and humiliated plenty of guys that thought they were FamigliadiYthrl material. One guy called my mad skills with Harley "hacking", from which I got a great laugh from. But I've been farming PvP marks for a while now, and no one really said anything ...

    But suddenly I start playing as Saint Walker, and all of a sudden I get "Yea, pay-to-win. ur garbage" followed by non-stop mockery of my skills, even though I was winning ... This happened twice in the span of 20 minutes.

    Now I take it in strides, and respond courteously and humbly, all the while still stomping their egotistical faces into the floor. But seriously, I've won countless times as all sorts of characters, but suddenly now that I'm Saint Walker I'm paying-to-win?

    Guess it doesn't dawn on some people they just suck (you can't call me "garbage" while you just spam your Block Break, dude). Funny enough, these were the guys that started off each match with /rude ....

    Anyone else get accused of hacking or paying-to-win for no reason?
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  2. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Were you spamming Jump Clipping? Or using the same power over and over?
    If not don't worry yourself. Free marks. New Hater. /ignore
    Accused of hacking many times half of the time does not even make any sense.
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  3. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Yup. The other day some guy sent me a pm saying he has video evidence of me hacking. Then refused to tell me what it was I did that made him believe I was hacking. I beat the crap out of him in legends before that so I think he was just a sore loser.
  4. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Got blamed for speedhacking when i used "teh lightning ability on huntress twice."
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  5. Octantis New Player

    Nah, I don't jump cancel. There are some lows I won't stoop to ;) I'm just really good at reading people - which was a talent I had to develop with this horrible internet connection we get in Bavaria. It's like I have to start countering people before they actually do it for the game to register I countered someone. It's quite the pain. I can't imagine what my skills will get me when I move to somewhere with cable internet!

    Probably the same guy I played a month back! Sounds like him, at least. I don't get why people go to the trouble of actually whispering to you that kind of sludge. Seriously, are they so enraged they just have to say something? I've been beaten by ThenRunLikeHell and Fami guys all the time, but I don't feel the need to show I'm a sore loser :\ Makes no sense.
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  6. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    I'm always extremely respectful in matches and almost always bow afterwards. I really wish I saw the video the guy supposedly recorded lol
  7. kav Committed Player

    The problem people have with Saint Walker is because they don't know how to counter him. He hits extremely hard, has an awesome ultimate but for a good reason — he lacks in the health-department. The trick to knocking out SW is to stun/BB him and then go from there. He dies like a fly when you know how to, so don't worry about having a pay-to-win legend.

    Make sure you use that shield in the right moments so the haters cook up some more of the hate soup while you enjoy yourself.
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  8. Octantis New Player

    I thought every character had the same amount of health; guess that explains why I feel like I die easier. He also eats up Power like it was hazelnut ice cream.
  9. kav Committed Player

    Na, they range - but he's from my POV in a good balance field. Just make sure you do not initiate (herein: receiving first incoming damage) in team-fights, since the SW's who do that die relatively fast — OR as I've said earlier, use the shield to initiate.
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  10. Trololol New Player

    happen's all the time im legendary and have pretty much everyone to use in legends even tho im more of a PVE player just ignore it its just jealousy.
  11. Octantis New Player

    I usually don't mind, but the complaints were nearly back-to-back and about a specific character. It was just weird.

    I need a clever way to reply via Emote when my opponent begins the match with a /rude, though. Haven't figured one out yet.
  12. Malice Active Player

    I've never encountered people saying pay-to-win but I have encountered several people accusing me and my partner for "hacking" because it's impossible for us to be hitting so hard. I laugh, tell them to prove it and continue on my merry way.
  13. FatKatt New Player

    if you got 15 haters, you need to get to 20 before the summer hits! any of you haters with no1 to hate on, feel free to hate on me!

    no but in all seriousness, the scrubs in this game refuse to give respect even when its due, you beat them in a duel and they either teabag you or cry supercharge......
  14. daplatobah New Player

    You mentioned nothing of disarming all your weapons and gear and challenge others with bare hands if you are proud at your level.
  15. Octantis New Player

    Well, it's Legends; I do that anyway to prevent my gear from getting damaged.
  16. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    My response is always "lol u mad?" on the rare occasions that I get those messages. That tends to push them just a bit more. :D

    You just don't mess with a classic.
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  17. Octantis New Player

    I've always really just wanted to say that one thing that would make them rage quit the Internet, but I really don't know what the best insult would be. I always figure courtesy and humility make angry people more mad while bumping up my own integrity. But yeah, that one part of me just wants to cut them good.

    Anyone else have any suggestions for the perfect retort to getting called a talentless hack?
  18. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Its hard for a lot of people to just accept and admit someone outplayed them in dcuo. Those people always have to find an excuse to losing, its pathetic. Jump cancelling, spamming or not, you won't win unless you out counter them with saint walker. They need to respect the lesson you just gave them, lol.
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  19. Octantis New Player

    My wife always says I should look into Teaching ;)
  20. Petralka Well-Known Player

    Some people just can't take a loss, my ignore list is so full of losers all over the place because of this.
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