Why do so many people in DCUO lack creativity?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Franchise, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Interesting, why, because of the symmetry?
  2. Black House New Player

    Perhaps or because of the unoriginality, you are more likely to comment on it, "oh no not another, xxx" than on something as generic and non discript as Captain Prism or some such.
  3. Victuswolf New Player

    Robert Jordon's "Wheel Of Time" has sold over 44 million copies as of 2008 without the help of any movie marketing and I would say has far more intrinsic value then twilight.

    More people know about or have read Twilight and Harry potter because they were turned into movies. The same is true for Phillip pullman although The Golden Compass wasn't as bigger hit as they wanted.

    When you read a novel that hasn't been turned into a movie you have to use your intelligence and your imagination to come up with the images of the characters and the world they live in. You have to use your brain to fill in the blanks. When your just reading a novel because you watched the movie then that is less the case as you already seen it in bright lights on the big screen. That is what I'm talking about in lack of imagination. You don't have to use it if you seen the movie so when I talk about novels I refer to ones that are not already mainstream movies.

    I would of thought you would of picked up on that but instead you only throw authors names at me that had their books turned into movies. People who read know there are plenty of quality novels out there that haven't been turned into a movie yet and don't just read books that have had that exposure.
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  4. Black House New Player

    The bit where you neglected to mention that Harry Potter and Twilight were HUGE success BEFORE they were turned into movies is where your argument falls down, never mind that more people have read Phillip Pullmans MANY books than saw the movie, or that Janny Wurts has NEVER had a book turned into a movie.

    The question is in the VALUE of these imagined worlds, if there is value in them then the quality of the book is irrelevent as is the source of the inspiration to read the book, as even if you have seen the movie you would need to imagine the book as you read, so you have yet to make a credible case, as an vid reader of very diverse works from Umberto Eco to Phillip K Dick with detours for Tom Sharpe James Ellroy and Robert Shay and Robert Anton Wilson, I would not deride "this generation" for how they use their imagination, it may be DIFFERENT, but that does not make it less worthy or important.

    It is also worth noting that fantasy fiction as well as crime fiction has ALWAYS been the red headed stepchild of fiction and it is only recently that they have been deemed worthy of apreciation for the art form they represent, still many respected critics consider them of the same ilk as romantic fiction, or would you have young people playing Uncharted or reading a Barbara Cartland?

    PS. I enjoyed the Wheel of Time I really did, hovwever Jordan handles romance about as well as a daytime soap...so about as well as Twilight then!!!
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  5. OGM_Madness New Player

    ^^^^^ This

    To the OP... Mind your own business.
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  6. CoolJPri New Player

  7. Franchise New Player

    my character lacks originality? but being original is creating another batman clone that probably hundreds of others have done. The fact you say xxxbatmanxxx is more memorable than captain prism makes me question your attention span and maturity level.
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  8. Franchise New Player

    if you cant handle a simple discussion, why bother reply?
  9. Black House New Player

    Question away, but one has instant name recognition from a long established history spanning decades as well as naming convention that has become part of social media, the other is just a generic name, your inability to understand the difference between MEMORABLE and ORIGINAL, has me questioning your comprehension.
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  10. Feenicks New Player

    I think you two are on the same page but missed seeing it. Memorable is indeed different than original.
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  11. Victuswolf New Player

    I never said they were not a success before they were made into movies. The point I was making was they are more of a success because of the movies. This was in related to your comparison of Robort Jordon's Wheel of Time and Harry potter. Your point seemed to be success equals value and that because more people have heard of or read Harry potter it's of more value. My point was that the "Wheel of Time" is a success in it's own right without the help of any movies. Just imagine if "Wheel of Time" was turned into a few films. I dare say it would be the next Lord of the Rings in terms of success if done correctly. Even with saying that I don't place value on a book purely by it's sales figures. There are many books that are hidden gems but never sold well. Some of my favourite novels didn't sell well world wide.

    What I know is I use my imagination, experience and intelligence more when I read a book that I haven't seen as a movie. The blanks are complete and it's only my own perception that colours my view. Seeing the film first by accident or intention means I end up not imagining the characters as I would perceive them without the movies influence. Reading the book before seeing the movie on the other hand makes me question that movies perception of the book and look for flaws.

