DLC Pack Structure

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Mar 5, 2014.

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  1. lukelucky Devoted Player

    looking at what your asking them per year to release then what they do release per year and it seems pretty even steven. i like they are adapting
  2. lukelucky Devoted Player

    yea but we are serious with the time and money invested into the game. getting feedback on anything is hard enough. then you actually respond but talk about a dog? seemed like u advoided the topic. anyway i just hope content with this new "structure" wont be pointless upon release.
  3. lukelucky Devoted Player

    how many dlcs per tier of armor i feel is terribly important to know. say 3. then with t6 you can give us a raid mixed with duos and alerts in dlc1 of t6. dlc2 of t6 gives us one more raid and smaller group content. dlc3 of t6 the last dlc you can hit us with the whamo stick. break out the HARD raid and drop 3 raids all together. then it feels like we progressed through the entire tier.
    with t5 the sons of trigon came out and well you could of trashed it. why do i care about 3 duos and the wastelands if i am already cr98? i did not and sat by bored till A&B was released. even the last dlc. who cares about 2 alerts when i am cr 102? i grinded them for expert plans but its to boreing. poor loading times so you can bully content. nah i ll pass. they would of been lovely to grind earlier in t5 but at the end?
    also please put an end to so many sets of gear per tier. honestly it was brutal in t5. given your selling recovery kits in the marketplace i dont see much more help in terms of modding on your end so.......
  4. ASTROMOMMA Level 30

    I personally like the current structure of the DLC's people complain cause they don't get what they want, however knowing before hand whats gonna happen ruins the surprise so I'm good, keep dazzlin us!!!! astro
  5. somerandombats New Player

    Hey do use 1 favor can you make a arena single room item that is designed to be unbeatable. Let it offer ridiculous mor rewards but let you devs use every dirty trick in game? Give us one thing to brag about or shoot for. For example let us have a king of the hill vs a fully powered iconic team or a save the citizens from iconic villains? That way people that say they are the best can prove it somewhere other than the raids.
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  6. The_fair_1 Committed Player

    This is great that the devs are telling us this, but this to me was never a problem the only problem ever was the amount of content in a dlc. 1 raid 2 alerts and like 3 challenges is nothing. The amount of content per dlc is nothing. Good to have 3-4 dlcs a year but when you complete 1 dlc per month because the lack of content it becomes boring
  7. Red Ringlight Dedicated Player

    I share your concerns and like your proposals.
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  8. The Corrupt New Player

    I'll just give my personal thoughts on the structure discussion. I like the idea of each DLC having at least 1 raid and a couple/few alerts/duos. Raids are cool and should focus heavily on storyline and each DLC should be a progresstion of DCUO's storyline. And for the times when I dont want to PUG a raid because it takes usually WAY to long to form up, I enjoy runing alerts and duos to fill that shorter amount of time.

    Now for what I dont like:
    The idea of having two different difficulty raids (normal/hard) makes me both sad and sick. I've been playing DCUO since Feb 2011 and I've always enjoyed the FUN factor of playing with friends, meeting new people, and above all enjoying exciting story arcs and senarios. But when Origin Crisis came out the FUN dropped off the face of the earth. Wave and Nexus made me hate DCUO for the first time ever. I know a certain small population enjoys the hard content but certain small populations dont keep DCUO alive or fun for the rest of us. My main is a cr102 Tank and I've ran Wave 6 times total...3 of them being wipes and uncompleted. The outcry of these difficulties left a bad taste in my mouth and in many many other player's mouths as well. Just having the idea of future hard raids makes me upset cause its not something I wanna experience ever again. I"m not asking for easy content either but when certain contant is so difficult to MAJORITY of the player base I feel dissapointed that its even being considered again. Wiping, getting KO'd, blame being thrown around, and just a general bad experience is unacceptable to me. I play for fun and want to experience all aspects of the story and have a chance at all the gear and loot but if there is going to be hard difficulty raids in the future on par with Wave then I feel that DCUO is granting its own game to part of its player base and part of it to "hardcore" content seekers. I'll enjoy the so called normal raid but I guess a year later after said DLC is out I may finally enjoy the difficult raid. Say if Halls of Power DLC 1 comes out and the easy raid is focused on Orion and the difficult raid is focused on Darkseid. Well I'd feel cheated out on the "cooler" or more popular character if most people cant complete it for half a year.

