The unicorn trinket is live!!!!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by jamesp1989, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    The good news is in Dev Update 36 (DU36), Devs are now all going to perform the same after being brought in line w/ other Devs. Although, it was mentioned on the forums that 3 of the Dev powers are intended & shall remain as top tier...Capt. Liberty, Spytle, & Mepps.
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  2. Ryder New Player

    i can see it now...queing up for lair battles and finding someones lair filled with nothing but unicorns.
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  3. Burnt New Player

    Maybe there should be some cross training going on or something. A lot of companies are doing it. A broken chat system in an MMO is pretty major. For it to be broken for three years is really quite shocking. Maybe hire more people to fix it? Idk, it seems it should be a bigger priority. Bigger than completely rebuilding a game that we still won't be able to communicate properly in.
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  4. MercPony Devoted Player

    Coding games is extremely complex. Its not something just everyone can be "cross trained" into. Its like asking the receptionist at a hospital if they are also a brain surgeon just because they work in the same building. Coding requires different kinds of skill sets just like anything else does. Aside from the hiccups I can expect from games like (this isn't the only game I've had chat problems with), I don't see where chat problems are really that big of an issue aside from just grasping at straws due to general displeasure and nitpicking.
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  5. Will Power Loyal Player

    That would take a lot of Vault Tickets but I got 16 now used all my vault tickets from the booster bundles I bought.

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  6. TrueOlympus New Player

    The comments you are making in this thread.........

    are they the result of an April Fool's joke????
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  7. Will Power Loyal Player

    Spytle can you lower them to fit under the Rainbow from St Patrick's Day?
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  8. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Awwww :(

    Cheer up chum!
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  9. Will Power Loyal Player

    Spytle had better watch himself this joke may put the entire Dev Team on the Jokers hit list.
  10. Ogat New Player

    You don't get it, it's not even about skillset, the dude responsible for the models can possibly have entirely differnt education and be no better at writing code then You are, and likewise the programmer in the team has no need and probably no eductaion or experience in creating 3d models. And no it's not as simple as cross training, they can have entirely different education and proffesional experience. You can't learn to be a programmer over night or a few courses and likewise You can't be a succesfull cgi artist with just some training.
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  11. Zernam New Player

    DUDE! LOL!
  12. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    I see that I'm not the only one with the wonderful unicorn, Trinket. Well played Jens... Well played.
  13. RageOfHeaven1990 New Player

    You made no pause when you said Unicorn Trinket... LIES lol.
  14. Legion_of_One Well-Known Player

    Glitter Bug likes!

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  15. Mathalos Well-Known Player

    I can not recall a joke done by a gaming company on its community that was pulled off as well as this one. Well done and I love Trinket.
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  16. Kristyana New Player

    The developers literally spent less time on this than you did on this complaint.
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  17. Burnt New Player

    Is the thread you made about quitting fire one? You're upset about things and so am I. Is that a problem?
  18. Mary Bliss Committed Player

    Disappointed x 56^32

    Next time don't say we getting a trinket when we are not
  19. Harlequin Devoted Player

    It says trinket right on it. smh
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  20. Mary Bliss Committed Player

    it also says balance on the combat nerf
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