Sure you can solo (heal)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MCAZR, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. MCAZR New Player

    Was in a Prime group this weekend as it was forming and the healer said that he could solo but the leader said he wanted another healer. After we found a second healer, the first healer said he had something like 1100-1300 resto. Uh, ok, most of us are pretty geared so maybe. Good thing we got that second healer as I was the only one waiting at the little hill when Mr. Solo himself ran right by me starting the instance and was killed instantly. I thought when he said solo he meant solo heal the raid group, not solo the instance by himself. Noob. :p

    I'm sure you guys have lots of entertaining stories. Let's hear them.
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  2. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    This goes out to all DCUO players, just because you can solo heal doesn't mean other healers should be left out. What if another healer needs the dam marks in the first place and wants to level. You feel good taking both healer spots. Don't make it harder for others to level. What happens is we get alot of dps leveling up and other roles being left out since there are a few people who are overgeared and want to make it harder for roles to level. Thats why the dps to other role ratio is so messed up and also the reason why requirements to run with these types of players are so dam high.
    Any troll starting out will basically never use pot since the higher levels always want an overgeared troll throwing pot, so enjoy using that one power recharge move trolls. (Correction a troller might get to T4-T5 and never be pot troll since he will never be higher than the overgeared trolls before him.) And groups always want you to be dry and just spam that recharge.
    And now healers are wanting to do things solo. So a group is 1 tank 1 healer 1 troll a million dpses. And since most people dps they dont see anything wrong with that.
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  3. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Couldn't agree more. I always ask for a buddy if I PUG.
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  4. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    I mean, did he even make it past those tentacles?? Lmao
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  5. Mick Nugget New Player

    For me, its always the crazy troll.

    I meet at least one every time I log into the game. I'm minding my business running wayward and crazy troll is playing his own game entirely, attacking his own mobs of his choosing and dying instantly. I used to stop to type "lol" into the chat box but after so many times doing that, it just makes them angry and then they start pointing fingers, and it is impossible to argue with a crazy troll.

    So now I just keep playing and laughing to myself every time they die, Its pretty entertaining watching their crazy antics throughout the instance. Had a crazy troll in nexus who's fav pastime was running into the boss room and rifle grenading lex all by himself. I'm not sure if it was to get attention or to see if he could oneshot Lex with his troll rifle, or if he wouldn't immediately go squish the way he did, but I didn't ask either. Live and let die has become my new way of playing, I don't bother crazy trolls for playing their own way, If its too disruptive I just leave.
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  6. Deranya Dedicated Player

    The future is shining bright! But really, if this will become the norm, we are doomed. Train your players xD
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  7. myselfdestruct New Player

    I would say, in the last 3 months, I have never ran any content with another healer. I've been the lone healer in everything and it's getting exhausting. I'm not in a league anymore so doing a lot of pick ups. A&B isnt rocket science but they are always so confused and undergeared but still expect the one healer to solo heal everything. I'm fine to solo heal but it's been so long since I had a companion in healing, its lonely. I'm at 5100 Resto but it's pointless for me if everyone is running Wave with the lowest gear possible.
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  8. myselfdestruct New Player

    I completely agree but every pick up now demands solo healing. It's ridic. I never share healing anymore and it's getting exhausing. And the good thing about running with another healer is you pick up tips and tricks from other healers. I know we think we know it all but I still learn from other players but if I am the only heal in the room, its difficult.
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  9. Zeo Committed Player

    This is the exactly reason of why I quit my Rage tank and now I will be DPS, I started T3 content and I am feeling myself very useless, with all those flashy DPS's taking everything very fast, so instead of complain I will join the stream.

    Edit: oh, not that anyone is complaining here ^^
  10. steelclaw Well-Known Player

    This game is so unbalanced the mechanics are so out of whack that literally every role is becoming useless in more that 50% of the game. These high levels come in and kill everything so fast that other people don't actually get to play.
    I'm going to go tank that group of enemies over there... blink... oh guess not.
    I'm going to heal the tank. Oh guess not he didnt get hit since they died instanly.
    Troller (the power slave who is at fault for everything and i mean everything) tank didnt hold agro, trollers fault, healer didnt heal, trollers fault, dps rushed a mob and died, trollers.
    You didnt get the gear you wanted, trollers fault.
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  11. MCAZR New Player

    The rest of the group was at the teleporter waiting for the others so it was just me and him, and my alt was too squishy (62 waist, 70 chest, 4 green, 2 blue) to pick him up with Magic trying to eat me. We finished it but burn was kinda slow which I take responsibility for since I was one of the dps' and couldn't make up the gap left by the 3rd dps who was being out-dps'd by at least one support role.

