
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Peach4saints, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. Peach4saints Committed Player

    Since nobody seems to be making any interesting threads,i'll do the honours.

    Way back when i just started tier 5(before i was in the league i'm in now,I use to pug alot and once i made the biggest mistake of TRYING to pug a paradox run.We were in there for hours,it was gruesome,we wiped and wiped and wiped.

    After one of those wipes,the healer left,we got a new healer who wasn't well geared.

    One of the dps decided to point that out and said something along the lines of''What are you doing in here,this is an elite group,get the **** out of here.''He then started a vote to kick the healer before we could see what he could do.

    I was so appalled by the sheer noobery of the dps response that i left,never again.

    Sooo what are some of the most outrageous things you've heard people say on mic?:)
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  2. SkullGang Devoted Player

    "Nature is healing power only"
    "You need 100sp to do Fos2"
    "Brawling is good at range"
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  3. Rasta Committed Player

    A controller tried telling me how to heal once...
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  4. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    "Im a Dominance controller. I spec fully into dom and when it gets high enough, Ill control bosses!"
    "That Mental DPS is pulling the aggro away from me, his DOTs are doing too much damage"
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  5. the solowing Unwavering Player

    way back when Roll was a wee litle t3, a dps dueled me in FoS1 and used that to judge my healing ability (he way out geared me) and i was promptly kicked
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  6. TheDark Devoted Player

    "Don't use trinkets or movement mode in Gates last boss cuz you'll spawn more adds."

    "Who has higher dom? .... Ok you tank."

    "Troll, put a defense debuff on the pillars!"
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  7. MercPony Devoted Player

    *while in a Dox run that was kinda going sub-par okay*
    DPS: "What the hell, this is easily survivable in 88 gear guys."
    Rest of Group: "Why do you think some people are even in here to begin with?"

    And this next doesn't really count as anything anyone said... but one time I did run Prime with The Macarena playing over someone's mic. Was quite humorous xD
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  8. Eranthis New Player

    " you need white mods to play with us * KICK ! (happened a long time ago)

    "Are you Eranthis from forums" lololol yes ? (ehhh)

    "you suppose to wear half fire sign and half heart sign gear together (supposly healer or DPS LOL!) :confused:
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  9. Artillery Zero Well-Known Player

    wait that's not true?
  10. MercPony Devoted Player

    He does what he wants as far as spawning ads goes... and people just say no movement mode cause pancakes can spawn in midair when people fly and sometimes people that aren't flyers get hit by them :p
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  11. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    • "If you kill Sinestro before Hank and let him get back up, a Ring will drop"
    • "Make sure you put loot on Legendary."
    • "I gotta have lead so I can invite my friend to the instance."
    • "I heard the next power coming out is Water." o_O
    • "Who wants to get beat by the best DPS in the game?" *Power set is Rage* :rolleyes:
    • "I know what I'm talking about I've been playing since beta." :cool:
    • "Stop overwriting my PoT! That's why your power out is higher than mine." *Doesn't know that Battle Drone doesn't cancel PoT* :eek:
    • "You know DLC 10 is coming out next week right?" I heard this one the week GU35 got released :confused:.
    • Cocky/Beast DPS who realizes he isn't top DPS:" I'm lagging/my powers aren't cooling down.
    Followed by these at the end of the raid from that same DPS:
    • "What power are you?"
    • "What's your load out?"
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  12. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    I'm usually a trool, amde a new healer when the new feat system came out was running FOS3 and the troll told everyone to melee the medics when their shields are up because it helps him troll, I refused called me every name under the sun, told him this is my alt and my main is a troll and he refused to listen, I got him kicked, went smooth as after that
  13. JRsoFLY_123 Committed Player

    "Your not an Ice tank!" Attempt kick.
    "You can't solo heal dox at CR89!" guest who did it.
    "Your overriding my heals!" but he was Sorcery and you were Celestial
    "Does recharge P OT?" Can't read descriptions -.-
    "Nature is the best healing power." Keep believing that...
    "Rage is the best dps in the game, I should know am a pro gamer." Am not kidding and he wasn't a pro gamer...at all.

    Random: "Can you invite me to Dicendo?"
    Sgt Archer123: "Am not able too."
    Random: "Why tha **** not?"
    Sgt Archer123: "Because everyone in Dicendo not a recruiter."

    Random2: "Where is Superpatriot, can I 1v1 him?"
    Sgt Archer123: "I don't know send him this tell."
    Random2: "He not answering"
    Sgt Archer123: "Maybe because he is tanking Dox."
    Random2: "Can you tell him to come fight me."
    Sgt Archer123: "............"
    Random2: "Hello?"
    Sgt Archer123: "He is busy no."
    Random: "Oh ok..."
    Sgt Archer123: (No response)
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  14. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    "Dude i would would have won that battle if you hadn't lunged my ability" Long range rage loudout...
    "WTF i clipped my grenade shot you should'nt be able to hit it"
    "Omfg... You speedhacker you used the lightning move on huntress twice!"
    "You only use twoface for his SC, he is not even your favorite character i bet"-VVonder women *facepalm*
    One time i was in fos2 with 2 103's
    One was celest and one was rage.
    The celest took in 20k less power and outdpsed him by 400k.
    Rage yelled at the troll for "not giving enough power for him to DPS with".
    "Dafuq is pot"- Gates..
    "I use troller gear in DPS cause it stuns the mobs"
    "Can you please use one heal power????"- troll not using PoT or power recharge and lunging head first at bosses.
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  15. MercPony Devoted Player

    Reminds me of the time a DPS had Resto mods on gear cause they said it makes heals prioritize him :confused:
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  16. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I am gonna go put vit mods on my healer so i "regain power faster".
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  17. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    need roles for rapture!

    celestrial dps for sinsetrial!

    Heatman up!

    debuff the ravenger! debuff the ravenger!!!
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  18. Errorcode1058 New Player

    I'm going to take off some of my healer/troll/tank gear and put on some of my dps gear so I can do more damage.

    (Insert name of tool with youtube channel whom the PUG just watched a video of) says the beast load out for HL is … You need to use that.
  19. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    "Need 90+ for gates walk in!"
    "Whats your CR"
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  20. Errorcode1058 New Player

    If you kill Cyborg first, Raven's drop rate for gear increase.

    Wait…I started that rumor when Raven first came out…loved hearing it echoed back to me in random groups farming for Raven Gear before they changed it to where she always drops gear.
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