Celebrate Valentine's Day in DC Universe Online!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Will we ever get a new version of this event? Different event plus new feats?
  2. AuroraDawn New Player

    Does this also mean the trinket will never return?
  3. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    What about the seasonal collections?!
  4. Killgasm Well-Known Player

    Don't forget Vandal Savage made his only DCUO appearance in the Valentine's event!
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  5. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    I literally just sat here and watch this whole vid.
    It doesn't seem that bad. No more than the other silly seasonal "talk to so and so/go here/carry this/get that/queue up" events.
    Maybe being in Cherub form might have been something we could have done without.
    But I could see me being really bored one night and doing this.
    Too bad I wasn't around back then.
    I like to do everything just for the experience.
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  6. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    Could there ever be a different event for valentines. I never tried the original one. I would like to have a event. Freebies are always nice to have but, you could add joker and, harley to valentines next year I think that could be interesting for a event.
  7. MercPony Devoted Player

    Last year you could still find those so I'd assume same thing this year?
  8. dcuo gamer Committed Player

  9. dcuo gamer Committed Player

    Really?! No newer clothing styles followed by more character models, more inventory spaces, banks, and shared banks?

  10. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    I don't know...I didn't learn about the game with in the game until I was picked up by my first league. So getting collections i was not big on...I don't think I have any valentines ones. I didn't really start learning until the spring seasonal event time when I was in my first league Honorable Justice.
  11. MercPony Devoted Player

    Well the Valentine's ones don't reward anything overly great but they will drop on other collection nodes in the open world at random. Here's the list of them:

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  12. Dametria Loyal Player

    Umm...those things would be nice, but my post was to say thank you for what they gave us. I happen to really like my base's and I <3 base stuff for my bases.

    And all the things you listed are not normally items we get for seasonals. What do shared banks have to do with V-Day? Nothing.

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  13. Gwalir Loyal Player

    You ought to release it again on April 1st.

    It'd be a great April Fools' joke. :p
  14. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I loved it! There was so much to do! If it had a different skin on it, people would have liked it.
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  15. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    But as was made ​​clear will not have this event. No matter whether or not liked it.
    At least this time they gave Any response. Not made ​​fools of us as it has done over the fact that the languages ​​of the game.:rolleyes:
  16. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    Ok. So you play this seasonal as an obese baby. Right. SOE spent money on creating this seasonal. I'm not against free feats or anything, but the environment, soundtrack, and dialogue in the videos in this thread seemed interesting enough.

    Unless the DEV teams plan on creating a Star Sapphire St. Valentine's day seasonal in the future, I support the return of this one. Something is better than nothing, savvy? These seasonal missions don't seem any more annoying than the Toyman missions to me.
  17. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I'd rather see a Mad Love Valentine's seasonal.
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  18. BumblingB I got better.

    No, because Booster Gold's voice is no more.

    Also, I'd rather they redid the event with Star Sapphires, that would be cool and make a heck of a lot more sense. Kind of like the winter event is greed oriented, the vday event would be love. Brilliant!
  19. xmac17x New Player

    We get the Trinket Feats but NO TRINKETS!!!! LAMMMEEEE!
  20. BriWi Well-Known Player

    So, are you saying that DCUO will never have a Valentine's Day event, or that it's just the original event that's been cancelled and someday there may be a different valentine's day event developed? I was hoping with the Cupid Easter egg in the Tunnel of Lust instance, there could be some event based on love vs lust.