    What's with these new players that act like they know it all? In another run, I advised one of the squishy healers, who said he had done Prime before, to move forward at the start or he'd be killed and of course he didn't and got killed. :p Or a FOS2 run (pre recent update), where a new player was trying to tell 2 of the much more experienced players the easier way to do the instance, I'm guessing because he read a guide. Uh, dude, you guys are stuck and I'm being asked to come in for a reason.
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  12. MCAZR New Player

    Haha, it is always the trolls fault isn't it? :p No, seriously, it is.
  13. KrimsonScourge New Player

    Speaking as a DPS I get kind of edgy when I'm in a raid with only one Healer. Nothing against their ability but it feels like putting all your eggs in one basket. The first raid I ever ran was the Inner Sanctum and we ran it with a solo healer. It was a learning experience for me in a lot of ways, even more so when we started getting repeatedly wiped. It took me a bit but I eventually figured out by watching the other players health/power that the healer was getting overwhelmed, then knocked out, and no one was picking them up!? That raid got me into the habit of almost constantly panning my camera to keep track of the healer(and to a lesser degree the controller). If it looks like someone else has adopted the healer and has their back I'll relax but I've been yelled at before for breaking off an attack to go pick up the healer because, "it's not my role." So... if no one else is going to do it you prefer to let them die? I can't do damage if I'm wiped. Pick up the healer...

    I lived a perfect example of this. I had probably completed the Oan Science Cells at least a dozen times before I learned that Krona has his almost instantly fatal beam attack. There had always been a couple massively overgeared players when I played the alert until that point and he was getting cut down in seconds. The first time I saw it go off of course it was aimed right at me and I was like, "Wtf? He can do that? Apparently..." Nothing against playing with overgeared players, I've learned a lot watching them do their thing, but sometimes super fast completion doesn't help you learn.

    And if there is ONE piece of advice I can pass on to others I may PUG with in the future that will keep me from wanting to strangle you... YOU CAN'T KEEP ALL THREE ENERGY BATTERY'S ACTIVE AT THE SAME TIME FOR THE FINAL BATTLE IN COAST CITY! Well you can, but then you'll never complete the instance. Ever. There really is more than one but I just dealt with this the other day and I'm still angry about it :p
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  14. Twilight Man New Player

    Lol classic
  15. JonnyD New Player

    looks like a suicide of an antisocial healer; he couldn't handle having a partner... 5 minutes of silence while we mourn.
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  16. the solowing Unwavering Player

    if i would like to solo heal, let me, 2 healing tends to get boring so solo healing raid tends to keep us active "i have fallen asleep healing raid due to sheer boredom of the raid, or of the backup healer sucking the enjoyment out of it
  17. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    You can solo heal if you want. I'm not stopping you. But as for me, I like a buddy. ^.^
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  18. SeriousVanity New Player

    I queued into the watchtower alert and there was this dps that was getting blasted by everything. I figured he was wearing pvp gear, so I inspected him, and it turned out he had 0 durability on all his gear. I said something about this to him and he said his gear was fine and kept on gettin it, getting dropped every 5 seconds. I ended up leaving the instance.

    And my all time favorite is guys that stand in the mist in LoA. There is always at least one person that does this every time I do this instance. I'm always conflicted about this because if I heal em thru it they won't learn that standing in mist is bad. I will admit that seeing all three of my teammates drop this way is beyond funny to me.
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  19. ZeusShock Well-Known Player

    With me i can call my self experienced. Been eletric for over a year. I like solo healing if it makes the raid go faster. My base resto is like 5187 and if people are not liking what im doing i pop a resto soda that keeps my resto at 5500ish

    Zeus Out
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  20. RapidRay Committed Player

    "Just because you can do a thing does not mean you must do that thing."

    Solo trollers or healers means running the risk of wiping if you lose them...and as many times as I've seen one or both get disconnected during a boss fight...well, let just say it's not my preference.
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