The Moon (5v5 Arena PvP) Not Rewarding Marks of Valor

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Shipoopi, Feb 25, 2014.

  1. Shipoopi New Player

    So I just ran some arenas, specifically The Moon, and we won the match but I did not receive a box of marks, nor marks added to my currency tab.

    Wondering if this is happening to everyone, every match or just a rare occurrence. Going to run another one and see if it happens again.


    Edit: Ran it again, as an arena, and lost. Still didn't recive any marks. I was speaking with someone on my team while in there who also confirmed that the legends version is also not giving marks.
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  2. villian O5 New Player

    Yes legends and arenas on PS is not giving marks. It also is not counting towards feats
  3. Crafty_Crafter Developer

    As mentioned in another thread, we've found the issue and are working to get a fix out to the servers as soon as we can. Sorry again for the inconvenience and we hope to have it resolved for you shortly.
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  4. villian O5 New Player

    So the people that won three match will be rewarded with what they did right?
  5. Dark1509 New Player

    Not possible m8 as the system atm dont count your win (part of the bug)
  6. Dark1509 New Player

    I suspect the root cause to be that the wrong moon map have been included in the update as this bug was not reported on the test server ;-)