    As someone else posted I think we are the same page but I have a more negative view of younger people in regards to this topic. I preferred MMO's and the internet before the social media explosion as there seemed to be more originality. Now every time I see XxXBatmanXxx I think "blame the social media revolution".
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  12. Franchise New Player

    you feeling the need to attack my character in the past 2 pages gives me a valid reason to question.

    Every name starts as generic, you think the name of batman or superman wasnt generic back then? or no cause of the established history they already have now?

    amusing how you think someone with multiple x's in their name can be memorable just because they copied a name of an iconic character. so how you invite xxxxbatmanxxxx to a group thinking it is xxxbatmanxxx, oops, wrong one, yea so memorable :rolleyes:

    but if you cant remember a name like "captain prism" scrolling through your chat log compared to the hundreds of batman characters out there, then there is something wrong with your attention span.
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  13. Black House New Player

    I view it like this, I saw Star Wars when I was very young, and I drew pctures of Luke and imagined differnt worlds and races, I wrote stories about my own made up Jedi's and Han solos adventures before he met Luke, I also read all the novels and comics. So the universe I saw on screen created a bigger universe in my own head and sparked my imagination and developed my creativity, I read Harry Potter and dispaired at it's mediocrity, my sons and I Love the Joshua Mowll series of books and they have sparked their imagination to create stories, but so has Adventure Time and Justice League Unlimited and Minecraft and for my sins Frozen (god I hate that movie). There is no "right" way to spark the imagination, the important thing is that the imagnation IS SPARKED.

    Wheel of Time as movies? NEVER, it could only work and do justice to the epic world building as a mini series a la Song of Ice and Fire, but I think that particular boat may have sailed already, you know what would make a great series of movies The Amber series of novels by Roger Zelanzy, , or the saga of the exiles by Julian May....
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  14. Black House New Player

    Or perhaps if you cannot tell 3 from 4, then your education is???????, memorable does not mean BETTER, it means that it is more likely to make an impact, generic means the exact opposite, call your characters what you want....and let others do the same. "Judge not lest ye be judged, for the judgemennt ye judge, ye shall be judged"
  15. Franchise New Player

    as fast the chat log goes by, you telling me you can spot the number of x's accurately? yea if you say so.

    I never said memorable was better. I was simply stating how my character/s is memorable IN DCUO because there is only one of them. If you see one of my characters during an alert/raid, then you will remember my character if you see them in watchtower, chat log, or metropolis/gotham because there is only 1. you go in an alert/raid with a random batman(most people dont pay attention to the x's or numbers, just the main part of the name) and then days later you go to other places in the game and encounter another batman who has a xxxxbatmanxxxx instead of the xxxbatmanxxx you played with earlier. All you remember is the batman name and not the player themselves. But my characters are individuals and not clones which is why they are memorable IN DCUO cause if you see them in an alert/raid or whatever, you will recognize them in other parts of the game as well if you see them later.

    if you cant understand that, then you need to be questioning your own education

    thank you
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  16. Black House New Player

    Nope, if you play well people will remember you WHATEVER your name happens to be, and that is the ONLY measure that counts, as long as the name is not intended to offend I have zero reason to care.
    Also if you cannot count then I really don't know what to say.....

    A generic name is of no greater value to a poor player than a xxx one and if you cannot recognise that then all the questioning in the world will not help yoyu.
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  17. OGM_Madness New Player

    What is there to discuss? I was simply agreeing with what Prodigy Progeny said. People in this game (and in life, really) should worry more about their own things, rather than questioning other people's "lack of creativity".

    What if I want to make my toon look like Batman? I thought this was a Role-Playing Game...

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  18. Creid New Player

    Originally it was xXxBatmanxXx1,000,000,000xXx xD

    In another game I played I ran across someone named TheFlamingUnderpants ... Man I still get a good laugh from that name.
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  19. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    I really wonder sometimes how many people recognize my alts names because I actually put a lot of effort into thinking of a name i was going to be happy with. One time a guy invited me to a group just to tell me how he loved my toon, Amber Leonora, and the way it sounded. it was so out of nowhere and unexpected because usually i get random invites from people who want help... you would be surprised how many of those i get and how many times i actually help...

    as far as the the same names with different variations goes it does bug me because i most likely will not remember that person's name as much as someone who didn't have numbers or excessive Xs in their name. I didn't care care whether people lack originality just remembering them was something i wanted to do. Thats just me.
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  20. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    Actually, this isn't true. Every genre has had it's heyday. It's just that such genre's like Crime Fiction, Westerns, and even Sci-Fi rotate in and out of popularity.