Is this the only game that utilizes replay badges for instances?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheHeartbreakkid, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    I am pretty sure WoW lets you rerun instances and dungeons without being loot locked now, not sure about others since I don't play video games anymore really besides this until Eso comes out. With the tiny amount of content offered at end game, it seems blasphemous to be locked out on a weekly basis only to pay to replay something you pay a monthly sub for. I wish they would rethink their stance on the raid lockouts, at least for legendary as a perk. Maybe legendary gets to run as much as they want or something, I don't know. With the horrible drop rates I refuse to waste real life money replaying a raid only to always get off role drops. A once a day reset on raids or at the very least every other day reset would be a pretty sweet legendary perk, no?
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  2. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    Now this is a benefit i could really get behind. If i was still premium or free to play i would been more entailed to buy legendary sooner had I known that mightve been a benefit. Considering we pay we really shouldnt be loot locked so that we can play as much of the already limited content there is... Especially when accidentally uses some marks to buy the wrong tier piece in the past and has not much means to earn those back...
  3. ZeusShock Well-Known Player

    once you run it once weekly, there should be 1 free reset on that raid

    -Zeus out
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  4. thenewkidd New Player

    People will always be unsatisfied...

    You have "I never get gear I need".. so they make it so you get your own gear.

    Now that you get your own gear.. it's gear you don't need... so people complain...

    So now they are making the gear unattuned... now people will complain that they ONLY get the head and shoulders and nothing else...

    The game needs to have SOMETHING to have you keep coming back for more..what ever that may be.... Replay has a very small part of that potential.
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  5. Kintuse Well-Known Player

    People would gear up mighty fast that way and while I personally would enjoy this perk, it would completely outpace the DLC content the devs and such could dish out yearly. How does WoW deal with that situation?
  6. Flogin New Player

    Good points you mentioned here.
    I have been seen lately like 5% and even less of my friends list been on. The game is just dying now. It's sad.
  7. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Same here and my old league is rarely even on nowadays. I believe the Playstation community is still doing fine since it doesn't really have any other mmo's on it.
  8. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    Population always dips between content release. It's not dying.
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  9. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    I was around before the days of replay badges and things were getting to be quite ugly. You'd have people get on the game and run everything the day of reset or the day after then hop off for the rest of the week because they were locked for everything. This resulted in lower population from about Sunday tip reset day. Replay Badges did alter that since players were given the ability to reset instances.
    Removing the instance lockouts would be good and bad.

    It would allow players to super speed through content and literally gear up a toon in one day which may give them less incentive to play. Then, for some, it may give them more of an incentive because they'd always have something to do but once you have everything why would you want to do anything? On a content level, the game needs more to do rather than just group content and PvP. A guy posted on these threads no to long ago "I finally completed the highest level raid, A&B, for the first time and finished the story. What is there left to do now?" The reply he got from a Dev was "You can go back through lower content or help out some friends!" If that is the only alternative to a player that's reached end game content then something seems a bit off to me.
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  10. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    By pumping out a ton of other thngs to do, new areas to explore, new continents.....deep crafting.....
  11. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    That would be nice but the community doesn't want that.
  12. Harlequin Devoted Player

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  13. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    The dcuo community doesn't want that? I sure would. That would keep me from ESO a little longer at least.
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  14. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    But the thing is that's just you and I. This game is made for the casual players that want instant gratification.
  15. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    I as well do the same with one alt, i do my most available raids or alerts on a alt to earn my marks then i switch alts and that last alt doesnt get touched til who knows when.

    As for having more stuff to do there is other miscellaneous things like customizing your base an such. Im starting to consider doing Legends PvP more actually. Im taking my time slowly with enjoying this game.
    For additional content someone mentioned something called PvG, players vs Gauntlet. Its essentially a survival wave idea that raises in difficulty according to Cr. I shouldve had watched that thread. If anyone can find that thread i would appreciate you post a link.

    The PvG idea certainly would give veterans a challenge and gives all of us something new to do.
    I want something even more engaging in the game like Character bios and background stories ppl make for their toons. It would add some more depth for me and i would certainly enjoy it to read others and create my own.

    This next idea is something i just literally had randomly now on the spot but i would like to see myself using a legends character in a alert or raid of some kind. Though that would be a new can of worms.

    As far as the crafting goes i really hoped we could have crafted from the "garbage" we just delete or sell at the end. Lots of different parts and they are essentially nothing more than selling items for free to play and premium ppl.
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  16. Frankzilla Committed Player

    I tell you what ive been playing the ffxiv beta and ill tell you what. Dc needs to figure something out very soon because for only a 10 sub you have unlimited access to everything deep customization. Similar roles to dc tons of servers and different worlds barely anything lag oh yea did I mention unlimited access to everything. The ability to obtain and fly or ride unicorns and dragons the way ppl were raving for a unicorn trinket for a while dc has room for concern. Im just curious is there any motivation to complete or is the white flag already raised and we are just gonaa ride this wave till it hits land.
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  17. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

  18. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    +1 for highlighted suggestions. It would really test the limits for players "geared" and undergeared and test out different strategies for each wave. Also, as for Legends alerts/raids, I'm a bit stuck on the marks received, would it just be a lot of legend marks or true triumph/reality marks, but to see Two-Face/Joker/Batboy/Superboy fight out against say Brainiac in force would be quite a fun sight, but no healer legends would be a little annoying as colas only go so far (infinite or not). Maybe add 1 or 2 in the form of Ivy or other usable only in that instance (seeing as having a team with batboy/joker and anyone who heals would be a tad op since the drone gives power to everyone and clown box ticks about 50-70 power for duration.)
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  19. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    Well the Legends characters being in PVE is something I just randomly thought about and that it is a new can of worms so going about what you ask is something I am not sure about how to go about it. If anyone does have any ideas they would be welcome to do so.
    As far as the marks go since its not PvP where you earn marks of legend and valor i would say, since it IS PVE, depending on the raid lvl you get marks of legend and triumph. They are changing marks of reality I would say whatever the new mark is as well. I believe its the mark of fury right? I havent actually caught much on whats going to happen to marks of reality or if there is actually something called marks of fury on the way.
    Someone enlighten me, please and thank you :)

    btw, sorry OP for getting off topic, there IS an issue with having to be loot locked from instances then having not much else to do so these suggestions spawned because even if legendary was given the benefit of no replay badges to replay content there is still a limited list on what else there is to do even if we could re-run the content without replay badges.
  20. Derio 15000 Post Club

    FFXIV gives you a marks cap per week. However they have patches with new content and gear must faster than DCUO has GU so the replay system here is needed for DCUO to survive.