    What I'd like to see:
    I would much more love future DLC's to focus more on storyline progress and adding side storys rather than the idea of easy/hard content. Right beside the storyline I'd like more focus on roles of each stance playing a bigger part of the content. Example is in Nexus as a Tank I feel like all I do is block. In most alerts as a Tank I can grab aggro, do a bit of CC and most fun for me....I attack. I want my Tank in new content to not just throw a shield/heal/damage absorbtion and block the whole time. Why cant I knockdown the final boss at least once or twice? I'd love to pull a boss across the room at least once in the fight. Trolls and Healers need more actions too but thats another thread. All in all I just want GOOD content for EVERYONE (PUG''s being the focus) rather than difficulty teirs for casual and hardcore players.

    Hope this message was recieved as constructive opinion and not hating on something that has not happened yet. Just writing down my thoughts on what I like about DCUO and would like in the future.
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  9. lukelucky Devoted Player

    the only problem i saw with t5 raids was tanking paradox wave. not being able to even take half the side bosses hits for so long was frustrating. this however stemmed from not getting 87 and 88 gear not the raid itself. as a tank i can understand how this was frustrating. i appologize if i offend anyone but the sad truth is if dox was to hard for you, you simply stink. there is a huge boss and if he was faceing you then you could get hit. if he looks at you stop whatever your doing and move ASAP. nexus we blocked a lot but when prime came out i tanked it so undergeared i had to run from the tenacle. yes i was doing so as the first wave to beat prime so no we were not over powered at all. nexus was not much different than prime in the blocking manner. yes it took longer to take all of nexuses attacks but again that is due to lack of 87 and 88 gear not the actuall raid. this the content is to hard crap is beyond embarassing.

    the thing overlooked is we spend such a long time over powered and to strong for content. when a challange is presented its sloppy game play. most new guys never face adversity and the challanges the long time players faced and i think that plays a part in the lack of skilled gamers. this new set up is in my opinion the same as the fortress of solitudes. fos 2 was the hard raid. people would do fos1 and fos 3 but skip fos 2. this is the exact same as what they are purposeing.
    PLEASE understand its insulting to long time guys who have payed to play and are good to have a raid like nexus turned into a kiddie pool. as a full t5 guy at cr 100 your tuff enough to do all content. keep in mind this game is a lot of long grind and few challanges. it stinks when you get something new like the last boss of nexus which was a nice new challange be reduced to a t3 raid. i know its not but when you never block and run down the halls pulling ads the entire way and are out of nexus in 25 minutes its depressing. t4 content is being soloed. youtube solo gates. i hope people stop the crying stop asking to scale down content and actually embrace the challange. fyi when cr 95 was the thing to be i beat nexus with then the third and final tank power. cr 94 beat nexus as a fire tank and 95 with earth and ice.
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  10. Massah Committed Player

    I like the new Difficult and Normal

    Just would like some DLC Feats added in for completing all the DLC instances example - Fight for the Light has a 25 point feat under DLC and not under Fight for the Light DLC. It was a feat associated with completing the new content. Sorta like the Seasonal individual feats but then there is a more "Umbrella" Seasonal Feat. We are coming on DLC 10 so that would be 9 DLC 25 point feats that are missing.

