Putting on my player hat

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Feb 27, 2014.

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  1. Pop a Trinket dey sweatin Dedicated Player

    Good post spytle. I hope the weapon mastery adds some more variance/balance to the game.
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  2. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Have they done something special that other community members haven't? I'm sincerely confused about what singular achievement I am missing.
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  3. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    That's exactly what I was stating, and it is simply my player facing opinion. Some people may find it hard or exceptional on a kb/mouse, but I am not seeing it.
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  4. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    The created the wonderful and ever so important event called, Score Card Chasing :D How could you miss that Spytle o_O
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  5. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    What I am saying on the other thread, not this one, isn't as simple as you make it seem. Certain behaviors in game can become drivers for other behaviors. When those drivers become strong enough to cut off other viable options of play, then I see a potential issue to look into.

    No. I am saying he had Joe Montanna & Steve Young throwing to him, not to mention a good offensive line protecting them to do so.
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Well, in a way, he's like partially right. Around DLC3 was when light started to become #1, because up until that point no one really understood the potential. I don't even think the devs did. The mechanics of it were designed to be able to chain combo into a lot of powers. Everyone knew this, the problem is, if you go that route, you hardly can keep up your damage buff. Plus, precision on any gear was really low. Suddenly, a few players figured out about how you can clip the animation with an animation. The jump canceling was only a part of it. The fact you can hit a tray power over a combo is the big hit. It's like weapon clipping. It opened up the damage. Plus, T4 just came out and the precision stats were greatly increased.

    I wouldn't attribute it to only one player though, there were a lot that helped shape the standard combos for light.
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  7. Caseyyeah Committed Player

    Jesus Christ, brother. You do realize this is only a video game right? You're talking about striving to be the best, skill, competition, bringing up sports analogies, and calling people hypocrites... over a video game. Do you think this game is your job or something? I play this game to have fun and hang out with friends. I don't take it seriously. Video games are much more enjoyable and fun when you don't take them seriously. Try it.
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  8. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Ok, you convinced me. The HL players haven't achieved anything and aren't special at all. I'm dropping the topic.
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  9. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    I am not trying to convince you. I am asking.
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  10. Drifting Dreamer Steadfast Player

    I'll play devil's advocate:
    I will say that the hardlight players really did take clipping to an extreme level. They (a small group of them) worked very hard to 'perfect' a power and combat system to the point they did. There was also a lot of time put in by these players to teach and train others in how to clip like a boss. If I played HL I could see how this could create an issue for them, having to go back and master a new timing scheme. However, this is a MMO. Because it is not a static game, changes must be made constantly to, not only bring in new players, but continue to give the older players new challenges to face and keep them coming back. To say this is no longer a skill based game isn't exactly correct. Its just now using a different set of skills that many will just have to get used to.
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  11. Mad9 New Player

    It's not that difficult to master on a controller and it just needs a player to practice the rotations over a period of time and work it in an instance to perfect it. Skill is commonly defined as a learned ability to carry out a task. I have a character on PS and PC. I have always used a controller. Somehow, I could never get myself to play the game with a keyboard/mouse. In my opinion, a person who starts playing DCUO with a controller may never want to use a keyboard/mouse. Either way, most of these players have clocked many hours playing this game and are extremely skilled. To pass judgement on their skill on the basis of this or some random video would not be a fair assessment. Whatever Kaiser's art and craft be, he's very skilled and you will notice it when you actually play with him and see him in action in an instance. Not to mention the fact that the guy is pretty helpful, honest and open about his rotations and what you referred to as his craft.

    Again, I do not endorse him because I know him which I don't but I have observed him on the EUPC server and I'd like to give him respect he duly deserves. It is very easy to write off players than to appreciate what they do for the community and how they conduct themselves as players. I have seen you and captain liberty play as well and to be very honest your playstyles aren't very confident and neither do they actually belong anywhere near the so called elite gamers. There is truly a world of a difference between the developers and actual player community. Practice makes perfect and that differentiates the elite from the casual players. Again, I am not a elite player coz I can barely spare 10 to 15 hours a week.

