What Is A Fire Tank?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TrueOlympus, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Fourth New Player

    But if fire tanks were dishing out heals as strong as healers as a tank, they wouldn't need a healer. Wouldn't that be OP? I mean, it's not like they're
    Rage tanks...
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  2. Little Sister New Player

    A Fire Tank is a warm friend :)
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  3. Dogico Loyal Player

    Couple things-

    1. We aren't supposed to heal back all damage taken, just a percentage with the rest coming from our healers. The percentage is pretty low (5-6%, the exact number is in Kristyana's guide) everything else is just gravy. For gear appropriate content the percentage of my damage in healed is around 10-15%, when overgeared it can get up to 35-40%.
    2. Our restoration does not affect healers' heals. We get 80% innate healing bonus, plus 10% with Home Turf mod and 5% with seasonal consumables; those are the only ways to increase incoming heals from healers.
    3. Our health does not get buffed 250%. Idk what some of these fire tanks stats are but I'm sitting at 10100ish base health and 1700ish base dom and my buffed health is 20000ish. Never before has my health doubled or been close to doubling, so idk what y'all are doing to get a 250% increase.
    4. That 3 man Nexus with a fire tank is ******* awesome, give the man his props. I'd bet there are plenty of full 90 Ice tanks who couldn't do that.

    I've said before that I don't think we really need much, maybe just a slight (10-15%) boost to self healing. The way fire has been the only thing I've ever had trouble tanking was Wave when it first came out. FOS 2, Prime, Seeds, Nexus, A&B, all appropriately difficult and doable at cr appropriate levels.
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  4. Kristyana New Player

    I would take Backdraft over Inescapable Storm any day of the week :p

    Regarding the healing, I do wish it was stronger, but the main reason for the self healing is to help out your healer with your HP gap. If your HP gets buffed over 180% of normal, you should be able to self heal for the difference. That's something not a lot of fire tanks or healers understand.

    I will admit that's getting much harder in T5 content though.
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  5. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I see what you did there! lol.

    But really, Rage in the right hands is godly, but in the wrong hands... CRASH... dead tanks everywhere!
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  6. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    It would be very hard for a Fire Tank to ever get heals as strong as a Healer since not being able to spec into your critical innates deeply impacts healing powers.

    Simply put, a Fire Tank’s heals would be the same as a Healer with the same effective restoration who hasn’t spec’d into the innates.

    That said, if a Fire Tank is spec’d into all their healing innates and has the same effective restoration as similarly spec’d Healer, they why shouldn’t their ability to heal themselves be equivalent?

    Furthermore, Rage Tank self-heals are dictated by damage received vs. Fire Tank self-heals being dictated by their effective resto, spec and power used.

    In the end, I don’t think this would make Fire Tanks “OP” plus focusing your entire build on self-heals has a lot of drawbacks.
  7. space outlaw Well-Known Player

    nerfed(by accident)????... It seems it wasn't a accident to me if it was nerfed that bad imo
  8. TrueOlympus New Player

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  9. Kristyana New Player

  10. TrueOlympus New Player

    The devs incompetence is not the fault of one person. Its the fault of a bunch of people who choose to neglect a mistake they made. How does a WHOLE TEAM of people forget to undo a temporary fix???
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  11. space outlaw Well-Known Player

  12. Ice Lantern New Player

    Fire tanking was a great idea at first. But it is poorly conceptualized when you consider the rest of the game. It assumes that healers are going to allow tanks to sit at 80 health so they can just heal themselves. But healers don't play that way and even if they did, healers can't choose who the heals go to.

    For fire to be on par with Ice, it need many more powers that heal significantly to put it on par with Ice's shield and rage mode.
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  13. Jamie New Player

    I hope you no longer point out bugs that benefit the community. It's a shame that you tried to do the right thing and the dev's decide to use it as an opportunity to screw over the community.
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  14. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Yeah... really sucks when people take the time to give good thorough feedback that's tested and all that, take the time to give comparisons, give a suggestion that's within reason. Then BOOM SMASH nerf hammer completely kills the ability instead of the little tap it needed *looks over at 1h* */mourn staff*
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  15. OGM_Madness New Player

    The difference with Tank & Healer, is that Healers are granted more Restoration while being in Healer Role. This means that a Healer with 1800 restoration (adding everything from SP, gear, etc). will have 3600. Meanwhile, Tanks with same restoration will have 1800 restoration. Now, in Healer Role, Dominance = Restoration, so your effective Restoration is Resto = DOM + Resto (usually Dominance is a very small number, so I guess this is a way for that tiny amount to not go to waste).

    For Fire Tanks, Dominance affects healing too. Problem with Dominance is that it is a b!tch to increase, since all mods or SP will give you very amount amounts, while Restoration given from Mods & SP is more plenty.

    Also, is there any proof that Restoration does NOT affect the healing you take in by healers, but only the healing effects that come from you? I have some discussions with a mate and this information will be very helpful.
  16. Alexonic Committed Player

    your resto doesn't affect the healing you take in by healers

    i'm 100% sure of that
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  17. TrueOlympus New Player

    your 100% right
  18. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    First, NO Healer-class power is granted more resto when in Healer stance.

    Healer-class powers are given a 65% buff to all healing powers when in Healer stance.

    Thus 1800 resto is 1800 resto regardless of the stance of a Healer-class player.

    Second, dom and resto are combined for all roles to become your “effective resto”.

    Meaning a Healer with 1800 resto and 50 dom and a Tank with 925 resto and 925 dom would both have 1850 effective resto.

    Third, dom doubles when Tank and Controller-class powers are in their support stances, thus the reason dom bonuses seem “smaller” than resto.

    Also, since Tank and Controller-class players gain bonuses to heals and shields from both dom and resto, there is no reason for dom to equal that of resto.

    Finally, resto and healing criticals does NOT affect healing-in for ANY role and Fire Tanks receive an 80% buff to healing-in.

    My argument is that the Fire Tank self-heals aren’t designed properly because a Tank and a Healer with the same effective resto using HOT or burst powers to heal themselves should receive similar heals if neither is spec’d into their healing critical stats.

    Especially when you factor in that Healers receive a 65% buff to heals while Tanks receive a 80% buff to healing-in. Meaning that a Tank should be able to heal oneself to a similar degree as a Healer if using similarly designed powers.
  19. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    TrueOlympus is right. Someone always has to ask for it don't they? Lol!
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  20. Sytenia Committed Player

    Restoration does not affect incoming heals. You're better off taking the dominance for fire because it adds to your health at 2.2HP per point of dominance, 4.4HP per point effectively because dominance doubles in tank role.