If clipping was intended...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by microokedletter, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. microokedletter New Player

    If clipping IS intended, why is it not in the tutorial? I've been playing DCUO since before the servers merged (I'm from DNG), and I would have never known what clipping was until someone told me about it. After the merge I even held group tutorials teaching many people in my old league how to clip. In my opinion it's an unknown advantage that some players have over others in PvP, PvE, Legends, and even getting to 30.

    I think that the animations of this game are one of it's pulls, but I also like to clip because it helps with any role you are trying to play.

    Please create a way for players to learn how to play the game the way it was "intended".

    On another note, please add an option to skip the tutorial once it has been completed on another character. :D

    EDIT: If clipping WAS -> If clipping IS
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  2. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    There's a lot of thing not in the tutorial.
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  3. Sylo Committed Player

    Because its a hidden mechanic intended for only the advanced.....according to mepps.
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  4. microokedletter New Player

    Well, even more of a reason to fix it! Could you expand on this?

    For the advanced? :\ And who exactly is the advanced? Players will never know what it is until the word comes across their screen and they ask themselves, "What is clipping?". From what I know, the world of MMOs isn't sunshine and rainbows. There are players willing to answer the question and players who will just ignore the question and leave. Why not just teach everyone how to do it and let them find their flow from there.
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  5. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    There is no tutorial.

    They dont tell you how to play any role either, does that mean roles arent intended?

    Devs have stated numerous times that clipping IS intended
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  6. microokedletter New Player

    I don't know why you're trying to turn this into something it's not. If they don't tell you how to play the roles, why don't they? If they don't tell you how to clip, why don't they? From your comment it sounds to me that putting people on even footing is a bad thing.

    I singled out clipping because I think that it's a very important aspect of the game that some players may never know.

    EDIT: In fact, the tutorial doesn't even need to be changed, a block of text, an instructional video, a mission, anything would do.
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  7. Rebelled New Player

    I can't see devs saying "We've spent months working on these animations.. but If you want to skip them and do more damage, here's how!"
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  8. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I highly doubt there are many people who don't clip. I was doing it for well over a year before I even knew there was a name for it or that it was a thing. It's one of those things you just naturally discover when you're playing I think.
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  9. microokedletter New Player

    That is exactly what they are saying though. Clipping is intended remember?

    I completely agree with what you're saying. This thread is for those who don't know how to clip, the casual gamer, and the newbie. Something that may come natural to you may never happen for someone else.

    It's like playing basketball. You can dribble, run and take shots, but crossing someone, making plays and sinking those shots are on a whole different level.
  10. OPgeared New Player

    So you are basing your argument off that if there is no tutorial then its an exploit ? LOL stop it, your killing me

    Ok, have you even tried to learn how to clip on your own ? You will find out a few things very fast, like in 2 mins that not everything can be clipped together. Sodas and trinkets clip anything. All hold moves (Without a cast bar) can be clipped for full damage.

    You don't need your hand held.
  11. Rebelled New Player

    I've heard of clipping but I've never done it, never tried to either. Maybe once I reach raiding and stuff I'll try to learn but until then, I don't want to miss out on the animations, which I really enjoy.
  12. IGotYA New Player

    This should have ended the thread tbh, Plus almost every game has hidden/advanced mechanics
    that are not teached on tutorials.
    Go play League of legends/dota do the tutorial, you will see nothing mentioning "Orb walking" one of the most
    needed and used mechanics of the game.
    Go play Counter Strike there is no Tutorial mentioning how to "bunny hop' used to move fast around the maps
    while not making the footstep noises.

    Everyone playing the game for more than 2 weeks clipped something while playing,
    doing that weapon combo but realise you are about to die and use a soda=Clipping.
  13. Jurgen Blitz Dedicated Player

    Hey, P0T mechanics aren´t in the tutorial eityher. Or double-ticking. Yet it can happen. It´´s one of these things that you discover along the way and help you improve. Like clipping
  14. TheChromeKnight Well-Known Player

    If I remember right, clipping WAS intended, but it wasn't intended to be used offensively.
    One used to be able to clip powers with block and other beneficial powers.
    They removed block-cancelling, implemented cast bars and back-loaded weapon combo damage to discourage it, but eventually came to the conclusion that offensive clipping could not be prevented without a complete change to combat mechanics.
    So they had no choice but to embrace it.

    This was from a conversation I had at the time, with someone involved in trying to solve the problem.
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  15. The dark knight New Player

    Because how you clip is not only dependent on the powerset a player uses, but even on the loadout a player uses, AND also depends on the movement type (p.e. jump cancel won't work if you levitate).

    There are just too many variables to make a clipping tutorial in the game.
  16. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    Like it or not, clipping is here to stay.

    Please move along, nothing to see here....
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  17. microokedletter New Player

    If that's all you're getting from what I'm saying then you're ignorance is all I see. Seriously though this isn't a remove clipping thread or anything, learn how to read. This thread is about TEACHING players. In fact there are plenty of problems with the knowledge of our players that could be changed, easily.

    Again, no where in my post did I say anything about taking clipping out.

    Why are people getting so defensive. Are you scared of playing with or against people that know what they're doing?

    Damn, all they have to do is put a block of text in the tutorial or at any point in the game saying "clipping is animation cancelling, here's how to do it", it could pop up in their mail once they hit 30 or any time.

    I understand what you're saying but it's not at all the same. There's no text that pops up saying "clip" every time you clip. There is however blue numbers that pop up every tick, and an icon that appears below your health bar when you have a PoT on.

    You're right. If I remember correctly all those changes were because people created macros that let them do tons of damage in less than a second, completely destroying PvP.

    TLDR; This is about TEACHING players. People have made points about other factors in the game that aren't taught. Question is, why not? If you have a problem with people learning, you're what's wrong with the DCUO community.
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  18. stayphokus New Player

    clipping has been around since old school fighting games
    some clipping is harmless
    most of it is exploited like Amon sur's ram block breaker
    or Jon Stuarts bat
  19. Symonator New Player

    IN a recent live stream they said it was not an intended mechanic and it will be looked into.
  20. geostew Well-Known Player

    Yea I don't understand why everyone is against the OPs intent in this post. He just want's education of players so that everyone has the equal opportunity to be the best they can at this game. It seems like those who know how to clip and do all the uber DPS want to stay on top of the charts with their edge they currently have so their egos can stay stroked.
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