Just raise the cash cap for Premiums?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KeyuBaN, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. KeyuBaN New Player

    Is it really this hard? Why not just raise the cash cap to $10,000?

    It very inconvenient that Premiums have to buy almost every single one of their gear pieces one at a time. Premium players shouldn't have to go through that, considering they've contributed SOMETHING to the game.

    No offense to F2P players, but I can a reasoning for them not getting a cash cap, simply just because they haven't contributed pay towards the game.

    The more options you guys are giving to Legendary and Premium (Legendary still getting more then premium) players though, the more tempting it's going to be for F2P players to contribute money into the game.

    Otherwise, I don't see the reason for having a cash cap at a measly 2k, especially for Premiums. If you want to keep a 2k cash cap, give that to the F2P players, but the Premium players imo at least deserve a raise.
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  2. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    They have addressed this.. question is how much would the cash cap be to keep some players from never going legendary again? Tbh I'm all for it given that 10k isn't really that much but I see what the devs are getting at.

    If you need cash that bad just buy the week escrow.

    Also for my premium player friends I usually stock them up with interfaces that sell for 2k so they can buy stuff or repair at a moments notice. I know many that do this
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  3. Derio 15000 Post Club

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  4. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    I would even tank a 500 increase.
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  5. JoshuaBagwell Committed Player

    why $10k I could make due with $5k
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  6. Zhire'El New Player

    That moment when a scene from the Office isn't funny anymore.
  7. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    With so many perks being added to the Legendary subscription (especially the PC side of things), I see no reason why they can't boost this for Premiums on a per-DLC basis. It's not like they're getting something for nothing. It's directly correlated with how many DLCs they own, which they can't own without purchasing them. The marketplace discount code for Legendary subscribers alone is enough of a compromise for this, in my opinion.

    Just throw them a bone. $2k worked in 2011. The cost of things has gone up. It's a kick in the nuts that a Premium player who's been here for nearly 3 years as a Premium player and bought all the DLCs, is treated the same as someone who bought a bunch of replays or just unsubscribed after their first month of Legendary.

    You can't tell me it'll cost them money when they're bundling all PC subscribers into a SOE library wide All-Access pass. Complete access to more than 5 different MMO games, complete with monthly allowances and rewards for a single fee? That'll cost the a ton more money than all the subscribers who'll cancel because the cash cap permits gear repairs and R&D component purchases.
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  8. daplatobah New Player

    Think of all that loot you can take from those cash players who got too lazy!

    villain laugh
  9. KeyuBaN New Player

    Just to make things clear, I'm actually of legendary access atm.

    People who go legendary go legendary for more then just the Unlimited cash (even though that's mostly the reason anyways). Without the Unlimited cash, Players wouldn't even be able to buy the most expensive in game items they may want, such as: Plasmic Auras, CC hoods, Expert Plans, etc etc etc.

    I just don't see the problem with raising the cash cap to 10k just for premiums. It sounds fair to me o_O.
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  10. Myrdin69 New Player

  11. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    The Cash Cap is an often discussed topic, the most recent thread (other than yours) is an interesting read.
    If there is a cash cap increase in the works the reasoning for it would have been derived from the type of discussion around DLC 10 and gear prices or a restructuring of Legendary Access that allows for a Premium Cash cap increase.
    However, this is the current state of the topic on the forum:
    1) The way the DCUO crew has decide to monetize the game is perfectly fine with me. I think that it is extremely fair with the currently available number of DLCs. Perhaps in the future this model will change, but it will be to increase player retention and maintain profitability.
    2) If you plan on playing premium and want to reach end-game content, you should expect to have to buy Escrow tokens along the way.
    3) Below is a re-cap the last several months of threads on this topic Please do some reading.

    Before you say, "with so many threads - the topic must be important to players". I would like to point out that the developers have clearly stated their feeling on the topic. for example:
    "Unlimited cash is a perk of the Legendary Membership, and there are several marketplace options for the Premium player looking to take advantage of more in-game cash. Currently there are no plans for changes, though we do appreciate the feedback and discussion."
    - Mepps
    May 15-13
    May 26-13
    Jun 12-13 (a)
    Jun 12-13 (b)
    Jun 25-13
    Jun 30-13
    July 1-13
    July 31-13
    Aug 2-13
    Aug 11-13 (a)
    Aug 11-13 (b)
    Aug 15-13 (a)
    Aug 15-13 (b)
    Aug 19-13
    Sept 12-13
    Sept 17-13
    Sept 20-13
    Oct 25-13
    Nov 3-13
    Nov 8-13
    Dec 6-13
    Dec 7-13
    Dec 8-13
    Dec 31-13
    Jan 14-14
    Mar 19-14
    Mar 23-14
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  12. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Maybe the devs should step it up with legendary perkso_O

    The only new perk they said was that legendary players can buy the new legends with marks instead of sc. While us premium have to spend SC to get them. So..... Why not give the legend toons to legendary for free?
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  13. Black Prime New Player

    Sorry, free and prem should get what they get. Thats what makes being legendary a perk. Yes they have priced things above your cap. Well that why they sell escrow. I mean why give you more than you have. You are not paying anything and expect something. It is also a selling point to be legendaryand have the freedom to have some cash or hoard it like me. :) I think the amount of content you have as a free or prem player is fine. I mean they dont make you buy everything. You can pick and choose. Plus there is the option of just running in the green 91 and 92 gear that drops from alerts. They still give some kind of alt to needing money.
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  14. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Evidence right there that the pay walls do not work as temptations to subscribe or buy escrow. They are hindrances that sour people from the game. They do not entice and they are easily worked around. Therefore get rid of it.

    As for your question how much is enough to keep players subscribed...

    Well, at one point, Premium players had the option of only buying a 10k withdrawl or a 25k withdrawl. Neither one was enough. People wanted more because they simply couldn't afford anything. So they bartered and got the 7 Day Escrow pass. Therefore at least 25k would be enough to keep people subscribed as it's been proven that a maximum access to the amount of 25k is insufficient.

    25k is more than enough, too but basically any amount that enables a paying customer who owns the DLC to buy the most expensive R&D component is the minimum. Somewhere between 11k and 25k.
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  15. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    In all honesty if they were to add thing to legendary that gave it real value people who are legendary myself included wouldn't care about them upping the limit .
  16. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    The permanent (for as long as you are subscribed) 10% marketplace discount that's coming this month sounds like a fair compromise to me. Especially those Legendary subscribers are quick to point out how much extra they spend on the marketplace every month, despite being subscribed. They'll really benefit from it :)
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  17. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I'm inclined to see an increase just so these threads will stop.
  18. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    They should add a bit more kinda like other MMO's do. I'm a legendary player going premium since legendary doesn't really have any value when you hit end game content on all of your toons.
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  19. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    They really don't have much on the marketplace right now if they startadding more stuff weekly or monthly it might be worth it but till that happens the only thing worth buying is replays and with the lack of content most people aren't buying them.
  20. Feenicks New Player

    I'm voting no.
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