The Final Revamp....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Red Hood, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    TB is costy, too far down the tree, and is slow
  2. Twilight Man New Player

  3. Titans1373 Dedicated Player

    Electricity. Can be flawless on rotations and still get blown away by other power sets. Heals are pretty good but after the sorcery redo fell to bottom of the food chain.
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  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Earth and electricity cant even compete with fire, thats how bad they need a revamp. Yes fire does need some work, but man not as much as Earth and electricity.

    Bringing an earth or electric dps is like bringing pillows to a gun fight. However at least with fire you are bringing a knife to the fight.
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  5. TheMarvel New Player

    Earth, Iconics, Electricity. In that Order.
  6. Kharhaz Committed Player

    Earth range could do with a pick me up. :)
  7. Horrorshow New Player

    I would say both electric and earth. If I had to choose between the two then it would be electric. Mainly the DPS side of electricity needs to be looked at.
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  8. Caseyyeah Committed Player

    Electric, then Earth, then fire.
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  9. X-zero Loyal Player

    Fire could use a better revamp, but if only one could get one I would throw it to Earth. Electric need some attention too but they could fix most of that in hot fixes.
  10. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Great question. Earth or electricity.

    Personally I love electricity and would live to see what they could do with it now.

  11. Alexonic Committed Player

    dps: buff tesla ball and static push damage;
    buff electrostatic bomb dmg and make it no needs interactions
    increase voltaic bolt range and make it no needs interactions to do his dot and make it electrifies enemies (i want this power be like divine light of celestial).
    if you do this, elec will not need a 35% finisher or 60% cast power.

    healer: make electrogenesis equal to consume soul of celestial, i mean 100% like consume soul, so it will give heals overtime to all players of the group and it will be without couldown (like consume soul);
    arch lightning must heals the 4 most injured group mates;
    flux must be a 4-man shield like the other healers shields, and his graphic must be like group transducer cause is cooler.

    dps: buff mass detonation, fireburst and spontaneous combustion dmg;
    remove one of wildfire or flame cascade to put a power like napalm granade, that is instant, aoe, inflicts combustion and does good dmg (or just buff meteor dmg).

    tank: add an aoe pull from range, like rage and ice, that give you heals overtime;
    then i always wanted a power that allows you to do an error (like ice has reflection and rage has his 8-seconds skill), i mean a power that allows you to say "ok, i'm immortal for the next 5 seconds".
    i know that this last idea will never happen. (i just want that also fire and earth can have their skill that allows you to say "i'm immortal for the next 5 seconds")

    troll: make impact gives the pot;
    make hand clap the defence debuff or make entrap equal to stasis field of the gadget and though boubble of the mental

    never used it, but i know it needs a revamp.
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  12. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    ...Do you mean Mass Terror?
  13. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    If you're going to bring up a situation like fos2 bridge then you shouldn't say that a power like earth has it better. No earth tank is going to sit there and spam the single pull 6 times. Earth tanks have to do the exact same thing fire tanks do and that's use the 360 pull, which is better anyway.
  14. Erza Scarnet New Player

    earth doesn't need a revamp, at least not tank role, dps needs a serious revamp though
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  15. The Hornet New Player

    I don't understand the problem with earth tanking. Our league runs an earth tank who's phenomenal. Earth tanking ain't broke at all, and it's also pretty solid in pvp.
  16. X hood Well-Known Player

    It's earth dps. It's honestly crap compared to others in terms of range. And we can't melee in t5 raids or risk being killed lol. Btw I saw your 5 man nexus run before, the earth tank was pretty awesome :)
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  17. The dark knight New Player

    Of course, all the powers mentioned (earth, ice, fire, electricity) are in some way unbalanced compared to the other powers in the game.
    earth's jackhammer aftershock is basically the same thing as HL-, celest- and rage-combos, but with the difference that jackhammer aftershock costs mana, whereas the combos of the ofther powers don't. Still I think earth is a decent melee power.
    Electricity is of course the worst thing while we're at power issues, but at least it does decent damage and is not too slow.
    Ice may indeed be considered OP in tank role, but since it's apparent (and a good thing, I think) that the devs want a different concept for every tanking power, how could you debuff the role without taking away the shields?

    However, if only one more power were to be revamped, I'd vote for Fire, no doubt. Damage has been drastically debuffed and combined with cast times, the power is - as someone else recently put it - high risk, no reward. Also, in Tank role, while fire is quick, fire is the only power that has to rely on the healer 100% (almost). In T5 raids there is no way a fire tank can survive if the healers are dead or the healers just suck. Who gets blamed? The tank. Although it's the healers' fault.
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  18. Skyris Allen Well-Known Player

    Heres one._._
    Js Kidding Electric deserves it more.
    Earth Can be Hotfixed. Although the animations will need revamp because they suck.
    Earth and ELectric equally needs on in terms of being ignored 4 so long
    Hotfix HL Entrap
    Hotfix Power overwrites
  19. Ch3wtobacco New Player

    the freaking on-duty GUI... its seriously underpowered... getting pretty tired of entering and exiting the damn thing to get it to work properly
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  20. the solowing Unwavering Player

    im sorry but can you link me the url to this gif xD