    What is essentially a job for you is a true passion for the elite players. Please do not disregard their skill or input lightly.

    Someone once said: "Man has such a predilection for systems and abstract deductions that he is ready to distort the truth intentionally, he is ready to deny the evidence of his senses only to justify his logic.' Please don't be that man and try and be open to every possibility and only then can this be a healthy discussion. Also, I am not against balancing the game.

    Again, I fully appreciate the opportunity to give and receive feedback and also the fact that you have gone out of your way to involve and engage the community in discussing the future direction of the game.

    We are all very thankful to you.

    At the end of the day, we all have the best interests of DCUO in our hearts.

    Hope we can together create a DCUO which is loved by all.
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  12. Zur-En-Arrh28 New Player

    Spytle -

    I really like the thrust of this conversation. Let's get back to "Play YOUR Way" I've always loved that tagline.
    Keeping that in mind, I have an over-arching question that does in fact incorporate the two elements of play we're looking forward to in DLC10.

    When Tunso mentioned - "The damage potential of cross-weapon combos is tuned to compete with top-end combo-based power sets such as Celestial, Light, and Rage." I think it put a lot of things into perspective. I respect the honesty shown that most every competitive player has known (and often times grumbled about) for a few years.
    Flat out those powers WIN out in DPS (for different reasons)

    So - All that said. What is the FINAL GOAL of these changes? Is this in an effort to normalize ALL POWERS in DPS? I.e. I wont feel like I'm taking a step down in switching to Quantum, Fire, Elec... etc.?

    Maybe this is just the first step. Which is fine.

    PLAY YOUR WAY - is this what we're trying to achieve? Because if that's the case. It would be a game changer.
    This is partially a confession. I play whatever power I feel has the most DPS potential at the time (shame on me, I know) but if I knew switching to Quantum for example wasn't a step down. I would truly be PLAYING MY WAY.
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  13. Drakonicus New Player

    great post, minus the fact that "PLAY YOUR WAY" is about the finacial model
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  14. Zur-En-Arrh28 New Player

    Thanks Drak - Yes I know that. :) Just trying to infuse some more positive meaning to it to prove my point. Be happy DCUO!
  15. Drakonicus New Player

    Back to your post, yes thats seen to be the direction. To make like with wanna dps, you can do it with something that doesnt look like a cat high on catnip. For what i can tell. about 75% of the complains are from HL users, and about something they havent played with.
  16. Drakonicus New Player

    I am not a fotball fan, but thats gotta be one for the coolest things i have saw on this forums
  17. Jafin 10000 Post Club


    Plus this:

    I have seen Spytle comment on this saying something like it frustrates him when people throw around the "play your way" tagline because it refers only to how much you pay and when you pay (i.e. if you are Free, Premium or Legendary), it was never intended to have anything to do with the way you literally play the game.
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  18. Stitch Well-Known Player

    My problem with clipping and jump canceling in general is that it makes PVP very difficult for me being on PS3. I've seen people that are capable of clipping entire animations so I have no idea what type of counter I could use on them. People may just say "learn the moves and you'll know." Well, it's hard to learn the moves when you can't actually see them. Add to that the fact that the counter mechanics don't seem to be too consistent and you have Jugglefest 2014. Maybe it's just me, but clipping + inconsistent countering mechanics = unenjoyable PVP
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  19. TheMarvel New Player

    It's not. I often want to get back into PVP … but the state of it, for me, just kills the enjoyment factor it used to have.
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  20. Mad9 New Player

    Please don't mind but it is possible that you do not fully understand the PVP dynamics. PVP is not about fast paced action or mad clipping. If someone plays PVP the PVE style, then he's perhaps the easiest takedown in the arena. It is neither recommended not advisable to go clippity clip in a PVP match up.

    I say this on the strength of my PVP experience which is substantial and I have spend a huge time in PVP arenas. If someone is clip hungry, then block and wait for him to drop his blue bar which he shall in about two moves and they you can go about taking him out by outmaneuvering him and using your powers sensibly.

    PVP has more to do with blocking and block-breaking and attacking at opportunate moment and not running PVE rotations.
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