    Lastly it would be greatly appreciated if you would allow all drops when the content is released and not "unlock" some drops at a later patch date. (Traces in Time Chest, Head, etc....+ the Consumable expert plans being unavailable when people were blowing thru replays...I get money needs to be made but makes me reluctant to spend replay badges on DLC launches in the foreseeable future.)
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  11. blizz New Player

    Hello, I like the stronger raid idea. My ask is, can you split the dlc up? A part of it every month would be nice. It doesn't have to be massive (a solo here,,a duo there). Comics come out once a month, sometimes the story is a stand alone story (khandaq) off the main plot. This would move the story (and us) along very well.You can sell it in parts then bundle it once its completed. I know i'm asking alot, but I had to ask. Thank You
  12. Visorak E New Player

    Spytle I was wondering I want to switch from rage to electric but i don't have lightning strikes dlc and im premium so can i still switch powers.
  13. Radium Devoted Player

    No, you'll need the DLC that the power was released in before you can switch to it.
  14. Dr celestino New Player

    o_O We love you ask for are feed back,On this part of the forum.But in this case, i dont think anyone can help its to developey and every thing sounds good as wello_O I will only say i wish yall can work on a bigger planet too explore and not nerf any powers no more.:cool:
  15. Defibrillate New Player

    I think the game needs more Boss Room 8-man type of raids. The whole aspect of working as a team is more pronounced in these types of raids. I love raiding Oan Sciencells and PB, and EO-PW. They have enough mini-bosses that also give awesome loots and feats that require a few runs for us to complete. Plus, these are either very fast to complete when done right, or near-impossible if people aren't cooperating. Tbh, that's what I truly enjoy the most- the challenge, and adrenaline rush.

    The complex ones are where most people ragequit. Remember when FOS2's bridge was the main turning point of the raid? Too many quitters, then progress isn't happening. These are the types of raids that make people shout for higher CR'd toons, thus limiting playability for everyone by these "pro" players
  16. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Well they're going to alternate big and small content DLC's, and they have stated they want all new tiers to start on a small DLC....

    DLC10 will be a small content and start T6 gear
    DLC11 will be large and T6
    DLC12 will be small and likely another level of T6 since I don't see them doing another tier every two DLC's...
    DLC13 will be large and likely the top T6 gear available
    DLC14 will be small and likely start T7 gear

    So my guess if four DLC's per tier, which means if they are able to keep on schedule we will get a tier per year.
  17. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    I think that Superpatriot made a very valid point. I believe that CR was not appropriate for the content. That was the problem. The Dev's wanted us to farm the raid, not beat the first day. However, people don't like doing that. They want to gear up quickly. Also, too, being full T5 was no guarantee that you could get through it successfully. That is very different than what we were used too. Once a person became full T5, they were under the impression that they should be able to storm the content, when that wasn't really the case. If they would have said that u need CR 90 for example, to enter Nex or Wave, but the suggested CR is 97, we would have been mentally prepared to face what we did. I love it either way, but OC was designed completely different than what we were used to.
  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I would actually like to see more of this two tank idea that was smart idea for AB but the delivery was wrong. Wanna see more of that.
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  19. Johnnylagz117 New Player

    Is this about packs we'd buy or just the set up of what they release bc if they could they should start some bundle packs when the next DLC comes out.

    If money's the worry have it have like Hand Of Fate with WoTL and FFTL. You know oldest , useful , newest for like 20$? Considering how FFTL probably isn't bought much the deal looks better than it is..and I'd buy it and I already have FFTL ...
  20. savageprime New Player

    GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DO!! Im a tank and I would love to see more tank directed jobs in raids. Something that only a tank can do...not some relentless anger charged up dps praying he doesnt crash while meleeing something.
    When my league has ran two tanks it plays out flawlessly. In dox one tank on boss while the other handles adds/player knockouts or whatever. I have never failed any raid running two tanks. Many controllers gave praise for the way AB played out and their direct requirements so Im sure you devs are aware of the need for the same for tanks and i have full trust and confidence that it will be delivered in future operations. Im just excited!! W00T
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